0) && ($time - time() >= forge_get_config('session_expire'))) { return false; } return $user_id; } /** * session_logout() - Log the user off the system. * * This function destroys object associated with the current session, * making user "logged out". Deletes both user and session cookies. * * @return true/false * */ function session_logout() { plugin_hook('close_auth_session'); RBACEngine::getInstance()->invalidateRoleCaches() ; return true; } /** * session_login_valid() - Log the user to the system. * * High-level function for user login. Check credentials, and if they * are valid, open new session. * * @param string User name * @param string User password (in clear text) * @param bool Allow login to non-confirmed user account (only for confirmation of the very account) * @return true/false, if false reason is in global $feedback * @access public * */ function session_login_valid($loginname, $passwd, $allowpending=0) { global $feedback,$error_msg,$warning_msg; if (!$loginname || !$passwd) { $warning_msg = _('Missing Password Or Users Name'); return false; } $hook_params = array () ; $hook_params['loginname'] = $loginname ; $hook_params['passwd'] = $passwd ; $result = plugin_hook ("session_before_login", $hook_params) ; // Refuse login if not all the plugins are ok. if (!$result) { if (!$feedback) { $warning_msg = _('Invalid Password Or User Name'); } return false; } return session_login_valid_dbonly ($loginname, $passwd, $allowpending) ; } function session_login_valid_dbonly($loginname, $passwd, $allowpending=false) { return session_check_credentials_in_database($loginname, $passwd, $allowpending); } function session_check_credentials_in_database($loginname, $passwd, $allowpending=false) { global $warning_msg ,$userstatus; // Try to get the users from the database using user_id and (MD5) user_pw if (forge_get_config('require_unique_email')) { $res = db_query_params ('SELECT user_id,status,unix_pw FROM users WHERE (user_name=$1 OR email=$1) AND user_pw=$2', array ($loginname, md5($passwd))) ; } else { $res = db_query_params ('SELECT user_id,status,unix_pw FROM users WHERE user_name=$1 AND user_pw=$2', array ($loginname, md5($passwd))) ; } if (!$res || db_numrows($res) < 1) { // No user whose MD5 passwd matches the MD5 of the provided passwd // Selecting by user_name/email only if (forge_get_config('require_unique_email')) { $res = db_query_params ('SELECT user_id,status,unix_pw FROM users WHERE user_name=$1 OR email=$1', array ($loginname)) ; } else { $res = db_query_params ('SELECT user_id,status,unix_pw FROM users WHERE user_name=$1', array ($loginname)) ; } if (!$res || db_numrows($res) < 1) { // No user by that name $warning_msg = _('Invalid Password Or User Name'); return false; } else { // There is a user with the provided user_name/email, but the MD5 passwds do not match // We'll have to try checking the (crypt) unix_pw $usr = db_fetch_array($res); $userstatus = $usr['status'] ; if (crypt ($passwd, $usr['unix_pw']) != $usr['unix_pw']) { // Even the (crypt) unix_pw does not patch // This one has clearly typed a bad passwd $warning_msg = _('Invalid Password Or User Name'); return false; } // User exists, (crypt) unix_pw matches // Update the (MD5) user_pw and retry authentication // It should work, except for status errors $res = db_query_params ('UPDATE users SET user_pw=$1 WHERE user_id=$2', array (md5($passwd), $usr['user_id'])) ; return session_check_credentials_in_database($loginname, $passwd, $allowpending) ; } } else { // If we're here, then the user has typed a password matching the (MD5) user_pw // Let's check whether it also matches the (crypt) unix_pw $usr = db_fetch_array($res); if (crypt ($passwd, $usr['unix_pw']) != $usr['unix_pw']) { // The (crypt) unix_pw does not match if ($usr['unix_pw'] == '') { // Empty unix_pw, we'll take the MD5 as authoritative // Update the (crypt) unix_pw and retry authentication // It should work, except for status errors $res = db_query_params ('UPDATE users SET unix_pw=$1 WHERE user_id=$2', array (account_genunixpw($passwd), $usr['user_id'])) ; return session_check_credentials_in_database($loginname, $passwd, $allowpending) ; } else { // Invalidate (MD5) user_pw, refuse authentication $res = db_query_params ('UPDATE users SET user_pw=$1 WHERE user_id=$2', array ('OUT OF DATE', $usr['user_id'])) ; $warning_msg =_('Invalid Password Or User Name'); return false; } } // Yay. The provided password matches both fields in the database. // Let's check the status of this user // if allowpending (for verify.php) then allow $userstatus=$usr['status']; if ($allowpending && ($usr['status'] == 'P')) { //1; } else { if ($usr['status'] == 'S') { //acount suspended $warning_msg = _('Account Suspended'); return false; } if ($usr['status'] == 'P') { //account pending $warning_msg = _('Account Pending'); return false; } if ($usr['status'] == 'D') { //account deleted $warning_msg = _('Account Deleted'); return false; } if ($usr['status'] != 'A') { //unacceptable account flag $warning_msg = _('Account Not Active'); return false; } } //create a new session session_set_new(db_result($res, 0, 'user_id')); return true; } } /** * session_check_ip() - Check 2 IP addresses for match * * This function checks that IP addresses match * * IPv4 addresses are allowed to match with some * fuzz factor (within subnet). * * For IPv6 addresses, no fuzz is needed since there's * usually no NAT in IPv6. * * @param string The old IP address * @param string The new IP address * @return true/false * @access private */ function session_check_ip($oldip,$newip) { if (strstr ($oldip, ':')) { // Old IP is IPv6 if (strstr ($newip, ':')) { // New IP is IPv6 too return ($oldip == $newip) ; } else { return false ; } } else { // Old IP is IPv4 if (strstr ($newip, ':')) { // New IP is IPv6 return false ; } else { $eoldip = explode(".",$oldip); $enewip = explode(".",$newip); // require same class b subnet return ( ($eoldip[0] == $enewip[0]) && ($eoldip[1] == $enewip[1]) ) ; } } } /** * session_issecure() - Check if current session is secure * * @return true/false * @access public */ function session_issecure() { return (strtoupper(getStringFromServer('HTTPS')) == "ON"); } /** * session_set_cookie() - Set a session cookie * * Set a cookie with default temporal scope of the current browser session * and URL space of the current webserver * * @param string Name of cookie * @param string Value of cookie * @param string Domain scope (default '') * @param string Expiration time in UNIX seconds (default 0) * @return true/false */ function session_set_cookie($name ,$value, $domain = '', $expiration = 0) { if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { if ( $expiration != 0){ setcookie($name, $value, time() + $expiration, '/', $domain, 0); } else { setcookie($name, $value, $expiration, '/', $domain, 0); } } } /** * session_redirect() - Redirect browser within the site and exit. * * @param string $loc Absolute path within the site */ function session_redirect($loc) { util_save_messages(); session_redirect_external(util_make_url ($loc)); exit; } /** * session_redirect_external() - Redirect browser to a (potentially external) URL * * @param string Absolute URL, not necessarily within the site * @return never returns */ function session_redirect_external($url) { header('Location: '.$url); print("\n\n"); exit; } /** * session_redirect404() - Redirect browser to 404 error page * * @return never returns */ function session_redirect404() { global $HTML, $gfwww, $gfcommon; header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); require_once $gfwww.'404.php'; exit; } /** * session_require() - DEPRECATED Convenience function to easily enforce permissions * * Calling page will terminate with error message if current user * fails checks. * * @param array Associative array specifying criteria * @return does not return if check is failed * */ function session_require($req, $reason='') { if (!session_loggedin()) { exit_not_logged_in(); } $user =& user_get_object(user_getid()); if (! $user->isActive()) { session_logout(); exit_error(_('Your account is no longer active ; you have been disconnected'),''); } if (array_key_exists('group', $req)) { $group = group_get_object($req['group']); if (!$group || !is_object($group)) { exit_no_group(); } elseif ($group->isError()) { exit_error($reason == '' ? $group->getErrorMessage() : $reason, ''); } $perm =& $group->getPermission (); if (!$perm || !is_object($perm) || $perm->isError()) { exit_permission_denied($reason,''); } if (isset($req['admin_flags']) && $req['admin_flags']) { if (!$perm->isAdmin()) { exit_permission_denied($reason,''); } } else { if (!$perm->isMember()) { exit_permission_denied($reason,''); } } } else { exit_permission_denied($reason,''); } } /** * session_require_perm() - Convenience function to easily enforce permissions * * Calling page will terminate with error message if current user * fails checks. * */ function session_require_perm($section, $reference, $action = NULL, $reason='') { if (!forge_check_perm($section, $reference, $action)) { exit_permission_denied($reason, $section); } } /** * session_require_global_perm() - Convenience function to easily enforce permissions * * Calling page will terminate with error message if current user * fails checks. * */ function session_require_global_perm($section, $action = NULL, $reason='') { if (!forge_check_global_perm($section, $action)) { if (!$reason) { $reason = sprintf(_('Permission denied. The %s administrators will have to grant you permission to view this page.'), forge_get_config ('forge_name')) ; } exit_permission_denied($reason, $section); } } /** * session_require_login() - Convenience function to easily enforce permissions * * Calling page will terminate with error message if current user * fails checks. * */ function session_require_login () { if (!session_loggedin()) { exit_not_logged_in () ; } } /** * session_set_new() - Setup session for the given user * * This function sets up SourceForge session for the given user, * making one be "logged in". * * @param int The user ID * @return none */ function session_set_new($user_id) { $token = session_build_session_token($user_id); $res = db_query_params ('SELECT count(*) as c FROM user_session WHERE session_hash = $1', array (session_get_hash_from_token($token))) ; if (!$res || db_result($res,0,'c') < 1) { db_query_params ('INSERT INTO user_session (session_hash,ip_addr,time,user_id) VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)', array (session_get_hash_from_token($token), getStringFromServer('REMOTE_ADDR'), time(), $user_id)) ; } // check uniqueness of the session_hash in the database $res = session_getdata($user_id); if (!$res) { exit_error(db_error(),''); } else if (db_numrows($res) < 1) { exit_error(_('Could not fetch user session data'),''); } else { session_set_internal ($user_id, $res) ; } } function session_set_internal ($user_id, $res=false) { global $G_SESSION ; $G_SESSION = user_get_object($user_id,$res); if ($G_SESSION) { $G_SESSION->setLoggedIn(true); } RBACEngine::getInstance()->invalidateRoleCaches() ; } /** * session_set_admin() - Setup session for the admin user * * This function sets up a session for the administrator * * @return none */ function session_set_admin() { $admins = RBACEngine::getInstance()->getUsersByAllowedAction ('forge_admin', -1) ; if (count ($admins) == 0) { exit_error(_('No admin users ?'),''); } session_set_new ($admins[0]->getID()); } /** * Private optimization function for logins - fetches user data, language, and session * with one query * * @param int The user ID * @access private */ function session_getdata($user_id) { return db_query_params ('SELECT u.*,sl.language_id, sl.name, sl.filename, sl.classname, sl.language_code, t.dirname, t.fullname FROM users u, supported_languages sl, themes t WHERE u.language=sl.language_id AND u.theme_id=t.theme_id AND u.user_id=$1', array ($user_id)) ; } /** * session_set() - Re-initialize session for the logged in user * * This function checks that the user is logged in and if so, initialize * internal session environment. * * @return none */ function session_set() { global $G_SESSION; global $session_ser; // assume bad session_hash and session. If all checks work, then allow // otherwise make new session $id_is_good = false; $params = array(); // pass the session_ser from cookie to the auth plugins // (see AuthBuiltinPlugin::checkAuthSession() or likes) // expect FORGE_AUTH_AUTHORITATIVE_ACCEPT, FORGE_AUTH_AUTHORITATIVE_REJECT or FORGE_AUTH_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE // in results $params['auth_token'] = $session_ser; $params['results'] = array(); plugin_hook_by_reference('check_auth_session', $params); $seen_yes = false; $seen_no = false; foreach ($params['results'] as $p => $r) { if ($r == FORGE_AUTH_AUTHORITATIVE_ACCEPT) { $seen_yes = true; } elseif ($r == FORGE_AUTH_AUTHORITATIVE_REJECT) { $seen_no = true; } } if ($seen_yes && !$seen_no) { // see AuthBuiltinPlugin::fetchAuthUser() or likes // expect user object in results $params = array(); $params['results'] = NULL; plugin_hook_by_reference('fetch_authenticated_user', $params); $user = $params['results']; if ($user) { $params = array(); $params['username'] = $user->getUnixName(); $params['event'] = 'every-page'; plugin_hook('sync_account_info', $params); $user->setLoggedIn(true); $G_SESSION = $user; } else { $G_SESSION=false; } } // TODO: else... what ? $re = RBACEngine::getInstance(); $re->invalidateRoleCaches() ; } /** * Re initializes a session, trusting a non-sufficient plugin only temporarily * * The checkAuthSession of the Auth plugin will have to acknowledge the 'sufficient_forced' param in 'check_auth_session' hook * @param string $authpluginname */ function session_set_for_authplugin($authpluginname) { global $G_SESSION; global $session_ser; // assume bad session_hash and session. If all checks work, then allow // otherwise make new session $id_is_good = false; $params = array(); // pass the session_ser from cookie to the auth plugins // (see AuthBuiltinPlugin::checkAuthSession() or likes) // expect FORGE_AUTH_AUTHORITATIVE_ACCEPT, FORGE_AUTH_AUTHORITATIVE_REJECT or FORGE_AUTH_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE // in results $params['sufficient_forced'] = $authpluginname; $params['auth_token'] = $session_ser; $params['results'] = array(); plugin_hook_by_reference('check_auth_session', $params); $seen_yes = false; foreach ($params['results'] as $p => $r) { if ($r == FORGE_AUTH_AUTHORITATIVE_ACCEPT) { $seen_yes = true; } } if ($seen_yes) { //echo "user ok\n"; // see AuthBuiltinPlugin::fetchAuthUser() or likes // expect user object in results $params = array(); $params['results'] = NULL; plugin_hook_by_reference('fetch_authenticated_user', $params); $user = $params['results']; if ($user) { $params = array(); $params['username'] = $user->getUnixName(); $params['event'] = 'every-page'; plugin_hook('sync_account_info', $params); $user->setLoggedIn(true);echo "user:".$user->getUnixName(); $G_SESSION = $user; } else { $G_SESSION=false; } } // TODO: else... what ? $re = RBACEngine::getInstance(); //print_r($re->getGlobalRoles()); //print_r($re->getPublicRoles()); $re->invalidateRoleCaches() ; //print_r($re->getAvailableRoles()); } //TODO - this should be generalized and used for pre.php, //SOAP, forum_gateway.php, tracker_gateway.php, etc to //setup languages function session_continue($sessionKey) { global $session_ser; $session_ser = $sessionKey; session_set(); setup_gettext_from_context(); setup_tz_from_context(); $LUSER =& session_get_user(); if (!is_object($LUSER) || $LUSER->isError()) { return false; } else { return true; } } function setup_tz_from_context() { $LUSER =& session_get_user(); if (!is_object($LUSER) || $LUSER->isError()) { $tz = forge_get_config('default_timezone'); } else { $tz = $LUSER->getTimeZone(); } putenv ('TZ='. $tz); date_default_timezone_set($tz); } /** * session_get_user() - Wrapper function to return the User object for the logged in user. * * @return User * @access public */ function &session_get_user() { global $G_SESSION; return $G_SESSION; } /** * user_getid() * Get user_id of logged in user */ function user_getid() { global $G_SESSION; if ($G_SESSION) { return $G_SESSION->getID(); } else { return false; } } /** * session_loggedin() * See if user is logged in */ function session_loggedin() { global $G_SESSION; if ($G_SESSION) { return $G_SESSION->isLoggedIn(); } else { return false; } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // c-file-style: "bsd" // End: