Layout(); $this->doctype = 'strict'; $this->cssurls = array( '', '', util_make_url ('/themes/css/fusionforge.css'), $this->cssbaseurl .'theme.css', $this->cssbaseurl .'theme-pages.css', ); } function headerJS() { echo ' '; } function bodyHeader($params) { global $user_guide; echo ' '; echo $this->outerTabs($params); echo ''; if (isset($params['group']) && $params['group']) { echo $this->projectTabs($params['toptab'],$params['group']); } echo '
'; } function bodyFooter($params) { echo '
'; } function footer($params) { echo '
' . $this->navigation->getPoweredBy() . '
' . $this->navigation->getShowSource() . ' '; echo ' '; } /** * boxTop() - Top HTML box * * @param string Box title * @param bool Whether to echo or return the results * @param string The box background color */ function boxTop($title, $id = '') { $t_result = '

'. $title .'

'; return $t_result; } /** * boxMiddle() - Middle HTML box * * @param string Box title * @param string The box background color */ function boxMiddle($title, $id = '') { $t_result ='


'; return $t_result; } /** * boxBottom() - Bottom HTML box * */ function boxBottom() { $t_result='
'; return $t_result; } /** * boxGetAltRowStyle() - Get an alternating row style for tables * * @param int Row number */ function boxGetAltRowStyle($i) { if ($i % 2 == 0) { return 'class="bgcolor-white"'; } else { return 'class="bgcolor-grey"'; } } /** * listTableTop() - Takes an array of titles and builds the first row of a new table. * * @param array The array of titles * @param array The array of title links * @param boolean Whether to highlight or not the entry */ function listTableTop ($title_arr,$links_arr=false,$selected=false) { $return = ''; $count=count($title_arr); if ($links_arr) { for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) { $return .= ' '; } } else { for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) { $return .= ' '; } } return $return.''; } function listTableBottom() { return '
'; } function tabGenerator($TABS_DIRS, $TABS_TITLES, $nested=false, $selected=false, $sel_tab_bgcolor='WHITE', $total_width='100%') { $count=count($TABS_DIRS); if ($count < 1) { return; } $return = ' imgurl.($nested ? 'bottomtab-new/' : 'toptab-new/'); $accumulated_width = 0; for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) { $tabwidth = intval(ceil(($i+1)*100/$count)) - $accumulated_width ; $accumulated_width += $tabwidth ; if ($selected == $i) { $left_img = $folder.'selected-left.gif'; $middle_img = $folder.'selected-middle.gif'; $right_img = $folder.'selected-right.gif'; $separ_img = $folder.'selected-separator.gif'; $css_class = $nested ? 'bottomTabSelected' : 'topTabSelected'; } else { $left_img = $folder.'left.gif'; $middle_img = $folder.'middle.gif'; $right_img = $folder.'right.gif'; $separ_img = $folder.'separator.gif'; $css_class = $nested ? 'bottomTab' : 'topTab'; } $clear_img = $this->imgurl.'clear.png'; $return .= "\n"; // left part $return .= '' . "\n"; // right part // if the next tab is not selected, close this tab if ($selected != $i+1) { $return .= 'COLOR_HTMLBOX_TITLE .'"'; } $return .= '>'; for ( $c = 0; $c < count($cell_data); $c++ ) { $return .=''; } $return .= ' '; return $return; } /** * feedback() - returns the htmlized feedback string when an action is performed. * * @param string feedback string * @return string htmlized feedback */ function feedback($feedback) { if (!$feedback) { return ''; } else { return '

'.strip_tags($feedback, '

'; } } /** * getThemeIdFromName() * * @param string the dirname of the theme * @return integer the theme id */ function getThemeIdFromName($dirname) { $res=db_query_params ('SELECT theme_id FROM themes WHERE dirname=$1', array($dirname)); return db_result($res,0,'theme_id'); } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // c-file-style: "bsd" // End: ?>
' . "\n"; $return .= '' . "\n"; $return .= ''.$TABS_TITLES[$i].'' . "\n"; $return .= ''; $return .= '' . "\n"; $return .= '' . "\n"; $return .= 'beginSubMenu () ; $return .= $this->printSubMenu ($title_arr,$links_arr) ; $return .= $this->endSubMenu () ; return $return; } /** * multiTableRow() - create a mutlilevel row in a table * * @param string the row attributes * @param array the array of cell data, each element is an array, * the first item being the text, * the subsequent items are attributes (dont include * the bgcolor for the title here, that will be * handled by $istitle * @param boolean is this row part of the title ? * */ function multiTableRow($row_attr, $cell_data, $istitle) { $return= '
FONTCOLOR_HTMLBOX_TITLE.'">'; } $return .= $cell_data[$c][0]; if ( $istitle ) { $return .=''; } $return .= '