Plugin($id) ; $this->name = "admssw"; $this->text = "ADMS.SW"; // To show in the tabs, use... $this->_addHook("project_rdf_metadata"); // will provide some RDF metadata for the project's DOAP profile to 'doaprdf' plugin $this->_addHook("alt_representations"); $this->_addHook("script_accepted_types"); $this->_addHook("content_negociated_projects_list"); } /** * Declares itself as accepting RDF XML on /projects/... * @param unknown_type $params */ function project_rdf_metadata (&$params) { # TODO : create another resource $group_id=$params['group']; $new_prefixes = array('admssw' => '', 'rad' => '', 'schema' => ''); foreach($new_prefixes as $s => $u) { if (! isset($params['prefixes'][$u])) { $params['prefixes'][$u] = $s; } } $res = $params['in_Resource']; // we could save the type doap:Project in such case, as there's an equivalence, but not sure all consumers do reasoning $types = array('doap:Project', 'admssw:SoftwareProject'); rdfutils_setPropToUri($res, 'rdf:type', $types); $tags_list = NULL; if (forge_get_config('use_project_tags')) { $group = group_get_object($group_id); $tags_list = $group->getTags(); } // connect to FusionForge internals $pm = ProjectManager::instance(); $project = $pm->getProject($group_id); $tags = array(); if($tags_list) { $tags = split(', ',$tags_list); // reuse the same as dcterms:subject until further specialization of adms.sw keywords $res->setProp('rad:keyword', $tags); } $project_description = $project->getDescription(); if($project_description) { // it seems that doap:description is not equivalent to dcterms:description, so repeat $res->setProp('dcterms:description', $project_description); } $res->setProp('rdfs:comment', "Generated with the doaprdf and admssw plugins of fusionforge"); rdfutils_setPropToUri($res, 'dcterms:isPartOf', util_make_url ("/projects")); $admins = $project->getAdmins() ; $members = $project->getUsers() ; $contributors_uris = array(); foreach ($admins as $u) { $contributor_uri = util_make_url_u ($u->getUnixName(),$u->getID()); $contributor_uri = rtrim($contributor_uri, '/'); $contributor_uri = $contributor_uri . '#person'; if (! in_array($contributor_uri, $contributors_uris) ) { $contributors_uris[] = $contributor_uri; } } foreach ($members as $u) { $contributor_uri = util_make_url_u ($u->getUnixName(),$u->getID()); $contributor_uri = rtrim($contributor_uri, '/'); $contributor_uri = $contributor_uri . '#person'; if (! in_array($contributor_uri, $contributors_uris) ) { $contributors_uris[] = $contributor_uri; } } rdfutils_setPropToUri($res, 'schema:contributor', $contributors_uris); $params['out_Resources'][] = $res; } /** * Declares a link to itself in the link+meta HTML headers * @param unknown_type $params */ function alt_representations (&$params) { $script_name = $params['script_name']; $php_self = $params['php_self']; $php_self = rtrim($php_self, '/'); if ($php_self == '/projects') { $params['return'][] = ''; } } /** * Declares itself as accepting RDF XML on /projects ... * @param unknown_type $params */ function script_accepted_types (&$params) { $script = $params['script']; if ($script == 'projects_list') { $params['accepted_types'][] = 'application/rdf+xml'; } } /** * Outputs the public projects list as ADMS.SW for /projects * @param unknown_type $params */ function content_negociated_projects_list (&$params) { $accept = $params['accept']; if($accept == 'application/rdf+xml') { // We will return RDF+XML $params['content_type'] = 'application/rdf+xml'; // Construct an ARC2_Resource containing the project's RDF (DOAP) description $ns = array( 'rdf' => '', 'rdfs' => '', 'doap' => '', 'dcterms' => '', 'admssw' => '', 'adms' => '' ); $conf = array( 'ns' => $ns ); $res = ARC2::getResource($conf); $res->setURI( util_make_url ("/projects") ); // $res->setRel('rdf:type', 'doap:Project'); rdfutils_setPropToUri($res, 'rdf:type', 'admssw:SoftwareRepository'); //$res->setProp('doap:name', $projectname); $res->setProp('adms:accessURL', util_make_url ("/softwaremap/") ); $forge_name = forge_get_config ('forge_name'); $ff = new FusionForge(); $res->setProp('dcterms:description', 'Public projects in the '. $ff->software_name .' Software Map on '. $forge_name ); $res->setProp('rdfs:label', $forge_name .' public projects'); $res->setProp('adms:supportedSchema', 'ADMS.SW v1.0'); // same as for trove's full list $projects = get_public_active_projects_asc(); $proj_uris = array(); foreach ($projects as $row_grp) { $proj_uri = util_make_url_g(strtolower($row_grp['unix_group_name']),$row_grp['group_id']); $proj_uris[] = $proj_uri; } if(count($proj_uris)) { rdfutils_setPropToUri($res, 'dcterms:hasPart', $proj_uris); } $conf = array( 'ns' => $ns, 'serializer_type_nodes' => true ); $ser = ARC2::getRDFXMLSerializer($conf); /* Serialize a resource index */ $doc = $ser->getSerializedIndex($res->index); $params['content'] = $doc . "\n"; } } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // c-file-style: "bsd" // End: ?>