----------------- -- FusionForge -- ----------------- FusionForge is a web-based Collaborative Development Environment offering easy access to CVS, SVN, Bazaar, Git and other versioning systems, mailing lists, bug tracking, message boards/forums, task management, and permanent file archival. It provides full web-based administration. FusionForge is the new name of the same free software elements that were previously named GForge (versions 4.x). All files contained in this archive are licensed as stated in the COPYING file. Please check out the AUTHORS file to see who helped make this possible. Thanks for taking the time to download this code. You will find documentation on how to install, administrate and use FusionForge on the project's wiki at http://wiki.fusionforge.org/ If you have any questions or suggestions, post a message either in the forums at https://fusionforge.org/forum/?group_id=6 connect to the FusionForge IRC channel #fusionforge on irc.freenode.net, e.g. via the web client at http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=fusionforge or subscribe and post to the mailing list fusionforge-general@lists.fusionforge.org