setNewEmailAndHash($u->getEmail(), $confirm_hash); if ($u->isError()) { form_release_key(getStringFromRequest('form_key')); exit_error('Error',$u->getErrorMessage()); } else { $message = stripcslashes(sprintf(_('Someone (presumably you) on the %3$s site requested a password change through email verification. If this was not you, ignore this message and nothing will happen. If you requested this verification, visit the following URL to change your password: -- the %3$s staff '), getStringFromServer('HTTP_HOST'), $confirm_hash, $GLOBALS['sys_name'])); util_send_message($u->getEmail(),sprintf(_('%1$s Verification'), $GLOBALS['sys_name']),$message); $HTML->header(array('title'=>"Lost Password Confirmation")); echo _('

An email has been sent to the address you have on file. Follow the instructions in the email to change your account password.

[ Home ]

'); $HTML->footer(array()); exit(); } } $HTML->header(array('title'=>"Lost Account Password")); echo _('

Hey... losing your password is serious business. It compromises the security of your account, your projects, and this site.

Clicking "Send Lost PW Hash" below will email a URL to the email address we have on file for you. In this URL is a 128-bit confirmation hash for your account. Visiting the URL will allow you to change your password online and login.

'); ?>

footer(array()); // Local Variables: // mode: php // c-file-style: "bsd" // End: ?>