get('group_id'); $group_list_id=$request->get('group_list_id'); $pm = ProjectManager::instance(); $Group = $pm->getProject($group_id); $post_changes= $request->get('post_changes'); $add_list=$request->get('add_list'); $change_status=$request->get('change_status'); $list_name=$request->get('list_name'); $is_public=$request->get('is_public'); $description=$request->get('description'); $PHP_SELF = $request->get('PHP_SELF'); $feedback = ''; if ($group_id) { if (!$Group || !is_object($Group) || $Group->isError()) { exit_no_group(); } if (!$current_user->isMember($group_id,'A')) { exit_permission_denied(); } // // Post Changes to database // if ($post_changes == 'y') { // // Add list // if ($add_list == 'y') { $mailingList = new MailmanList($group_id); if(!$mailingList || !is_object($mailingList)) { exit_error(_('Error'), _('Error getting the list')); } elseif($mailingList->isError()) { exit_error(_('Error'), $mailingList->getErrorMessage()); } if(!$mailingList->create( $list_name, $description, $is_public )) { exit_error(_('Error'), $mailingList->getErrorMessage()); } else { $feedback .= _('List Added'); } // // Change status // } elseif ($change_status == 'y') { $mailingList = new MailmanList($group_id, $group_list_id); if(!$mailingList || !is_object($mailingList)) { exit_error(_('Error'), _('Error getting the list')); } elseif($mailingList->isError()) { exit_error(_('Error'), $mailingList->getErrorMessage()); } if(!$mailingList->update( $description, $is_public )) { exit_error(_('Error'), $mailingList->getErrorMessage()); } else { $feedback .= _('List updated'); } } } // // Form to add list // if($add_list) { mailman_header(array( 'title' => _('Add a Mailing List'), 'help'=>'CommunicationServices.html#MailingLists', 'admin' => '1')); printf(_('

Lists are named in this manner:

It will take few minutes for your list to be created.

'), $GLOBALS['sys_lists_host']); $mlFactory = new MailmanListFactory($Group); if (!$mlFactory || !is_object($mlFactory) || $mlFactory->isError()) { exit_error(_('Error'), $mlFactory->getErrorMessage()); } $mlArray =& $mlFactory->getMailmanLists(); if ($mlFactory->isError()) { echo '

'._('Error').' '._('Unable to get the lists') .'

'; echo $mlFactory->getErrorMessage(); mail_footer(array()); exit; } // // Form to add list // ?>

getUnixName(); ?>-@

isError()) { exit_error(_('Error'), $mailingList->getErrorMessage()); } echo "avant header"; mailman_header(array( 'title' => _('Mail admin'), 'help'=>'CommunicationServices.html#MailingLists', 'admin' => 1)); echo "PHPSELF=".$PHP_SELF; ?>

getName(); ?>

isPublic() == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); ?> />
isPublic() == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); ?> />

isError()) { exit_error(_('Error'), $mlFactory->getErrorMessage()); } mailman_header(array( 'title' => _('Mailing List Administration'), 'help'=>'CommunicationServices.html#MailingLists', 'admin'=>1) ); $mlArray =& $mlFactory->getMailmanLists(); if ($mlFactory->isError()) { echo '

'._('Error').' '.sprintf(_('Unable to get the list %s'), $Group->getPublicName()) .'

'; echo $mlFactory->getErrorMessage(); mail_footer(array()); exit; } echo '

'.sprintf(_('You can administrate lists from here. Please note that private lists can still be viewed by members of your project, but are not listed on %1$s.'), $GLOBALS['sys_name']).'

'; echo ''; $mlCount = count($mlArray); if($mlCount > 0) { table_begin(); for ($j = 0; $j < $mlCount; $j++) { $currentList =& $mlArray[$j]; display_list_admin($currentList); } table_end(); } mail_footer(array()); } } else { exit_no_group(); } ?>