Plugin() ; $this->name = "mantisbt" ; $this->text = "MantisBT" ; // To show in the tabs, use... $this->_addHook('user_personal_links'); //to make a link to the user's personal part of the plugin $this->_addHook('usermenu'); $this->_addHook('groupmenu'); // To put into the project tabs $this->_addHook('groupisactivecheckbox'); // The "use ..." checkbox in editgroupinfo $this->_addHook('groupisactivecheckboxpost'); // $this->_addHook('userisactivecheckbox'); // The "use ..." checkbox in user account $this->_addHook('userisactivecheckboxpost'); // $this->_addHook('project_admin_plugins'); // to show up in the admin page fro group $this->_addHook('change_cal_permission'); $this->_addHook('change_cal_mail'); $this->_addHook('add_cal_link_father'); $this->_addHook('del_cal_link_father'); $this->_addHook('group_approved'); $this->_addHook('group_delete'); $this->_addHook('group_update'); } function CallHook ($hookname, &$params) { global $G_SESSION, $HTML; $returned = false; switch ($hookname) { case "usermenu": { $text = $this->text; // this is what shows in the tab if ($G_SESSION->usesPlugin($this->name)) { $param = '?type=user&id=' . $G_SESSION->getId() . '&pluginname=' . $this->name; // we indicate the part we're calling is the user one echo $HTML->PrintSubMenu(array($text), array('/plugins/mantisbt/index.php' . $param )); } break; } case "groupmenu": { $group_id=$params['group']; $project = group_get_object($group_id); if (!$project || !is_object($project) || $project->isError() || !$project->isProject()) { return; } if ($project->usesPlugin($this->name)) { $params['TITLES'][]=$this->text; $params['DIRS'][]='/plugins/' . $this->name . '/?type=group&id=' . $group_id . '&pluginname=' . $this->name; } if ($params['toptab'] == $this->name) { $params['selected']=(count($params['TITLES'])-1); } break; } case "user_personal_links": { // this displays the link in the user's profile page to it's personal MantisBT (if you want other sto access it, youll have to change the permissions in the index.php $userid = $params['user_id']; $user = user_get_object($userid); $text = $params['text']; //check if the user has the plugin activated if ($user->usesPlugin($this->name)) { echo '

' ; echo util_make_link ("/plugins/mantisbt/index.php?id=$userid&type=user&pluginname=".$this->name, _('View Personal MantisBT') ); echo '

'; } break; } case "project_admin_plugins": { // this displays the link in the project admin options page to it's MantisBT administration $group_id = $params['group_id']; $group = group_get_object($group_id); if ( $group->usesPlugin ( $this->name ) ) { echo util_make_link ("/plugins/mantisbt/index.php?id=$group_id&type=admin&pluginname=".$this->name, _('View Admin MantisBT') ); echo '
'; } break; } case "group_approved": { $group_id=$params['group_id']; $group = group_get_object($group_id); if ($group->usesPlugin($this->name)) { // ajout du projet mantis s'il n'existe pas if (!$this->isProjetMantisCreated($group->data_array['group_id'])){ $this->addProjetMantis($group->data_array['group_id'],$group->data_array['group_name'],$group->data_array['is_public'], $group->data_array['short_description']); } // mise a jour des utilisateurs avec les roles $members = array(); foreach($group->getMembers() as $member){ $members[] = $member->data_array['user_name']; } $this->updateUsersProjetMantis($group->data_array['group_id'],$members); } break; } case "change_cal_permission": { // mise a jour des utilisateurs avec les roles $group_id=$params[1]; $group = group_get_object($group_id); $members = array (); foreach($group->getMembers() as $member){ $members[] = $member->data_array['user_name']; } $this->updateUsersProjetMantis($group->data_array['group_id'],$members); break; } // mise a jour de l'adresse mail utilisateur case "change_cal_mail": { $user_id=$params[1]; $this->updateUserInMantis($user_id); break; } case "add_cal_link_father": case "del_cal_link_father": { $sub_group_id = $params[0]; $group_id = $params[1]; $this->refreshHierarchyMantisBt(); break; } case "group_delete": { $group_id=$params['group_id']; $group = group_get_object($group_id); if ($group->usesPlugin($this->name)) { if ($this->isProjectMantisCreated($group_id)) { $this->removeProjectMantis($group_id); } } break; } case "group_update": { $group_id = $params['group_id']; $group_name =$params['group_name']; $group_ispublic = $params['group_ispublic']; $group = group_get_object($group_id); if ($group->usesPlugin($this->name)) { if ($this->isProjectMantisCreated($group_id)) { if ($this->updateProjectMantis($group_id, $group_name, $group_ispublic)) { $returned = true; } } else { $returned = true; } } else { $returned = true; } break; } } return $returned; } /** * groupisactivecheckboxpost - overwrite default function : initialize plugin * * @return bool success or not */ function groupisactivecheckboxpost(&$params) { // this code actually activates/deactivates the plugin after the form was submitted in the project edit public info page $group = group_get_object($params['group']); $flag = strtolower('use_'.$this->name); $returned = false; if ( getStringFromRequest($flag) == 1 ) { if (!$this->isProjectMantisCreated($group->getID())){ if($this->addProjectMantis($group)) { $members = array(); foreach($group->getMembers() as $member){ $members[] = $member->getUnixName(); if($this->updateUsersProjectMantis($group, $members)) { $group->setPluginUse($this->name); $returned = true; }; } } } else { $group->setPluginUse($this->name); $returned = true; } } else { $group->setPluginUse($this->name, false); $returned = true; } return $returned; } /** * addProjectMantis - inject the Group into Mantisbt * * @param int The Group Id * @return bool success or not */ function addProjectMantis($groupId) { $groupObject = group_get_object($groupId); $project = array(); $project['name'] = $groupObject->getPublicName(); $project['status'] = "development"; if ($groupObject->isPublic()) { $project['view_state'] = 10; }else{ $project['view_state'] = 50; } $project['description'] = $groupObject->getDescription(); try { $clientSOAP = new SoapClient(forge_get_config('server_url','mantisbt')."/api/soap/mantisconnect.php?wsdl", array('trace'=>true, 'exceptions'=>true)); $idProjetMantis = $clientSOAP->__soapCall('mc_project_add', array("username" => forge_get_config('adminsoap_user', 'mantisbt'), "password" => forge_get_config('adminsoap_passwd', 'mantisbt'), "project" => $project)); } catch (SoapFault $soapFault) { $groupObject->setError('addProjectMantis::Error: ' . $soapFault->faultstring); return false; } if (!isset($idProjetMantis) || !is_int($idProjetMantis)){ $groupObject->setError('addProjectMantis::Error: ' . _('Unable to create project in Mantisbt')); return false; }else{ $res = db_query_params('INSERT INTO group_mantisbt (id_group, id_mantisbt) VALUES ($1,$2)', array($groupObject->getID(), $idProjetMantis)); if (!$res) { $groupObject->setError('addProjectMantis::Error: ' . _('db_error') . ' ' .db_error()); return false; } } return true; } function removeProjectMantis($idProjet) { $resIdProjetMantis = db_query_params('SELECT group_mantisbt.id_mantisbt FROM group_mantisbt WHERE group_mantisbt.id_group = $1', array($idProjet)); echo db_error(); $row = db_fetch_array($resIdProjetMantis); if ($row == null || count($row)>2) { echo 'removeProjetMantis:: ' . _('No project found'); }else{ $idMantisbt = $row['id_mantisbt']; try { $clientSOAP = new SoapClient(forge_get_config('server_url','mantisbt')."/api/soap/mantisconnect.php?wsdl", array('trace'=>true, 'exceptions'=>true)); $delete = $clientSOAP->__soapCall('mc_project_delete', array("username" => forge_get_config('adminsoap_user','mantisbt'), "password" => forge_get_config('adminsoap_password','mantisbt'), "project_id" => $idMantisbt)); } catch (SoapFault $soapFault) { echo $soapFault->faultstring; } if (!isset($delete)){ echo 'removeProjetMantis:: ' . _('No project found in MantisBT') . ' ' .$idProjet; }else{ db_query_params('DELETE FROM group_mantisbt WHERE group_mantisbt.id_mantisbt = $1', array($idMantisbt)); echo db_error(); } } } /** * updateProjectMantis - update the Group informations into Mantisbt * @param int id of the Group * @param string group name * @param int public or private * @return bool success or not */ function updateProjectMantis($groupId,$groupName, $groupIspublic) { $groupObject = group_get_object($groupId); $projet = array(); $project['name'] = $groupName; $project['status'] = "development"; // should check the config on mantisbt side and not used hard coded values if ($groupIspublic) { $project['view_state'] = 10; } else { $project['view_state'] = 50; } $idMantisbt = getIdProjetMantis($groupId); if ($idMantisbt) { try { $clientSOAP = new SoapClient(forge_get_config('server_url','mantisbt')."/api/soap/mantisconnect.php?wsdl", array('trace'=>true, 'exceptions'=>true)); $update = $clientSOAP->__soapCall('mc_project_update', array("username" => forge_get_config('adminsoap_user','mantisbt'), "password" => forge_get_config('adminsoap_password','mantisbt'), "project_id" => $idMantisbt, "project" => $project));; } catch (SoapFault $soapFault) { $groupObject->setError('updateProjectMantis::Error' . ' '. $soapFault->faultstring); return false; } if (!isset($update)) { $groupObject->setError('updateProjectMantis::Error' . ' ' . _('Update MantisBT project')); return false; } } else { $groupObject->setError('updateProjectMantis::Error ' . _('ID MantisBT project not found')); return false; } return true; } /** * isProjectMantisCreated - check if the Project is already created * * @param int the Group Id * @return boolean created or not */ function isProjectMantisCreated($idProjet){ $resIdProjetMantis = db_query_params('SELECT group_mantisbt.id_mantisbt FROM group_mantisbt WHERE group_mantisbt.id_group = $1', array($idProjet)); if (!$resIdProjetMantis) return false; if (db_numrows($resIdProjetMantis) > 0) { return true; }else{ return false; } } function updateUserInMantis($user_id) { global $sys_mantisbt_host, $sys_mantisbt_db_user, $sys_mantisbt_db_password, $sys_mantisbt_db_port, $sys_mantisbt_db_name; // recuperation du nouveau mail $resUser = db_query_params ('SELECT user_name, email FROM users WHERE user_id = $1',array($user_id)); echo db_error(); $row = db_fetch_array($resUser); $dbConnection = db_connect_host($sys_mantisbt_db_name, $sys_mantisbt_db_user, $sys_mantisbt_db_password, $sys_mantisbt_host, $sys_mantisbt_db_port); if(!$dbConnection){ $errMantis1 = "Error : Could not open connection" . db_error($dbConnection); echo $errMantis1; db_rollback($dbConnection); } else { db_query_params('UPDATE mantis_user_table set email = $1 where username = $2',array($row['email'],$row['user_name']),'-1','0',$dbConnection); echo db_error(); } } /** * updateUsersProjectMantis - inject Username in mantisbt for specific project * * @param int Group Id * @param array Unix username array * @return boolean success or not */ function updateUsersProjectMantis($groupId, $members) { $groupObject = group_get_object($groupId); $returned = false; global $role; // @TODO put that in config file ? if ($role == null){ $role['Manager'] = 70; $role['Concepteur'] = 55; $role['Collaborateur'] = 55; $role['Rapporteur'] = 55; } // @TODO : make a robust function there based on RBAC ? $stateForge = array(); foreach ($members as $key => $member){ $resUserRole = db_query_params('SELECT role.role_name FROM role, user_group, users WHERE users.user_name = $1 AND ( user_group.user_id = users.user_id AND user_group.group_id = $2 ) AND user_group.role_id = role.role_id', array($member, $groupObject->getID)); if (!$resUserRole) { $groupObject->setError('updateUsersProjectMantis::'. _('Error : Cannot retrieve information about role') . ' ' .db_error()); return $returned; } else { $row = db_fetch_array($resUserRole); $stateForge[$member]['name'] = $member; $stateForge[$member]['role'] = $row['role_name']; } } if ($this->__getDBType() === "pgsql") { if ($this->__updateUsersProjectMantisPgsql($groupObject, $stateForge)) { $returned = true; } } return $returned; } function refreshHierarchyMantisBt(){ global $sys_mantisbt_host, $sys_mantisbt_db_user, $sys_mantisbt_db_password, $sys_mantisbt_db_port, $sys_mantisbt_db_name; $hierarchies=db_query_params('SELECT project_id, sub_project_id FROM plugin_projects_hierarchy WHERE activated=true',array()); echo db_error(); $dbConnection = db_connect_host($sys_mantisbt_db_name, $sys_mantisbt_db_user, $sys_mantisbt_db_password, $sys_mantisbt_host, $sys_mantisbt_db_port); if(!$dbConnection){ db_rollback($dbConnection); return false; } db_begin($dbConnection); db_query_params('TRUNCATE TABLE mantis_project_hierarchy_table', array() , '-1', 0, $dbConnection); while ($hierarchy = db_fetch_array($hierarchies)) { $result = db_query_params ('INSERT INTO mantis_project_hierarchy_table (child_id, parent_id, inherit_parent) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)', array (getIdProjetMantis($hierarchy['sub_project_id']), getIdProjetMantis($hierarchy['project_id']), 1), '-1', 0, $dbConnection); if (!$result) { $this->setError(_('Insert Failed') . db_error($dbConnection)); db_rollback(); return false; } } db_commit($dbConnection); pg_close($dbConnection); return true; } /** * __updateUsersProjectMantisPgsql - update Users for this project in PostgreSQL DB * * @param int this Group Id * @param array the role of this forge * @return boolean success or not * @private */ function __updateUsersProjectMantisPgsql($groupId, $stateForge) { $groupObject = group_get_object($groupId); $returned = false; $dbConnection = db_connect_host(forge_get_config('db_name','mantisbt'), forge_get_config('db_user','mantisbt'), forge_get_config('db_password','mantisbt'), forge_get_config('db_host','mantisbt'), forge_get_config('db_port','mantisbt')); if(!$dbConnection) { $groupObject->setError('updateUsersProjectMantis::'. _('Error : Could not open connection') . db_error($dbConnection)); db_rollback($dbConnection); }else{ $idMantis = getIdProjetMantis($groupObject->getID()); $result = pg_delete($dbConnection,"mantis_project_user_list_table",array("project_id"=>$idMantis)); if (!$result){ echo 'updateUsersProjectMantis::Error '. _('Unable to clean roles in Mantisbt'); }else{ foreach($stateForge as $member => $array){ $resultIdUser = db_query_params('SELECT FROM mantis_user_table WHERE mantis_user_table.username = $1', array($member), '-1', 0, $dbConnection); $rowIdUser = db_fetch_array($resultIdUser); $idUser = $rowIdUser['id']; $resultInsert = pg_insert($dbConnection, "mantis_project_user_list_table", array("project_id" => $idMantis, "user_id" => $idUser, "access_level" => $role[$array['role']]) ); if (!isset($resultInsert)) { echo 'updateUsersProjectMantis::Error '. _('Unable to update roles in mantisbt'); } else { $returned = true; } } } } return $returned; } /* * __getDBType - return the type of DB used for mantisbt * * @return string type of the DB * @private */ function __getDBType() { switch (forge_get_config('db_name','mantisbt')) { case "pgsql": { return "pgsql"; break; } default: { return false; break; } } } } function getIdProjetMantis($groupId) { $group = group_get_object($groupId); $resIdProjetMantis = db_query_params('SELECT group_mantisbt.id_mantisbt FROM group_mantisbt WHERE group_mantisbt.id_group = $1', array($groupId)); if (!$resIdProjetMantis) { $group->setError('getIdProjetMantis::error ' .db_error()); return 0; } $row = db_fetch_array($resIdProjetMantis); if ($row == null || count($row)>2) { $group->setError('getIdProjetMantis::error ' . _('ID project not found')); return 0; }else{ return $row['id_mantisbt']; } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // c-file-style: "bsd" // End: ?>