export CODENAME="squeeze" export DEBVERSION="fusionforge" export OFFICIAL="FusionForge50" export OFFICIAL_VAL=0 export OUT="images" export ARCHES=`dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH` # Don't include the manual or release notes, respectively, to save space. export OMIT_MANUAL=1 export OMIT_RELEASE_NOTES=1 export simple_cdd_temp="$simple_cdd_dir/tmp.$(dpkg --print-architecture)/" # location of the CD image (used with qemu's -cdrom option) cd_img="$OUT/${CDNAME:-debian}-$(echo $DEBVERSION | sed -e 's/[. ]//g')-$(echo $ARCHES | tr ' ' '-')-CD-1.iso" export cd_img # You can use a alternative splash image using a PNG image (640 x 480, # 4-bit colormap, non-interlaced), other formats should work but weren't # tested. Keep in mind that the alternative splash image will be displayed # only at the installer boot prompt. export SPLASHPNG="$simple_cdd_dir/profiles/fusionforge.png" # Define the CD label export DISKINFO="Simple-cdd Installer: Debian GNU/Linux $DEBVERSION $CODENAME $(date --utc +%Y%m%d)" debian_mirror_extra="http://debian.fusionforge.org/debian-trk" mirror_components_extra="main"