getDefaultServer(); } } if ( !$purpose && ($sys_project_reg_autoapprove == true) ) { $purpose = 'No purpose given, autoapprove was on'; } $group = new Group(); $u =& session_get_user(); $res = $group->create( $u, $full_name, $unix_name, $description, $purpose, 'shell1', $scm_host, $is_public ); if ($res && forge_get_config('use_scm') && $plugin) { $group->setUsesSCM (true) ; $res = $group->setPluginUse ($scm, true); } else { $group->setUsesSCM (false) ; } if (!$res) { form_release_key(getStringFromRequest("form_key")); $error_msg .= $group->getErrorMessage(); } else { $HTML->header(array('title'=>_('Registration complete'))); if ( $sys_project_reg_autoapprove != true ) { printf(_('

Your project has been submitted to the %1$s administrators. Within 72 hours, you will receive notification of their decision and further instructions.

Thank you for choosing %1$s

'), forge_get_config ('forge_name')); } else if ($group->isError()) { printf(_('
ERROR: %1$s
'), $group->getErrorMessage() ); } else { printf(_('Approving Project: %1$s'), $group->getUnixName()).'
'; if (!$group->approve( user_get_object_by_name ( $sys_project_reg_autoapprove_user ) ) ) { printf(_('
Approval ERROR: %1$s
'), $group->getErrorMessage() ); } else { $hook_params = array () ; $hook_params['group_id'] = $group_id ; plugin_hook ("group_approved", $hook_params) ; plugin_hook('add_cal_group',$group_id); printf(_('

Your project has been automatically approved. You should receive an email containing further information shortly.

Thank you for choosing %1$s

'), forge_get_config ('forge_name')); } } $HTML->footer(array()); exit(); } } } else if (getStringFromRequest('i_disagree')) { session_redirect("/"); } else { $full_name = ''; $purpose = ''; $description = ''; $unix_name = ''; $scm = ''; $feedback = ''; } site_header(array('title'=>_('Register Project'))); echo '

' . _('Register Project') . '

'; ?>

'.$index.'. '._('Project full name').''; echo _('You should start with specifying the name of your project. The "Full Name" is descriptive, and has no arbitrary restrictions (except a 40 character limit).

Full Name:
'); ?> '.$index.'. '._('Project Purpose And Summarization').''; echo '

'; printf(_('Please provide detailed, accurate description of your project and what %1$s resources and in which way you plan to use. This description will be the basis for the approval or rejection of your project\'s hosting on %1$s, and later, to ensure that you are using the services in the intended way. This description will not be used as a public description of your project. It must be written in English.'), forge_get_config ('forge_name')); echo '

'; echo ''; } ?> '.$index.'. '. _('Project Public Description').''; echo '

'; echo _('This is the description of your project which will be shown on the Project Summary page, in search results, etc. Maximum length is 255 chars.'); echo '

'; ?> '.$index.'. '._('Project Unix Name').''; printf(_('In addition to full project name, you will need to choose short,"Unix" name for your project.

The "Unix Name" has several restrictions because it is used in so many places around the site. They are:

Your unix name is important, however, because it will be used for many things, including:

Unix Name:
'), forge_get_config('web_host')) ?> getSCMs() ; if (forge_get_config('use_scm') && count($scm_plugins) > 0) { $index++; echo '

'.$index.'. '._('Source Code').'

'; echo _('

You can choose among different SCM for your project, but just one (or none at all). Please select the SCM system you want to use.

')."\n"; echo ''; echo ''; foreach($scm_plugins as $plugin) { $myPlugin= plugin_get_object($plugin); echo ''; } echo '
'._('SCM Repository').':'._('No SCM').''.$myPlugin->text.'
'."\n"; } if ($sys_use_private_project) { $index++; echo '

'.$index.'. '._('Visibility'). '

'; echo '

'. _('Public').'

'; echo '

'. _('Private').'

'; } else { echo ''; } ?>