t = array( "sp" => array(), "op"=>array() ); foreach( $namespaces as $short=>$long ) { $this->ns( $short, $long ); } $this->ns( "foaf", "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/" ); $this->ns( "dc", "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" ); $this->ns( "dct", "http://purl.org/dc/terms/" ); $this->ns( "rdf", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" ); $this->ns( "rdfs", "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#" ); $this->ns( "owl", "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#" ); $this->ns( "xsd", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#" ); $this->ns( "cc", "http://creativecommons.org/ns#" ); $this->ns( "bibo", "http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/" ); $this->ns( "skos", "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#" ); $this->ns( "geo", "http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#" ); $this->ns( "sioc", "http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#" ); $this->ns( "oo", "http://purl.org/openorg/" ); $this->loaded = array(); $this->debug = false; $this->firstGraphURI = null; if( $uri ) { $this->forceString( $uri ); $this->load( $uri ); } $this->bnodeprefix = 0; } public function cacheDir( $dir, $age = 86400 ) # default age is 24 hours { $error = ""; if( !file_exists( $dir ) ) { $error = "No such directory: $dir"; } elseif( !is_dir( $dir ) ) { $error = "Not a directory: $dir"; } elseif( !is_writable( $dir ) ) { $error = "Not writable: $dir"; } if( $error ) { print ""; } else { $this->cacheDir = $dir; $this->cacheAge = $age; } } public function setDebug( $boolean ) { $this->debug = $boolean; } function removeFragment( $uri ) { return preg_replace( "/#.*/", "", $uri ); } function loaded( $uri ) { if( !array_key_exists( $this->removeFragment( $uri ), $this->loaded ) ) { return false; } return $this->loaded[$this->removeFragment( $uri )]; } public function load( $uri, $aliases = array(), $map = array() ) { $this->forceString( $uri ); $uri = $this->expandURI( $uri ); if( substr( $uri,0,5 ) == "data:" ) { $data = urldecode( preg_replace( "/^data:[^,]*,/","", $uri ) ); $parser = ARC2::getTurtleParser(); $parser->parse( $uri, $data ); } else { if( $this->loaded( $uri ) !== false ) { return $this->loaded( $uri ); } if( isset($this->cacheDir) ) { $filename = $this->cacheDir."/".md5( $this->removeFragment( $uri ) ); if( !file_exists( $filename ) || filemtime($filename)+$this->cacheAge < time() ) { # decache if out of date, even if we fail to re cache. if( file_exists( $filename ) ) { unlink( $filename ); } $url = $uri; $ttl = 16; $mime = ""; $old_user_agent = ini_get('user_agent'); ini_set('user_agent', "PHP\r\nAccept: application/rdf+xml"); while( $ttl > 0 ) { $ttl--; # dirty hack to set the accept header without using curl if( !$rdf_fp = fopen($url, 'r') ) { break; } $meta_data = stream_get_meta_data($rdf_fp); $redir = 0; if( @!$meta_data['wrapper_data'] ) { fclose($rdf_fp); continue; } foreach($meta_data['wrapper_data'] as $response) { if (substr(strtolower($response), 0, 10) == 'location: ') { $newurl = substr($response, 10); if( substr( $newurl, 0, 1 ) == "/" ) { $parts = preg_split( "/\//",$url ); $newurl = $parts[0]."//".$parts[2].$newurl; } $url = $newurl; $redir = 1; } if (substr(strtolower($response), 0, 14) == 'content-type: ') { $mime = preg_replace( "/\s*;.*$/","", substr($response, 14)); } } if( !$redir ) { break; } } ini_set('user_agent', $old_user_agent); if( $ttl > 0 && $mime == "application/rdf+xml" && $rdf_fp ) { # candidate for caching! if (!$cache_fp = fopen($filename, 'w')) { echo "Cannot write file ($filename)"; exit; } while (!feof($rdf_fp)) { fwrite( $cache_fp, fread($rdf_fp, 8192) ); } fclose($cache_fp); } @fclose($rdf_fp); } } if( isset( $filename ) && file_exists( $filename ) ) { $parser = ARC2::getRDFXMLParser(); $parser->parse( $uri, file_get_contents($filename) ); } else { $parser = ARC2::getRDFParser(); # Don't try to load the same URI twice! if( !isset( $this->firstGraphURI ) ) { $this->firstGraphURI = $uri; } $parser->parse( $uri ); } } $errors = $parser->getErrors(); $parser->resetErrors(); if( sizeof($errors) ) { if( $this->debug ) { print "

Error loading: $uri

"; print ""; } return 0; } $this->loaded[$this->removeFragment( $uri )] = $this->addTriples( $parser->getTriples(), $aliases, $map ); return $this->loaded( $uri ); } function loadSPARQL( $endpoint, $query ) { return $this->load( $endpoint."?query=".urlencode($query) ); } function addTurtle( $base, $data ) { $parser = ARC2::getTurtleParser(); $parser->parse( $base, $data ); $errors = $parser->getErrors(); $parser->resetErrors(); if( sizeof($errors) ) { if( $this->debug ) { print "

Error loading turtle string

"; print ""; } return 0; } return $this->addTriples( $parser->getTriples() ); } function addRDFXML( $base, $data ) { $parser = ARC2::getRDFXMLParser(); $parser->parse( $base, $data ); $errors = $parser->getErrors(); $parser->resetErrors(); if( sizeof($errors) ) { if( $this->debug ) { print "

Error loading RDFXML string

"; print ""; } return 0; } return $this->addTriples( $parser->getTriples() ); } function addBnodePrefix( $uri ) { return preg_replace( "/^_:/", "_:g" . $this->bnodeprefix . "-", $uri ); } function addTriples( $triples, $aliases = array(), $map = array() ) { $this->bnodeprefix++; foreach( $triples as $t ) { $t["s"] = $this->addBnodePrefix( $this->cleanURI($t["s"]) ); if( !isset($map[$t["s"]]) ) { continue; } $t["p"] = $this->cleanURI($t["p"]); if( $t["p"] != "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs" ) { continue; } $aliases[$this->addBnodePrefix( $t["o"] )] = $t["s"]; } foreach( $triples as $t ) { $datatype = $t["o_datatype"]; if( $t["o_type"] == "literal" && !$datatype ) { $datatype = "literal"; } $this->addTriple( $t["s"], $t["p"], $t["o"], $datatype, $t["o_lang"], $aliases ); } return sizeof( $triples ); } function addTriple( $s,$p,$o,$o_datatype=null,$o_lang=null,$aliases=array() ) { $s = $this->addBnodePrefix( $this->cleanURI( $s ) ); if( $o_datatype != "literal" ) { $o = $this->addBnodePrefix( $this->cleanURI( $o ) ); } if( isset($aliases[$s]) ) { $s=$aliases[$s]; } if( isset($aliases[$p]) ) { $p=$aliases[$p]; } if( isset($aliases[$o]) ) { $o=$aliases[$o]; } if( isset( $o_datatype ) && $o_datatype ) { if( $o_datatype == 'literal' ) { $o_datatype = null; } $this->t["sp"][$s][$p][] = array( "v"=>$o, "d"=>$o_datatype, "l"=>$o_lang ); } else { $this->t["sp"][$s][$p][] = $o; } $this->t["op"][$o][$p][] = $s; } public function toArcTriples() { $arcTriples = array(); foreach( $this->allSubjects() as $s ) { $arcTriples = array_merge( $arcTriples, $s->toArcTriples( false ) ); } return $arcTriples; } public function serialize( $type = "RDFXML" ) { $serializer = ARC2::getSer( $type, array( "ns" => $this->ns ) ); return $serializer->getSerializedTriples( $this->toArcTriples() ); } public function cleanURI( $uri ) { if( !$uri ) { return; } return preg_replace( '/^(https?:\/\/[^:\/]+):80\//','$1/', $uri ); } public function primaryTopic( $uri = null ) { if( !$uri ) { $uri = $this->firstGraphURI; } if( !$uri ) { return new Graphite_Null($this->g); } $this->forceString( $uri ); return $this->resource( $uri )->get( "foaf:primaryTopic", "-foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf" ); } public function ns( $short, $long ) { if( preg_match( '/^(urn|doi|http|https|ftp|mailto|xmlns|file|data)$/', $short ) ) { print ""; exit; } $this->ns[$short] = $long; } public function resource( $uri ) { $this->forceString( $uri ); $uri = $this->expandURI( $uri ); return new Graphite_Resource( $this, $uri ); } public function allOfType( $uri ) { return $this->resource( $uri )->all("-rdf:type"); } public function shrinkURI( $uri ) { $this->forceString( $uri ); if( $uri == "" ) { return "* This Document *"; } foreach( $this->ns as $short=>$long ) { if( substr( $uri, 0, strlen($long) ) == $long ) { return $short.":".substr( $uri, strlen($long )); } } return $uri; } public function expandURI( $uri ) { $this->forceString( $uri ); if( preg_match( '/:/', $uri ) ) { list( $ns, $tag ) = preg_split( "/:/", $uri, 2 ); if( isset($this->ns[$ns]) ) { return $this->ns[$ns].$tag; } } return $uri; } public function allSubjects() { $r = new Graphite_ResourceList( $this ); foreach( $this->t["sp"] as $subject_uri=>$foo ) { $r[] = new Graphite_Resource( $this, $subject_uri ); } return $r; } public function allObjects() { $r = new Graphite_ResourceList( $this ); foreach( $this->t["op"] as $object_uri=>$foo ) { $r[] = new Graphite_Resource( $this, $object_uri ); } return $r; } public function dump($options=array()) { $r = array(); foreach( $this->t["sp"] as $subject_uri=>$foo ) { $subject = new Graphite_Resource( $this, $subject_uri ); $r []= $subject->dump($options); } return join("",$r ); } public function forceString( &$uri ) { if( is_object( $uri ) ) { $uri = $uri->toString(); } return $uri; } } class Graphite_Node { function __construct( $g ) { $this->g = $g; } function isNull() { return false; } function has() { return false; } function get() { return new Graphite_Null($this->g); } function type() { return new Graphite_Null($this->g); } function label() { return "[UNKNOWN]"; } function hasLabel() { return false; } function all() { return new Graphite_ResourceList($this->g, array()); } function types() { return $this->all(); } function relations() { return $this->all(); } function load() { return 0; } function loadSameAs() { return 0; } function loadSameAsOrg($prefix) { return 0; } function loadDataGovUKBackLinks() { return 0; } function dumpText() { return "Non existant Node"; } function dump() { return "
Non-existant Node
"; } function nodeType() { return "#node"; } function __toString() { return "[NULL]"; } function toString() { return $this->__toString(); } protected function parsePropertyArg( $arg ) { if( is_a( $arg, "Graphite_Resource" ) ) { if( is_a( $arg, "Graphite_InverseRelation" ) ) { $this->g->forceString( $arg ); return array( "op", "$arg" ); } $this->g->forceString( $arg ); return array( "sp", "$arg" ); } $set = "sp"; if( substr( $arg,0,1) == "-" ) { $set = "op"; $arg = substr($arg,1); } return array( $set, $this->g->expandURI( "$arg" ) ); } } class Graphite_Null extends Graphite_Node { function nodeType() { return "#null"; } function isNull() { return true; } } class Graphite_Literal extends Graphite_Node { function __construct( $g, $triple ) { $this->g = $g; $this->triple = $triple; $this->v = $triple["v"]; } function __toString() { return $this->triple["v"]; } function dumpValueText() { $r = '"'.$v.'"'; if( isset($this->triple["l"]) && $this->triple["l"]) { $r.="@".$this->triple["l"]; } if( isset($this->triple["d"]) ) { $r.="^^".$this->g->shrinkURI($this->triple["d"]); } return $r; } function dumpValueHTML() { $v = htmlspecialchars( $this->triple["v"],ENT_COMPAT,"UTF-8" ); $v = preg_replace( "/\t/", "[tab]", $v ); $v = preg_replace( "/\n/", "[nl]
", $v ); $v = preg_replace( "/\r/", "[cr]", $v ); $v = preg_replace( "/ +/e", "\"\".str_repeat(\"␣\",strlen(\"$0\")).\"\"", $v ); $r = '"'.$v.'"'; if( isset($this->triple["l"]) && $this->triple["l"]) { $r.="@".$this->triple["l"]; } if( isset($this->triple["d"]) ) { $r.="^^".$this->g->shrinkURI($this->triple["d"]); } return $r; } function nodeType() { if( isset($this->triple["d"]) ) { return $this->triple["d"]; } return "#literal"; } function dumpValue() { return "".$this->dumpValueHTML().""; } } class Graphite_Resource extends Graphite_Node { function __construct( $g, $uri ) { $this->g = $g; $this->g->forceString( $uri ); $this->uri = $uri; } public function get( /* List */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); if( $args[0] instanceof Graphite_ResourceList ) { $args = $args[0]; } if( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = func_get_arg( 0 ); } $l = $this->all( $args ); if( sizeof( $l ) == 0 ) { return new Graphite_Null($this->g); } return $l[0]; } public function getString( /* List */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); if( $args[0] instanceof Graphite_ResourceList ) { $args = $args[0]; } if( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = func_get_arg( 0 ); } $l = $this->all( $args ); if( sizeof( $l ) == 0 ) { return; } return $l[0]->toString(); } public function allString( /* List */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); if( $args[0] instanceof Graphite_ResourceList ) { $args = $args[0]; } if( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = func_get_arg( 0 ); } $l = array(); foreach( $this->all( $args ) as $item ) { $l []= $item->toString(); } return new Graphite_ResourceList($this->g,$l); } public function has( /* List */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); if( $args[0] instanceof Graphite_ResourceList ) { $args = $args[0]; } if( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = func_get_arg( 0 ); } foreach( $args as $arg ) { list( $set, $relation_uri ) = $this->parsePropertyArg( $arg ); if( isset($this->g->t[$set][$this->uri]) && isset($this->g->t[$set][$this->uri][$relation_uri]) ) { return true; } } return false; } public function all( /* List */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); if( $args[0] instanceof Graphite_ResourceList ) { $args = $args[0]; } if( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = func_get_arg( 0 ); } $l = array(); $done = array(); foreach( $args as $arg ) { list( $set, $relation_uri ) = $this->parsePropertyArg( $arg ); if( !isset($this->g->t[$set][$this->uri]) || !isset($this->g->t[$set][$this->uri][$relation_uri]) ) { continue; } foreach( $this->g->t[$set][$this->uri][$relation_uri] as $v ) { if( is_array( $v ) ) { $l []= new Graphite_Literal( $this->g, $v ); } else if( !isset($done[$v]) ) { $l []= new Graphite_Resource( $this->g, $v ); $done[$v] = 1; } } } return new Graphite_ResourceList($this->g,$l); } public function relations() { $r = array(); if( isset( $this->g->t["sp"][$this->uri] ) ) { foreach( array_keys( $this->g->t["sp"][$this->uri] ) as $pred ) { $r []= new Graphite_Relation( $this->g, $pred ); } } if( isset( $this->g->t["op"][$this->uri] ) ) { foreach( array_keys( $this->g->t["op"][$this->uri] ) as $pred ) { $r []= new Graphite_InverseRelation( $this->g, $pred ); } } return new Graphite_ResourceList($this->g,$r); } public function toArcTriples( $bnodes = true ) { $arcTriples = array(); $bnodes_to_add = array(); $s = $this->uri; $s_type = "uri"; if( preg_match( '/^_:/', $s ) ) { $s_type = "bnode"; } foreach( $this->g->t["sp"][$s] as $p => $os ) { $p = $this->g->expandURI( $p ); $p_type = "uri"; if( preg_match( '/^_:/', $p ) ) { $p_type = "bnode"; } foreach( $os as $o ) { $o_lang = null; $o_datatype = null; if( is_array( $o )) { $o_type = "literal"; if( isset( $o["l"] ) && $o["l"] ) { $o_lang = $o["l"]; } if( isset( $o["d"] ) ) { $o_datatype = $this->g->expandURI( $o["d"] ); } $o = $o["v"]; } else { $o = $this->g->expandURI( $o ); $o_type = "uri"; if( preg_match( '/^_:/', $o ) ) { $o_type = "bnode"; $bnodes_to_add[] = $o; } } $triple = array( "s" => $s, "s_type" => $s_type, "p" => $p, "p_type" => $p_type, "o" => $o, "o_type" => $o_type, ); $triple["o_datatype"] = $o_datatype; $triple["o_lang"] = $o_lang; $arcTriples[] = $triple; } } if( $bnodes ) { foreach( array_unique( $bnodes_to_add ) as $bnode ) { $arcTriples = array_merge( $arcTriples, $this->g->resource( $bnode )->toArcTriples() ); } } return $arcTriples; } public function serialize( $type = "RDFXML" ) { $serializer = ARC2::getSer( $type, array( "ns" => $this->g->ns ) ); return $serializer->getSerializedTriples( $this->toArcTriples() ); } public function load() { return $this->g->load( $this->uri ); } public function loadSameAsOrg( $prefix ) { $sameasorg_uri = "http://sameas.org/rdf?uri=".urlencode( $this->uri ); $n = $this->g->load( $sameasorg_uri ); $n+= $this->loadSameAs( $prefix ); return $n; } function loadDataGovUKBackLinks() { $backurl = "http://backlinks.psi.enakting.org/resource/rdf/".$this->uri; return $this->g->load( $backurl, array(), array( $this->uri=>1 ) ); } public function loadSameAs( $prefix=null ) { $cnt = 0; foreach( $this->all( "owl:sameAs" ) as $sameas ) { $this->g->forceString( $sameas ); if( $prefix && substr( $sameas, 0, strlen($prefix )) != $prefix ) { continue; } $cnt += $this->g->load( $sameas, array( $sameas=>$this->uri ) ); } return $cnt; } public function type() { return $this->get( "rdf:type" ); } public function types() { return $this->all( "rdf:type" ); } public function isType( /* List */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); if( $args[0] instanceof Graphite_ResourceList ) { $args = $args[0]; } if( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = func_get_arg( 0 ); } foreach( $this->allString( 'rdf:type' ) as $type ) { foreach( $args as $arg ) { $uri = $this->g->expandURI( $arg ); if( $uri == $type ) { return true; } } } return false; } public function hasLabel() { return $this->has( "skos:prefLabel", "rdfs:label", "foaf:name", "dct:title", "dc:title", "sioc:name" ); } public function label() { return $this->get( "skos:prefLabel", "rdfs:label", "foaf:name", "dct:title", "dc:title", "sioc:name" )->toString(); } public function link() { return "".$this->uri.""; } public function dumpText() { $r = ""; $plist = array(); foreach( $this->relations() as $prop ) { $olist = array(); foreach( $this->all( $prop ) as $obj ) { $olist []= $obj->dumpValueText(); } $plist []= $this->g->shrinkURI($prop)." ".join( ", ",$olist ); } return $this->g->shrinkURI($this->uri)."\n ".join( ";\n ", $plist )." .\n"; } public function dump( $options = array() ) { $r = ""; $plist = array(); foreach( $this->relations() as $prop ) { $olist = array(); $all = $this->all( $prop ); foreach( $all as $obj ) { $olist []= $obj->dumpValue($options); } if( is_a( $prop, "Graphite_InverseRelation" ) ) { $pattern = " is %s of %s"; } else { $pattern = " %s %s"; } $this->g->forceString( $prop ); $plist []= sprintf( $pattern, $prop, $prop, $this->g->shrinkURI($prop), join( ", ",$olist )); } $r.= "\n
\n"; if( isset($options["label"] ) ) { $label = $this->label(); if( $label == "[NULL]" ) { $label = ""; } else { $label = "$label"; } if( $this->has( "rdf:type" ) ) { if( $this->get( "rdf:type" )->hasLabel() ) { $typename = $this->get( "rdf:type" )->label(); } else { $bits = preg_split( "/[\/#]/", @$this->get( "rdf:type" )->uri ); $typename = array_pop( $bits ); $typename = preg_replace( "/([a-z])([A-Z])/","$1 $2",$typename ); } $r .= preg_replace( "/>a ([AEIOU])/i", ">an $1", "
a $typename
" ); } if( $label != "" ) { $r.="
"; } } $r.= " \n
\n"; $r.="
".join( "
", $plist )."
"; return $r; } function __toString() { return $this->uri; } function dumpValue($options=array()) { $label = $this->dumpValueText(); if( $this->hasLabel() && @$options["labeluris"] ) { $label = $this->label(); } $href = $this->uri; if( @$options["internallinks"] ) { $href = "#".htmlentities($this->uri); } return "".$label.""; } function dumpValueText() { return $this->g->shrinkURI( $this->uri ); } function nodeType() { return "#resource"; } } class Graphite_Relation extends Graphite_Resource { function nodeType() { return "#relation"; } } class Graphite_InverseRelation extends Graphite_Relation { function nodeType() { return "#inverseRelation"; } } class Graphite_ResourceList extends ArrayIterator { function __construct( $g, $a=array() ) { $this->g = $g; $this->arr = $a; if( $a instanceof Graphite_ResourceList ) { print "
  • Graphite warning: passing a Graphite_ResourceList as the array passed to new Graphite_ResourceList will make weird stuff happen.
  • "; } parent::__construct( $this->arr ); } function join( $str ) { $first = 1; $l = array(); foreach( $this as $resource ) { if( !$first ) { $l []= $str; } $this->g->forceString( $resource ); $l []= $resource; $first = 0; } return join( "", $l ); } function dump() { $l = array(); foreach( $this as $resource ) { $l [] = $resource->dump(); } return join( "", $l ); } public function duplicate() { $l = array(); foreach( $this as $resource ) { $l []= $resource; } return new Graphite_ResourceList($this->g,$l); } public function sort( /* List */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); if( $args[0] instanceof Graphite_ResourceList ) { $args = $args[0]; } if( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = func_get_arg( 0 ); } global $graphite_sort_args; $graphite_sort_args = array(); foreach( $args as $arg ) { if( $arg instanceof Graphite_Resource ) { $arg = $arg->toString(); } $graphite_sort_args [] = $arg; } $new_list = $this->duplicate(); usort($new_list->arr, "graphite_sort_list_cmp" ); return $new_list; } public function uasort( $cmp ) { usort($this->arr, $cmp ); } public function get( /* List */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); if( $args[0] instanceof Graphite_ResourceList ) { $args = $args[0]; } if( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = func_get_arg( 0 ); } $l = array(); foreach( $this as $resource ) { $l [] = $resource->get( $args ); } return new Graphite_ResourceList($this->g,$l); } public function getString( /* List */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); if( $args[0] instanceof Graphite_ResourceList ) { $args = $args[0]; } if( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = func_get_arg( 0 ); } $l = array(); foreach( $this as $resource ) { $l [] = $resource->getString( $args ); } return new Graphite_ResourceList($this->g,$l); } public function label() { $l = array(); foreach( $this as $resource ) { $l [] = $resource->label(); } return new Graphite_ResourceList($this->g,$l); } public function load() { $n = 0; foreach( $this as $resource ) { $n += $resource->load(); } return $n; } public function allString( /* List */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); if( $args[0] instanceof Graphite_ResourceList ) { $args = $args[0]; } if( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = func_get_arg( 0 ); } $l = array(); $done = array(); foreach( $this as $resource ) { $all = $resource->all( $args ); foreach( $all as $to_add ) { if( isset($done[$to_add->toString()]) ) { continue; } $l []= $to_add->toString(); $done[$to_add->toString()] = 1; } } return new Graphite_ResourceList($this->g,$l); } public function all( /* List */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); if( $args[0] instanceof Graphite_ResourceList ) { $args = $args[0]; } if( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = func_get_arg( 0 ); } $l = array(); $done = array(); foreach( $this as $resource ) { $all = $resource->all( $args ); foreach( $all as $to_add ) { if( isset($done[$to_add->toString()]) ) { continue; } $l []= $to_add; $done[$to_add->toString()] = 1; } } return new Graphite_ResourceList($this->g,$l); } function append( $x /* List */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); if( $args[0] instanceof Graphite_ResourceList ) { $args = $args[0]; } if( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = func_get_arg( 0 ); } $list = $this->duplicate(); foreach( $args as $arg ) { if( ! $arg instanceof Graphite_Resource ) { $arg = $this->g->resource( $arg ); } $list [] = $arg; } return $list; } function distinct() { $l= array(); $done = array(); foreach( $this as $resource ) { if( isset( $done[$resource->toString()] ) ) { continue; } $l [] = $resource; $done[$resource->toString()]=1; } return new Graphite_ResourceList($this->g,$l); } function union( /* List */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); if( $args[0] instanceof Graphite_ResourceList ) { $args = $args[0]; } if( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = func_get_arg( 0 ); } $list = new Graphite_ResourceList($this->g); $done = array(); foreach( $this as $resource ) { if( isset( $done[$resource->toString()] ) ) { continue; } $list [] = $resource; $done[$resource->toString()]=1; } foreach( $args as $arg ) { if( ! $arg instanceof Graphite_Resource ) { $arg = $this->g->resource( $arg ); } if( isset( $done[$arg->toString()] ) ) { continue; } $list [] = $arg; $done[$arg->toString()]=1; } return $list; } function intersection( /* List */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); if( $args[0] instanceof Graphite_ResourceList ) { $args = $args[0]; } if( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = func_get_arg( 0 ); } $list = new Graphite_ResourceList($this->g,array()); $seen = array(); foreach( $this as $arg ) { if( ! $arg instanceof Graphite_Resource ) { $arg = $this->g->resource( $arg ); } $seen[$arg->toString()]=1; } foreach( $args as $arg ) { if( ! $arg instanceof Graphite_Resource ) { $arg = $this->g->resource( $arg ); } if( ! isset($seen[$arg->toString()]) ) { continue; } $list [] = $arg; } return $list; } function except( /* List */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); if( $args[0] instanceof Graphite_ResourceList ) { $args = $args[0]; } if( is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $args = func_get_arg( 0 ); } $list = new Graphite_ResourceList($this->g,array()); $exclude = array(); foreach( $args as $arg ) { if( ! $arg instanceof Graphite_Resource ) { $arg = $this->g->resource( $arg ); } $exclude[$arg->toString()]=1; } foreach( $this as $arg ) { if( ! $arg instanceof Graphite_Resource ) { $arg = $this->g->resource( $arg ); } if( isset($exclude[$arg->toString()]) ) { continue; } $list [] = $arg; } return $list; } function allOfType( $uri ) { $list = new Graphite_ResourceList( $this->g, array() ); foreach( $this as $item ) { if( $item->isType( $uri ) ) { $list [] = $item; } } return $list; } } function graphite_sort_list_cmp( $a, $b ) { global $graphite_sort_args; foreach( $graphite_sort_args as $arg ) { $va = $a->get( $arg ); $vb = $b->get( $arg ); if($va < $vb) return -1; if($va > $vb) return 1; } return 0; }