Error(); return true; } /** Get the HTML code of the title of the page. If the array * $params contains a value for the key 'title', this title * is appended to the title generated here. If $asHTML is * set to false, it will return only the title in plain * text. */ function getTitle($params, $asHTML = true) { if (!$asHTML) { // get the title if (!isset($params['title'])) { return forge_get_config('forge_name'); } else { return forge_get_config('forge_name') . ': ' . $params['title']; } } else { // return HTML code otherwise return '' . $this->getTitle($params, false) . ''; } } /** Get the HTML code for the favicon links of the site (to be * put into the . If $asHTML is false, it will return * the URL of the favicon. * * @todo: Make favicon configurable */ function getFavIcon($asHTML = true) { if (!$asHTML) { return util_make_url('/images/icon.png'); } else { return '' . ''; } } /** Get the HTML code for the RSS feeds of the site (to be put * into the . If $asHTML is false, it will return an * array with the following structure: $result['titles']: * list of titles of the feeds; $result['urls'] list of urls * of the feeds. */ function getRSS($asHTML = true) { if (!$asHTML) { $res = array(); $res['titles'] = array(); $res['urls'] = array(); $res['titles'][] = forge_get_config ('forge_name').' - Project News Highlights RSS'; $res['urls'][] = util_make_url('/export/rss_sfnews.php'); $res['titles'][] = forge_get_config ('forge_name').' - Project News Highlights RSS 2.0'; $res['urls'][] = util_make_url('/export/rss20_news.php'); $res['titles'][] = forge_get_config ('forge_name').' - New Projects RSS'; $res['urls'][] = util_make_url('/export/rss_sfprojects.php'); if (isset($GLOBALS['group_id'])) { $res['titles'][] = forge_get_config ('forge_name') . ' - New Activity RSS'; $res['urls'][] = util_make_url('/export/rss20_activity.php?group_id='.$GLOBALS['group_id']); } return $res; } else { $feeds = $this->getRSS(false); for ($j = 0; $j < count($feeds['urls']); $j++) { echo ' '; } } } /** * Get the searchBox HTML code. */ function getSearchBox() { global $words, $forum_id, $group_id, $group_project_id, $atid, $exact, $type_of_search; $res = ""; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $defaultWords = stripslashes($words); } else { $defaultWords = $words; } $defaultWords = htmlspecialchars($defaultWords); // if there is no search currently, set the default if (!isset($type_of_search) ) { $exact = 1; } $res .= ''; return $res; } /** * Get an array of the user links (Login/Logout/My Account/Register) with the following structure: * $result['titles']: list of the titles. $result['urls']: list of the urls. */ function getUserLinks() { $res = array(); if (session_loggedin()) { $u =& user_get_object(user_getid()); $res['titles'][] = sprintf("%s (%s)", _('Log Out'), $u->getRealName()); $res['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/account/logout.php'); $res['titles'][] = _('My Account'); $res['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/account/'); } else { $url = '/account/login.php'; if(getStringFromServer('REQUEST_METHOD') != 'POST') { $url .= '?return_to='; $url .= urlencode(getStringFromServer('REQUEST_URI')); } $res['titles'][] = _('Log In'); $res['urls'][] = util_make_uri($url); if (!forge_get_config ('user_registration_restricted')) { $res['titles'][] = _('New Account'); $res['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/account/register.php'); } } return $res; } /** * Get an array of the menu of the site with the following structure: * $result['titles']: list of titles of the links. * $result['urls']: list of urls. * $result['tooltips']: list of tooltips (html title). * $result['selected']: number of the selected menu entry. */ function getSiteMenu() { $request_uri = getStringFromServer('REQUEST_URI'); $menu = array(); $menu['titles'] = array(); $menu['urls'] = array(); $menu['tooltips'] = array(); $selected = 0; // Home $menu['titles'][] = _('Home'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Main Page'); // My Page $menu['titles'][] = _('My Page'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/my/'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Your Page, widgets selected by you to follow your items.'); if (strstr($request_uri, util_make_uri('/my/')) || strstr($request_uri, util_make_uri('/account/')) || strstr($request_uri, util_make_uri('/register/')) || strstr($request_uri, util_make_uri('/themes/')) ) { $selected = count($menu['urls'])-1; } if (forge_get_config('use_trove') || forge_get_config('use_project_tags') || forge_get_config('use_project_full_list')) { $menu['titles'][] = _('Projects'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/softwaremap/'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Map of projects, by categories or types.'); if (strstr($request_uri, util_make_uri('/softwaremap/'))) { $selected = count($menu['urls'])-1; } } if (forge_get_config('use_snippet')) { $menu['titles'][] = _('Code Snippets'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/snippet/'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Tooling library. Small coding tips.'); if (strstr($request_uri, util_make_uri('/snippet/'))) { $selected = count($menu['urls'])-1; } } if (forge_get_config('use_people')) { $menu['titles'][] = _('Project Openings'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/people/'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Hiring Market Place.'); if (strstr($request_uri, util_make_uri('/people/'))) { $selected=count($menu['urls'])-1; } } // Outermenu hook $before = count($menu['urls']); $plugin_urls = array(); $hookParams['DIRS'] = &$menu['urls']; $hookParams['ADMIN'] =& $menu['adminurls']; $hookParams['TITLES'] = &$menu['titles']; $hookParams['TOOLTIPS'] = &$menu['tooltips']; plugin_hook("outermenu", $hookParams); // try to find selected entry for ($j = $before; $j < count($plugin_urls); $j++) { $url = $menu['urls'][$j]; if (strstr($request_uri, parse_url ($url, PHP_URL_PATH))) { $selected = $j; break; } } // Admin and Reporting if (forge_check_global_perm('forge_admin')) { $user_is_super = true; $menu['titles'][] = _('Site Admin'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/admin/'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Administration Submenu to handle global configuration, users & projects.'); if (strstr($request_uri, util_make_uri('/admin/'))) { $selected = count($menu['urls'])-1; } } if (forge_check_global_perm ('forge_stats', 'read')) { $menu['titles'][] = _('Reporting'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/reporting/'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Statistics about visits, users & projects in time frame.'); if (strstr($request_uri, util_make_uri('/reporting/'))) { $selected = count($menu['urls'])-1; } } // Project if (isset($GLOBALS['group_id'])) { // get group info using the common result set $project =& group_get_object($GLOBALS['group_id']); if (is_int($project) && $project == 0) { if (preg_match('/root=/',$request_uri)) { $project_name = preg_replace('/.*?root=/', '', $request_uri); $project =& group_get_object_by_name($project_name); } } if ($project && is_object($project)) { if ($project->isError()) { } elseif (!$project->isProject()) { } else { $menu['titles'][] = $project->getPublicName(); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Project home page, widgets selected to follow specific items.'); if (isset ($GLOBALS['sys_noforcetype']) && $GLOBALS['sys_noforcetype']) { $menu['urls'][]=util_make_uri('/project/?group_id') .$project->getId(); } else { $menu['urls'][]=util_make_uri('/projects/') .$project->getUnixName().'/'; } $selected=count($menu['urls'])-1; } } } $menu['selected'] = $selected; return $menu; } /** * Get a reference to an array of the projects menu for the project with the id $group_id with the following structure: * $result['starturl']: URL of the projects starting page; * $result['name']: public name of the project; * $result['titles']: list of titles of the menu entries; * $result['tooltips']: list of tooltips (html title) of the menu entries; * $result['urls']: list of urls of the menu entries; * $result['adminurls']: list of urls to the admin pages of the menu entries. * If the user has no admin permissions, the correpsonding adminurl is false. * $result['selected']: number of the menu entry that is currently selected. */ function getProjectMenu($group_id, $toptab = "") { // rebuild menu if it has never been built before, or // if the toptab was set differently if (!isset($this->project_menu_data[$group_id]) || ($toptab != "") || ($toptab != $this->project_menu_data[$group_id]['last_toptab'])) { // get the group and permission objects $group = group_get_object($group_id); if (!$group || !is_object($group)) { return null; } if ($group->isError()) { //wasn't found or some other problem return null; } if (!$group->isProject()) { return; } $selected = 0; $menu =& $this->project_menu_data[$group_id]; $menu['titles'] = array(); $menu['tooltips'] = array(); $menu['urls'] = array(); $menu['adminurls'] = array(); $menu['name'] = $group->getPublicName(); // Summary $menu['titles'][] = _('Summary'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Project Homepage. Widgets oriented'); if (isset($GLOBALS['sys_noforcetype']) && $GLOBALS['sys_noforcetype']) { $url = util_make_uri('/project/?group_id=' . $group_id); } else { $url = util_make_uri('/projects/' . $group->getUnixName() .'/'); } $menu['urls'][] = $url; $menu['adminurls'][] = false; if ($toptab == "home") { $selected = (count($menu['urls'])-1); } // setting these allows to change the initial project page $menu['starturl'] = $url; // Project Admin if (forge_check_perm ('project_admin', $group_id)) { $menu['titles'][] = _('Admin'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Project Administration.'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/project/admin/?group_id=' . $group_id); $menu['adminurls'][] = false; if ($toptab == "admin") { $selected = (count($menu['urls'])-1); } } /* Homepage // check for use_home_tab? $TABS_DIRS[]='http://'. $this->getHomePage(); $TABS_TITLES[]=_('Home Page'); */ // Project Activity tab $menu['titles'][] = _('Activity'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Last activities per category.'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/activity/?group_id=' . $group_id); $menu['adminurls'][] = false; if ($toptab == "activity") { $selected = (count($menu['urls'])-1); } // Forums if ($group->usesForum()) { $menu['titles'][] = _('Forums'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Tech & help forums.'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/forum/?group_id=' . $group_id); if (forge_check_perm ('forum_admin', $group_id)) { $menu['adminurls'][] = util_make_uri('/forum/admin/?group_id='.$group_id); } else { $menu['adminurls'][] = false; } if ($toptab == "forums") { $selected = (count($menu['urls'])-1); } } // Artifact Tracking if ($group->usesTracker()) { $menu['titles'][] = _('Tracker'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Issues, tickets, bugs.'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/tracker/?group_id=' . $group_id); if (forge_check_perm ('tracker_admin', $group_id)) { $menu['adminurls'][] = util_make_uri('/tracker/admin/?group_id='.$group_id); } else { $menu['adminurls'][] = false; } if ($toptab == "tracker" || $toptab == "bugs" || $toptab == "support" || $toptab == "patch") { $selected = (count($menu['urls'])-1); } } // Mailing Lists if ($group->usesMail()) { $menu['titles'][] = _('Lists'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Mailing Lists.'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/mail/?group_id=' . $group_id); if (forge_check_perm ('project_admin', $group_id)) { $menu['adminurls'][] = util_make_uri('/mail/admin/?group_id='.$group_id); } else { $menu['adminurls'][] = false; } if ($toptab == "mail") { $selected = (count($menu['urls'])-1); } } // Project/Task Manager if ($group->usesPm()) { $menu['titles'][] = _('Tasks'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Project Management.'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/pm/?group_id=' . $group_id); if (forge_check_perm ('pm_admin', $group_id)) { $menu['adminurls'][] = util_make_uri('/pm/admin/?group_id='.$group_id); } else { $menu['adminurls'][] = false; } if ($toptab == "pm") { $selected = (count($menu['urls'])-1); } } // Doc Manager if ($group->usesDocman()) { $menu['titles'][] = _('Docs'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Document Management.'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/docman/?group_id=' . $group_id); if (forge_check_perm ('docman', $group_id, 'approve')) { $menu['adminurls'][] = util_make_uri('/docman/?group_id='.$group_id.'&view=admin'); } else { $menu['adminurls'][] = false; } if ($toptab == "docman") { $selected = (count($menu['urls'])-1); } } // Surveys if ($group->usesSurvey()) { $menu['titles'][] = _('Surveys'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Online surveys, project needs your point of view.'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/survey/?group_id=' . $group_id); if (forge_check_perm ('project_admin', $group_id)) { $menu['adminurls'][] = util_make_uri('/survey/admin/?group_id='.$group_id); } else { $menu['adminurls'][] = false; } if ($toptab == "surveys") { $selected = (count($menu['urls'])-1); } } // News if ($group->usesNews()) { $menu['titles'][] = _('News'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Flash head line from the project.'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/news/?group_id=' . $group_id); if (forge_check_perm ('project_admin', $group_id)) { $menu['adminurls'][] = util_make_uri('/news/admin/?group_id='.$group_id); } else { $menu['adminurls'][] = false; } if ($toptab == "news") { $selected = (count($menu['urls'])-1); } } // SCM systems if ($group->usesSCM()) { $menu['titles'][] = _('SCM'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('Source Content Management, peer-review and source discovery.'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/scm/?group_id=' . $group_id); // eval cvs_flags? if (forge_check_perm ('project_admin', $group_id)) { $menu['adminurls'][] = util_make_uri('/scm/admin/?group_id='.$group_id); } else { $menu['adminurls'][] = false; } if ($toptab == "scm") { $selected = (count($menu['urls'])-1); } } // groupmenu_after_scm hook $hookParams = array(); $hookParams['group_id'] = $group_id ; $hookParams['DIRS'] =& $menu['urls']; $hookParams['ADMIN'] =& $menu['adminurls']; $hookParams['TITLES'] =& $menu['titles']; $hookParams['TOOLTIPS'] =& $menu['tooltips']; $hookParams['toptab'] =& $toptab; $hookParams['selected'] =& $selected; plugin_hook ("groupmenu_scm", $hookParams); // fill up adminurls for ($i = 0; $i < count($menu['urls']) - count($menu['adminurls']); $i++) { $menu['adminurls'][] = false; } // Downloads if ($group->usesFRS()) { $menu['titles'][] = _('Files'); $menu['tooltips'][] = _('All published files organized per version.'); $menu['urls'][] = util_make_uri('/frs/?group_id=' . $group_id); if (forge_check_perm ('frs', $group_id, 'write')) { $menu['adminurls'][] = util_make_uri('/frs/admin/?group_id='.$group_id); } else { $menu['adminurls'][] = false; } if ($toptab == "frs") { $selected = (count($menu['urls'])-1); } } // groupmenu hook $hookParams = array(); $hookParams['group'] = $group_id; $hookParams['DIRS'] =& $menu['urls']; $hookParams['ADMIN'] =& $menu['adminurls']; $hookParams['TITLES'] =& $menu['titles']; $hookParams['TOOLTIPS'] =& $menu['tooltips']; $hookParams['toptab'] =& $toptab; $hookParams['selected'] =& $selected; plugin_hook("groupmenu", $hookParams); // fill up adminurls for ($i = 0; $i < count($menu['urls']) - count($menu['adminurls']); $i++) { $menu['adminurls'][] = false; } // store selected menu item (if any) $menu['selected'] = $selected; if ($toptab != "") { $menu['last_toptab'] = $toptab; } } return $this->project_menu_data[$group_id]; } /** * Create the HTML code for the banner "Powered By * FusionForge". If $asHTML is set to false, it will return an * array with the following structure: $result['url']: URL for * the link on the banner; $result['image']: URL of the banner * image; $result['title']: HTML code that outputs the banner; * $result['html']: HTML code that creates the banner and the link. */ function getPoweredBy($asHTML=true) { $res['url'] = ''; $res['image'] = util_make_uri('/images/pow-fusionforge.png'); $res['title'] = 'Powered By FusionForge'; $res['html'] = util_make_link($res['url'], $res['title'], array(), true); if ($asHTML) { return $res['html']; } else { return $res; } } /** Create the HTML code for the "Show Source" link if * forge_get_config('show_source') is set, otherwise "". If $asHTML is set * to false, it returns NULL when forge_get_config('show_source') is not * set, otherwise an array with the following structure: * $result['url']: URL of the link to the source code viewer; * $result['title']: Title of the link. */ function getShowSource($asHTML=true) { if (forge_get_config('show_source')) { $res['url'] = util_make_uri('/source.php?file='.getStringFromServer('SCRIPT_NAME')); $res['title'] = _('Show source'); } else { return ($asHTML ? "" : NULL); } if (!$asHTML) { return $res; } else { return util_make_link($res['url'], $res['title'], array('class' => 'showsource'), true); } } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // c-file-style: "bsd" // End: ?>