/dev/null 2>&1 &"); // WARNING : popen commented code probably brought some trouble, we will use the pipe method as we were before /*if (!$handle = popen($sys_sendmail_path." -f'$from' -t -i", "w")) { echo "

Error: cannot run '$sys_sendmail_path' - mail not sent

\n"; } else { fwrite($handle, util_prep_string_for_sendmail($body2)); pclose($handle); }*/ } /** * util_encode_mailaddr() - Encode email address to MIME format * * @param string The email address * @param string The email's owner name * @param string The converting charset * */ function util_encode_mailaddr($email,$name,$charset) { if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') && trim($name) != "") { $name = "=?".$charset."?B?". base64_encode(mb_convert_encoding( $name,$charset,"UTF-8")). "?="; } return $name." <".$email."> "; } /** * util_encode_mimeheader() - Encode mimeheader * * @param string The email subject * @param string The converting charset (like ISO-2022-JP) * @return string The MIME encoded subject * */ function util_encode_mimeheader($str,$charset) { if (!function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { return $str; } return "=?".$charset."?B?". base64_encode(mb_convert_encoding( $str,$charset,"UTF-8")). "?="; } /** * util_convert_body() - Convert body of the email message * * @param string The body of the email message * @param string The charset of the email message * @return string The converted body of the email message * */ function util_convert_body($str,$charset) { if (!function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') || $charset == 'UTF-8') { return $str; } return mb_convert_encoding($str,$charset,"UTF-8"); } function util_send_jabber($to,$subject,$body) { if (!$GLOBALS['sys_use_jabber']) { return; } $JABBER = new Jabber(); if (!$JABBER->Connect()) { echo '
Unable to connect'; return false; } //$JABBER->SendAuth(); //$JABBER->AccountRegistration(); if (!$JABBER->SendAuth()) { echo '
Auth Failure'; $JABBER->Disconnect(); return false; //or die("Couldn't authenticate!"); } $JABBER->SendPresence(NULL, NULL, "online"); $body=htmlspecialchars($body); $to_arr=explode(',',$to); for ($i=0; $iSending Jabbers To: '.$to_arr[$i]; if (!$JABBER->SendMessage($to_arr[$i], "normal", NULL, array("body" => $body,"subject"=>$subject))) { echo '
Error Sending to '.$to_arr[$i]; } } } $JABBER->CruiseControl(2); $JABBER->Disconnect(); } /** * util_prep_string_for_sendmail() - Prepares a string to be sent by email * * @param string The text to be prepared * @returns The prepared text * */ function util_prep_string_for_sendmail($body) { /*$body=str_replace("`","\\`",$body); $body=str_replace("\"","\\\"",$body); $body=str_replace("\$","\\\$",$body);*/ $body = escapeshellarg($body); return $body; } /** * util_handle_message() - a convenience wrapper which sends messages * to either a jabber account or email account or both, depending on * user preferences * * @param array array of user_id's from the user table * @param string subject of the message * @param string the message body * @param string a comma-separated list of email address * @param string a comma-separated list of jabber address * @param string From header */ function util_handle_message($id_arr,$subject,$body,$extra_emails='',$extra_jabbers='',$from='') { $address=array(); if (count($id_arr) < 1) { } else { $res = db_query_params ('SELECT user_id,jabber_address,email,jabber_only FROM users WHERE user_id = ANY ($1)', array (db_int_array_to_any_clause ($id_arr))) ; $rows = db_numrows($res) ; for ($i=0; $i<$rows; $i++) { if (db_result($res, $i, 'user_id') == 100) { // Do not send messages to "Nobody" continue; } // // Build arrays of the jabber address // if (db_result($res,$i,'jabber_address')) { $address['jabber_address'][]=db_result($res,$i,'jabber_address'); if (db_result($res,$i,'jabber_only') != 1) { $address['email'][]=db_result($res,$i,'email'); } } else { $address['email'][]=db_result($res,$i,'email'); } } if (isset ($address['email']) && count($address['email']) > 0) { $extra_emails=implode($address['email'],',').',' . $extra_emails; } if (isset ($address['jabber_address']) && count($address['jabber_address']) > 0) { $extra_jabbers=implode($address['jabber_address'],',').','.$extra_jabbers; } } if ($extra_emails) { util_send_message('',$subject,$body,$from,$extra_emails); } if ($extra_jabbers) { util_send_jabber($extra_jabbers,$subject,$body); } } /** * util_unconvert_htmlspecialchars() - Unconverts a string converted with htmlspecialchars() * This function requires PHP 4.0.3 or greater * * @param string The string to unconvert * @returns The unconverted string * */ function util_unconvert_htmlspecialchars($string) { if (strlen($string) < 1) { return ''; } else { //$trans = get_html_translation_table(HTMLENTITIES, ENT_QUOTES); $trans = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); $trans = array_flip ($trans); $str = strtr ($string, $trans); return $str; } } /** * util_result_columns_to_assoc() - Takes a result set and turns the column pair into an associative array * * @param string The result set ID * @param int The column key * @param int The optional column value * @returns An associative array * */ function util_result_columns_to_assoc($result, $col_key=0, $col_val=1) { $rows=db_numrows($result); if ($rows > 0) { $arr=array(); for ($i=0; $i<$rows; $i++) { $arr[db_result($result,$i,$col_key)]=db_result($result,$i,$col_val); } } else { $arr=array(); } return $arr; } /** * util_result_column_to_array() - Takes a result set and turns the optional column into an array * * @param int The result set ID * @param int The column * @resturns An array * */ function &util_result_column_to_array($result, $col=0) { /* Takes a result set and turns the optional column into an array */ $rows=db_numrows($result); if ($rows > 0) { $arr=array(); for ($i=0; $i<$rows; $i++) { $arr[$i]=db_result($result,$i,$col); } } else { $arr=array(); } return $arr; } /** * util_wrap_find_space() - Find the first space in a string * * @param string The string in which to find the space (must be UTF8!) * @param int The number of characters to wrap - Default is 80 * @returns The position of the first space * */ function util_wrap_find_space($string,$wrap) { //echo"\n"; $start=$wrap-5; $try=1; $found=false; while (!$found) { //find the first space starting at $start $pos=@strpos($string,' ',$start); //if that space is too far over, go back and start more to the left if (($pos > ($wrap+5)) || !$pos) { $try++; $start=($wrap-($try*5)); //if we've gotten so far left , just truncate the line if ($start<=20) { while ($wrap >= 1) { $code = ord(substr($string,$wrap,1)); if ($code <= 0x7F || $code >= 0xC0) { //Here is single byte character //or head of multi byte character return $wrap; } //Do not break multi byte character $wrap--; } return $wrap; } $found=false; } else { $found=true; } } return $pos; } /** * util_line_wrap() - Automatically linewrap text * * @param string The text to wrap * @param int The number of characters to wrap - Default is 80 * @param string The line break to use - Default is '\n' * @returns The wrapped text * */ function util_line_wrap ($text, $wrap = 80, $break = "\n") { $paras = explode("\n", $text); $result = array(); $i = 0; while ($i < count($paras)) { if (strlen($paras[$i]) <= $wrap) { $result[] = $paras[$i]; $i++; } else { $pos=util_wrap_find_space($paras[$i],$wrap); $result[] = substr($paras[$i], 0, $pos); $new = trim(substr($paras[$i], $pos, strlen($paras[$i]) - $pos)); if ($new != '') { $paras[$i] = $new; $pos=util_wrap_find_space($paras[$i],$wrap); } else { $i++; } } } return implode($break, $result); } /** * util_make_links() - Turn URL's into HREF's. * * @param string The URL * @returns The HREF'ed URL * */ function util_make_links ($data='') { if(empty($data)) { return $data; } $lines = split("\n",$data); $newText = ""; while ( list ($key,$line) = each ($lines)) { // When we come here, we usually have form input // encoded in entities. Our aim is to NOT include // angle brackets in the URL // (RFC2396; http://www.w3.org/Addressing/URL/5.1_Wrappers.html) $line = str_replace('>', "\1", $line); $line = eregi_replace("([ \t]|^)www\."," http://www.",$line); $text = eregi_replace("([[:alnum:]]+)://([^[:space:]<\1]*)([[:alnum:]#?/&=])", "\\1://\\2\\3", $line); $text = eregi_replace("([[:space:]]|^)(([a-z0-9_]|\\-|\\.)+@([^[:space:]]*)([[:alnum:]-]))", "\\1\\2", $text); $text = str_replace("\1", '>', $text); $newText .= $text; } return $newText; } /** * show_priority_colors_key() - Show the priority colors legend * */ function show_priority_colors_key() { echo '

'._('Priority Colors').':
'; for ($i=1; $i<6; $i++) { echo ' '; } echo '
'; } /** * utils_buildcheckboxarray() - Build a checkbox array * * @param int Number of options to be in the array * @param string The name of the checkboxes * @param array An array of boxes to be pre-checked * */ function utils_buildcheckboxarray($options,$name,$checked_array) { $option_count=count($options); $checked_count=count($checked_array); for ($i=1; $i<=$option_count; $i++) { echo '
'.$options[$i]; } } /** * utils_requiredField() - Adds the required field marker * * @return a string holding the HTML to mark a required field */ function utils_requiredField() { return '*'; } /** * GraphResult() - Takes a database result set and builds a graph. * The first column should be the name, and the second column should be the values * Be sure to include HTL_Graphs.php before using this function * * @author Tim Perdue tperdue@valinux.com * @param int The databse result set ID * @param string The title of the graph * */ Function GraphResult($result,$title) { $rows=db_numrows($result); if ((!$result) || ($rows < 1)) { echo 'None Found.'; } else { $names=array(); $values=array(); for ($j=0; $jCOLOR_LTBACK1; } $counter=count($value_string); /* Figure the max_value passed in, so scale can be determined */ $max_value=0; for ($i = 0; $i < $counter; $i++) { if ($value_string[$i] > $max_value) { $max_value=$value_string[$i]; } } if ($max_value < 1) { $max_value=1; } /* I want my graphs all to be 800 pixels wide, so that is my divisor */ $scale=(400/$max_value); /* I create a wrapper table around the graph that holds the title */ $title_arr=array(); $title_arr[]=$title; echo $GLOBALS['HTML']->listTableTop ($title_arr); echo ''; /* Create an associate array to pass in. I leave most of it blank */ $vals = array( 'vlabel'=>'', 'hlabel'=>'', 'type'=>'', 'cellpadding'=>'', 'cellspacing'=>'0', 'border'=>'', 'width'=>'', 'background'=>'', 'vfcolor'=>'', 'hfcolor'=>'', 'vbgcolor'=>'', 'hbgcolor'=>'', 'vfstyle'=>'', 'hfstyle'=>'', 'noshowvals'=>'', 'scale'=>$scale, 'namebgcolor'=>'', 'valuebgcolor'=>'', 'namefcolor'=>'', 'valuefcolor'=>'', 'namefstyle'=>'', 'valuefstyle'=>'', 'doublefcolor'=>''); /* This is the actual call to the HTML_Graphs class */ html_graph($name_string,$value_string,$bars,$vals); echo ' '; echo $GLOBALS['HTML']->listTableBottom(); } /** * ShowResultSet() - Show a generic result set * Very simple, plain way to show a generic result set * * @param int The result set ID * @param string The title of the result set * @param bool The option to turn URL's into links * @param bool The option to display headers * @param array The db field name -> label mapping * @param array Don't display these cols * */ function ShowResultSet($result,$title='',$linkify=false,$displayHeaders=true,$headerMapping=array(), $excludedCols=array()) { global $group_id,$HTML; if($result) { $rows = db_numrows($result); $cols = db_numfields($result); echo ''; /* Create the headers */ $headersCellData = array(); $colsToKeep = array(); for ($i=0; $i < $cols; $i++) { $fieldName = db_fieldname($result, $i); if(in_array($fieldName, $excludedCols)) { continue; } $colsToKeep[] = $i; if(isset($headerMapping[$fieldName])) { if(is_array($headerMapping[$fieldName])) { $headersCellData[] = $headerMapping[$fieldName]; } else { $headersCellData[] = array($headerMapping[$fieldName]); } } else { $headersCellData[] = array($fieldName); } } /* Create the title */ if(strlen($title) > 0) { $titleCellData = array(); $titleCellData[] = array($title, 'colspan="'.count($headersCellData).'"'); echo $HTML->multiTableRow('', $titleCellData, TRUE); } /* Display the headers */ if($displayHeaders) { echo $HTML->multiTableRow('', $headersCellData, TRUE); } /* Create the rows */ for ($j = 0; $j < $rows; $j++) { echo 'boxGetAltRowStyle($j) . '>'; for ($i = 0; $i < $cols; $i++) { if(in_array($i, $colsToKeep)) { if ($linkify && $i == 0) { $link = ''; } else if($linkify == "bug_group") { $link .= 'group_id='.$group_id.'&bug_group_mod=y&bug_group_id='.db_result($result, $j, 'bug_group_id').'">'; } else if($linkify == "patch_cat") { $link .= 'group_id='.$group_id.'&patch_cat_mod=y&patch_cat_id='.db_result($result, $j, 'patch_category_id').'">'; } else if($linkify == "support_cat") { $link .= 'group_id='.$group_id.'&support_cat_mod=y&support_cat_id='.db_result($result, $j, 'support_category_id').'">'; } else if($linkify == "pm_project") { $link .= 'group_id='.$group_id.'&project_cat_mod=y&project_cat_id='.db_result($result, $j, 'group_project_id').'">'; } else { $link = $linkend = ''; } } else { $link = $linkend = ''; } echo ''; } } echo ''; } echo '
'.$link . db_result($result, $j, $i) . $linkend.'
'; } else { echo db_error(); } } /** * validate_email() - Validate an email address * * @param string The address string to validate * @returns true on success/false on error * */ function validate_email ($address) { return (ereg('^[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+'. '@'. '[-!#$%&\'*+\\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\.' . '[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+$', $address) !== false); } /** * validate_emails() - Validate a list of e-mail addresses * * @param string E-mail list * @param char Separator * @returns array Array of invalid e-mail addresses (if empty, all addresses are OK) */ function validate_emails ($addresses, $separator=',') { if (strlen($addresses) == 0) return array(); $emails = explode($separator, $addresses); $ret = array(); if (is_array($emails)) { foreach ($emails as $email) { $email = trim($email); // This is done so we can validate lists like "a@b.com, c@d.com" if (!validate_email($email)) $ret[] = $email; } } return $ret; } /** * util_is_valid_filename() - Verifies whether a file has a valid filename * * @param string The file to verify * @returns true on success/false on error * */ function util_is_valid_filename ($file) { //bad char test $invalidchars = eregi_replace("[-A-Z0-9+_\.]","",$file); if (!empty($invalidchars)) { return false; } else { if (strstr($file,'..')) { return false; } else { return true; } } } /** * valid_hostname() - Validates a hostname string to make sure it doesn't contain invalid characters * * @param string The optional hostname string * @returns true on success/false on failur * */ function valid_hostname ($hostname = "xyz") { //bad char test $invalidchars = eregi_replace("[-A-Z0-9\.]","",$hostname); if (!empty($invalidchars)) { return false; } //double dot, starts with a . or - if (ereg("\.\.",$hostname) || ereg("^\.",$hostname) || ereg("^\-",$hostname)) { return false; } $multipoint = explode(".",$hostname); if (!(is_array($multipoint)) || ((count($multipoint) - 1) < 1)) { return false; } return true; } /** * human_readable_bytes() - Translates an integer representing bytes to a human-readable format. * * Format file size in a human-readable way * such as "xx Megabytes" or "xx Mo" * * @author Andrea Paleni * @version 1.0 * @param int bytes is the size * @param bool base10 enable base 10 representation, otherwise * default base 2 is used * @param int round number of fractional digits * @param array labels strings associated to each 2^10 or * 10^3(base10==true) multiple of base units */ function human_readable_bytes ($bytes, $base10=false, $round=0, $labels=array(' bytes', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB')) { if ($bytes <= 0 || !is_array($labels) || (count($labels) <= 0)) { return null; } $step = $base10 ? 3 : 10; $base = $base10 ? 10 : 2; $log = (int)(log10($bytes)/log10($base)); krsort($labels); foreach ($labels as $p=>$lab) { $pow = $p * $step; if ($log < $pow) { continue; } if ($lab == " MB" or $lab == " GB") { $round = 2; } $text = round($bytes/pow($base,$pow),$round).$lab; break; } return $text; } /** * ls - lists a specified directory and returns an array of files * @param string the path of the directory to list * @param boolean whether to filter out directories and illegal filenames * @return array array of file names. */ function &ls($dir,$filter=false) { exec('ls -c1 '.$dir,$out); if ($filter) { for ($i=0; $i $value) { $ep .= "$key=\"$value\" "; } } return '' . $text . '' ; } function util_make_link_u ($username, $user_id,$text) { return '' . $text . '' ; } function util_make_url_u ($username, $user_id) { if (isset ($GLOBALS['sys_noforcetype']) && $GLOBALS['sys_noforcetype']) { return util_make_url ("/developer/?user_id=$user_id"); } else { return util_make_url ("/users/$username/"); } } function util_make_link_g ($groupame, $group_id,$text) { return '' . $text . '' ; } function util_make_url_g ($groupame, $group_id) { if (isset ($GLOBALS['sys_noforcetype']) && $GLOBALS['sys_noforcetype']) { return util_make_url ("/project/?group_id=$group_id"); } else { return util_make_url ("/projects/$groupame/"); } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // c-file-style: "bsd" // End: ?>