isError()) exit_error($df->getErrorMessage(), 'docman'); $dgf = new DocumentGroupFactory($g); if ($dgf->isError()) exit_error($dgf->getErrorMessage(), 'docman'); $dgh = new DocumentGroupHTML($g); if ($dgh->isError()) exit_error($dgh->getErrorMessage(), 'docman'); $df->setDocGroupID($dirid); /** * var must be named d_arr & nested_groups * because used by tree.php */ $d_arr =& $df->getDocuments(); $nested_groups = $dgf->getNested(); $linkmenu = 'listfile'; $nested_docs = array(); $DocGroupName = 0; if ($dirid) { $ndg = new DocumentGroup($g, $dirid); $DocGroupName = $ndg->getName(); $dgpath = $ndg->getPath(true, false); if (!$DocGroupName) { session_redirect('/docman/?group_id='.$group_id.'&error_msg='.urlencode($g->getErrorMessage())); } if ($ndg->getState() != 1) { $error_msg = _('Invalid folder'); session_redirect('/docman/?group_id='.$group_id.'&view=listfile&error_msg='.urlencode($error_msg)); } } if ($d_arr != NULL ) { if (!$d_arr || count($d_arr) > 0) { // Get the document groups info //put the doc objects into an array keyed off the docgroup foreach ($d_arr as $doc) { $nested_docs[$doc->getDocGroupID()][] = $doc; } } } $df->setStateID('3'); $d_pending_arr =& $df->getDocuments(); $nested_pending_groups =& $dgf->getNested(); if ($d_pending_arr != NULL ) { if (!$d_pending_arr || count($d_pending_arr) > 0) { // Get the document groups info //put the doc objects into an array keyed off the docgroup foreach ($d_pending_arr as $doc) { $nested_pending_docs[$doc->getDocGroupID()][] = $doc; } } } ?> '; include ($gfcommon.'docman/views/tree.php'); echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; ?>