Searchs for the next "Index:" line * * @param &array The file lines array * @param int position in the array where this index is found * @param int position where to begin searching from * @param boolean Whether itīs a plugin diff or the main gforge plugin * @param string The module name * @param boolean true on success, false on EOF * */ function searchNextIndex(&$lines,&$position,$beginfrom,$isplugin,$module) { $i = $beginfrom; while ( ($i Searchs for the next "Index:" line * * @param &array The file lines array * @param int position in the array where the first "@@" line is found * @param int position where to begin searching from * @param boolean Whether itīs a plugin diff or the main gforge plugin * @param string The module name * @param boolean whether EOF was found instead of "@@" or "Index:" lines * @param boolean true on success * */ function searchFirstModification(&$lines,&$firstmodposition,$beginfrom,$isplugin,$module,&$foundEOF) { $i = $beginfrom; $foundEOF = false; while ( ( $i < count($lines) ) ) { if ($isplugin) { //if itīs a plugin, add the plugin relative path to the file path if (preg_match('/^--- /',$lines[$i])) { $lines[$i] = "--- " . "plugins/" . $module . "/" . substr($lines[$i],4); } if (preg_match('/^\+\+\+ /',$lines[$i])) { $lines[$i] = "+++ " . "plugins/" . $module . "/" . substr($lines[$i],4); } } if (preg_match('/^@@/',$lines[$i])) { $firstmodposition = $i; return true; } $i++; } $foundEOF = true; return true; } /** * searchSecondModification -> Searchs for the next "Index:" line * * @param &array The file lines array * @param int position in the array where the second "@@" line is found (if it is) * @param int position in the array where the first "@@" line was found * @param boolean whether a new index was found instead of a second "@@" line * @param if $foundnewindex is true, this indicates the position where this new index has been found * @param boolean whether EOF was found instead of "@@" or "Index:" lines * @param boolean whether a "version" line was found in the first "@@" section * @param int position where to begin searching from * @param boolean Whether itīs a plugin diff or the main gforge plugin * @param string The module name * @param boolean true on success * */ function searchSecondModification(&$lines,&$secondmodposition,$firstmodposition,&$foundnewindex,&$new_indexposition,&$foundEOF,&$foundversion,$isplugin,$module) { $i = $firstmodposition + 1; $foundversion = false; $foundEOF = false; $foundnewindex = false; while ( ($i $lines[($i+1)] if ( (preg_match('/@version[\s|\t]+\$Id$lines[$i])) && (preg_match('/@version[\s|\t]+\$Id$lines[$j])) ) { // only if thereīs a - version and a + version (changed version) $foundversion = true; echo "." ; } if (preg_match('/^Index:/',$lines[$i])) { $new_indexposition = $i; $foundnewindex = true; if ($isplugin) { //if itīs a plugin, add the plugin relative path to the file path $lines[$i] = "Index: " . "plugins/" . $module . "/" . substr($lines[$i],7); } return true; } $i++; } $foundEOF = true; return true; } /** * parseDiffs -> read the files in the current dir and parse the .diff files * */ function parseDiffs() { $current=getcwd(); //open current directory for reading $handle=opendir("."); while ($filename = readdir($handle)) { //Don't add special directories '..' or '.' to the list if (($filename!='..') && ($filename!='.') && (strstr($filename,".diff") && (filesize($filename)>0))) { // only get the diff files if (!strstr($filename,"gforge")) { $isplugin = true; } else { $isplugin = false; } echo "Parsing file $filename ...\n"; parseDiff($filename,$isplugin); } } closedir($handle); } /** * testPatch -> simulates a patching process * * @param array the plugins info * @param boolean Output the patching process? * * @return boolean true on success */ function testPatch($plugins,$debug) { global $old_branch_is_date,$old_branch,$cvsmodule; echo YELL . "Performing test of the created patch. Proceeding to update CVS to old versions...\n" . NORMAL; //now we change the plugins to update to the old branch instead. for ($i=0;$i just grabs the parsed diffs and joins them into 1 big file * */ function joinDiffs() { $current=getcwd(); //open current directory for reading $handle=opendir("."); echo "Creating joined file GFORGEPATCH ...\n"; while ($filename = readdir($handle)) { //Don't add special directories '..' or '.' to the list if (($filename!='..') && ($filename!='.') && (strstr($filename,".diff") && (strstr($filename,"parsed-")) && (filesize($filename)>0))) { // only get the diff files file_put_contents("GFORGEPATCH",file_get_contents($filename),FILE_APPEND); } } closedir($handle); if (is_file("GFORGEPATCH")) { echo GREEN . "File GFORGEPATCH created...\n" . NORMAL; } else { echo RED . "File GFORGEPATCH couldnīt be created successfully\n" . NORMAL; exit(); } } /** * parseDiff -> update the plugins from cvs * * @param string The file name * @param boolean Whether itīs a plugin diff or the main gforge plugin * @param boolean true on success, false on failure * */ function parseDiff($filename,$isplugin) { if (! ($vals = file_get_contents($filename)) ){ echo RED . "Failed to open file $filename \n" . NORMAL; return false; } $lines = explode("\n",$vals); //now we have the lines in an array for ($i=0;$i0) { //remove the " ? filename" lines for ($i=0;$i<$indexposition;$i++) { $linestowrite[$i] = 0; } } do { searchFirstModification($lines,$firstmodposition,$indexposition,$isplugin,$module,$foundEOF); //search for first @@ line //weird condition -> i found one diff that had an index and no @@... the file hadnīt been modified. the program crashed. this fixes it if ($foundEOF) { //ignore this last index and finish for ($i=$indexposition;$i updates gforge and the plugins from cvs * * @param string Branch to update to * @param boolean Whether the branch is a date * @param array of plugins * @param boolean is this a test? * @return boolean true on success, exits on failure * */ function updateAll($branch,$branch_is_date,$plugins,$test) { global $cvsmodule,$cvsroot; echo "Updating to " . $branch . " branch...\n"; chdir ($cvsmodule); if ($branch_is_date) { exec("cvs -Q -d " . $cvsroot . " update -dP -D $branch 2>>/tmp/patchmaker-errorlog",$out,$return_value); // returns 0 on success... thatīs why the return_value var } else { exec("cvs -Q -d " . $cvsroot . " update -dP -r $branch 2>>/tmp/patchmaker-errorlog",$out,$return_value); // returns 0 on success... thatīs why the return_value var } if ($return_value != 0) { die(RED . "Could not update from cvs, exiting...\n" . NORMAL); } echo GREEN . "Module " . $cvsmodule . " updated successfully.\n" . NORMAL; if (!empty($plugins)) { if (!is_dir('plugins')) { if (!mkdir('plugins')) { die(RED . "Could not create dir plugins, exiting...\n" . NORMAL); } echo "Dir plugins Created.\n"; } else { echo "Dir plugins already exists.\n"; } if (!updatePlugins($plugins,!$test)) { exit(); } } return true; } /** * updatePlugins -> update the plugins from cvs * * @param array Plugins that will be updated * @param boolean Whether to create the diffs or just update. True by default * @return boolean true on success, false on failure * */ function updatePlugins($plugins,$creatediffs=true) { global $authentication,$cvsuser,$cvsserver,$cvspath; chdir("plugins"); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { //if the plugin has different cvspath use it, else use the original one ($plugin['cvspath'])?$path=$plugin['cvspath']:$path=$cvspath; ($plugin['authentication'])?$auth=$plugin['authentication']:$auth=$authentication; ($plugin['cvsuser'])?$user=$plugin['cvsuser']:$user=$cvsuser; $cvsroot = ":" . $auth . ":" . $user . "@" . $cvsserver . ":" . $path; if (!(is_dir($plugin['name']))) { //only checkout if thereīs nothing in here echo "Checking out " . $plugin['cvsmodule'] . "...\n"; exec("cvs -Q -d " . $cvsroot . " checkout " . $plugin['cvsmodule'] . " 2>>/tmp/patchmaker-errorlog",$out,$return_value); if ($return_value != 0) { die(RED . "Could not checkout module " . $plugin['cvsmodule'] . " from cvs, exiting...\n" . NORMAL); } echo GREEN . "Module " . $plugin['cvsmodule'] . " checked out successfully.\n" . NORMAL; //rename the dir if (exec("mv " . $plugin['cvsmodule'] . " " . $plugin['name'])) { //mv returns 0 on succes... die(RED . "Could not rename the dir " . $plugin['cvsmodule'] . ", exiting...\n"); } echo "Dir " . $plugin['cvsmodule'] . " renamed to " . $plugin['name'] . "\n"; } else { echo BLUE . "Module " . $plugin['cvsmodule'] . " has already been checked out before.\n" . NORMAL; } echo "Updating " . $plugin['name'] . " to " . $plugin['new_branch'] . " branch...\n"; chdir ($plugin['name']); if ($plugin['new_branch_is_date']) { exec("cvs -Q -d " . $cvsroot . " update -dP -D " . $plugin['new_branch'] . " 2>>/tmp/patchmaker-errorlog",$out,$return_value); // returns 0 on success... thatīs why the return_value var } else { exec("cvs -Q -d " . $cvsroot . " update -dP -r " . $plugin['new_branch'] . " 2>>/tmp/patchmaker-errorlog",$out,$return_value); // returns 0 on success... thatīs why the return_value var } if ($return_value != 0) { die("Could not update" . $plugin['name'] . "from cvs, exiting...\n"); } echo GREEN . "Module " . $plugin['name'] . " updated successfully.\n" . NORMAL; if ($creatediffs) { echo "Creating the diff for module " . $plugin['name'] . "...\n"; if ($plugin['new_branch_is_date']) { if ($plugin['old_branch_is_date']) { exec("cvs -Q -d " . $cvsroot . " diff -BbuN -D " . $plugin['old_branch'] . " -D " . $plugin['new_branch'] . " > ../../../" . $plugin['name'] . ".diff 2>>/tmp/patchmaker-errorlog"); } else { exec("cvs -Q -d " . $cvsroot . " diff -BbuNr " . $plugin['old_branch'] . " -D " . $plugin['new_branch'] . " > ../../../" . $plugin['name'] . ".diff 2>>/tmp/patchmaker-errorlog"); } } else { if ($plugin['old_branch_is_date']) { exec("cvs -Q -d " . $cvsroot . " diff -BbuN -D " . $plugin['old_branch'] . " -r " . $plugin['new_branch'] . " > ../../../" . $plugin['name'] . ".diff 2>>/tmp/patchmaker-errorlog"); } else { exec("cvs -Q -d " . $cvsroot . " diff -BbuNr " . $plugin['old_branch'] . " -r " . $plugin['new_branch'] . " > ../../../" . $plugin['name'] . ".diff 2>>/tmp/patchmaker-errorlog"); } } if ((!(file_exists("../../../".$plugin['name'].".diff"))) || ((filesize("../../../".$plugin['name'].".diff")) < 1) ){ if ((filesize("../../../".$plugin['name'].".diff")) < 1) { echo BLUE . "The diff for " . $plugin['name'] . " is empty... ---> " . $plugin['name'] . ".diff" . "\n" . NORMAL; unlink("../../../" . $plugin['name'] . ".diff"); } else { die("Could not create the diff, exiting...\n"); } } else { echo GREEN . "Diff created successfully ---> " . $plugin['name'] . ".diff" . ".\n" . NORMAL; } } chdir (".."); // return to plugins dir } chdir (".."); //return to main module dir return true; } /* MAIN */ if ($only_parse_diffs) { chdir($new_branch); parseDiffs(); joinDiffs(); exit(); } if ($only_test_patch) { chdir($new_branch); if (testPatch($plugins,$debug_patch_output)) { echo GREEN . "GFORGEPATCH file applied successfully, you can distribute the file\n" . NORMAL ; } else { echo RED . "GFORGEPATCH file couldnīt be applied correctly, please check the errors and correct manually\n" . NORMAL ; } exit(); } // get the cvs version of new branch echo "Creating Dir " . $new_branch . " ...\n"; $makedir = true; if (is_dir(getcwd() . "/" . $new_branch)) { echo BLUE . "Dir " . $new_branch . " already exists.\n" . NORMAL; echo BLUE . "The files are going to be changed. Continue? (Y/N) :" . NORMAL; $sure = fread($STDIN,1); if ( ($sure!='y') && ($sure!='Y') ) { die(RED . "Exiting...\n"); } fclose($STDIN); $makedir = false; } if ($makedir) { if (!mkdir(getcwd() . "/" . $new_branch)) { die(RED . "Could not create dir $new_branch, exiting...\n"); } echo "Dir " . $new_branch . " Created.\n"; } chdir($new_branch); if (!(is_dir($cvsmodule))) { //only checkout if thereīs nothing in here echo "Checking out " . $cvsmodule . "...\n"; exec("cvs -Q -d " . $cvsroot . " checkout $cvsmodule 2>>/tmp/patchmaker-errorlog",$out,$return_value); if ($return_value != 0) { die("Could not checkout from cvs, exiting...\n"); } echo GREEN . "Module " . $cvsmodule . " checked out successfully.\n" . NORMAL; } else { echo BLUE . "Module " . $cvsmodule . " has already been checked out before.\n" . NORMAL; } updateAll($new_branch,$new_branch_is_date,$plugins,0); echo "Creating the diff for module " . $cvsmodule . "...\n"; if ($new_branch_is_date) { if ($old_branch_is_date) { exec("cvs -Q -d " . $cvsroot . " diff -BbuN -D $old_branch -D $new_branch > ../$cvsmodule.diff"); } else { exec("cvs -Q -d " . $cvsroot . " diff -BbuNr $old_branch -D $new_branch > ../$cvsmodule.diff"); } } else { if ($old_branch_is_date) { exec("cvs -Q -d " . $cvsroot . " diff -BbuN -D $old_branch -r $new_branch > ../$cvsmodule.diff"); } else { exec("cvs -Q -d " . $cvsroot . " diff -BbuNr $old_branch -r $new_branch > ../$cvsmodule.diff"); } } chdir (".."); if ((!(file_exists("$cvsmodule.diff"))) || ((filesize("$cvsmodule.diff")) < 1) ){ if ((filesize("$cvsmodule.diff")) < 1) { echo BLUE . "The diff for " . $cvsmodule . " is " . getcwd() . $cvsmodule . ".diff" . ".\n" . NORMAL; } else { die(RED . "Could not create the diff, exiting...\n" . NORMAL); } } else { echo GREEN . "Diff created successfully ---> " . $cvsmodule . ".diff" . ".\n" . NORMAL; } parseDiffs(); joinDiffs(); if (testPatch($plugins,$debug_patch_output)) { echo GREEN . "GFORGEPATCH file applied successfully, you can distribute the file\n" . NORMAL ; } else { echo RED . "GFORGEPATCH file couldnīt be applied correctly, please check the errors and correct manually\n" . NORMAL ; } /* END MAIN */ /**** END PROGRAM ****/ ?>