2003-03-12 Roland Mas * db/20030312.sql: New file: the start_date of a task is now constrained to be <= to its end_date (instead of < previously). 2003-03-10 Reinhard Spisser * www/include/languages/SimplifiedChinese.tab: Committing Simon Lei's translations to Chines * www/include/languages/Italian.tab translations 2003-03-08 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/people/index.php: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/people/people_utils.php(people_header): remove unneeded . (people_show_job_inventory): valid XHTML. * www/include/languages/Base.tab(people:about_blurb): XHTML-ise. 2003-03-07 Reinhard Spisser * www/include/languages/Italian.tab: more translations * www/include/languages/SimplifiedChinese.tab: applied patch #242 * docs/xdocs/*: documentation improvements * install SF->GForge 2003-03-02 Ryan T. Sammartino Bug #218 * www/snippet/submit.php: comment out links to 'Suggest New Language' and 'Suggest new category', marked with a FIXME now, until we can figure out where they really should go. * www/new/index.php: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/include/languages/Base.tab(newe:notes_changes): use & instead of just &. 2003-03-01 Ryan T. Sammartino Bug #229 * www/include/html.php(html_abs_image): new function. (html_dbimage): use html_abs_image(). XHTML-ify URL. (html_image): use html_abs_image(). * www/my/bookmark_add.php: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/my/bookmark_delete.php: do not go to a separate page and force the user to return: just update the current page and it is obvious the bookmark is gone. * www/include/bookmarks.php(bookmark_edit): add feedback. * www/my/bookmark_edit.php: fix site_user_header. valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/my/diary.php: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/include/languages/Base.tab (survey_add_question:show_existing_questions): add missing tab. (survey_add_question:show_existing_surveys): remove duplicate entry. (my_bookmark_edit:bookmark_updated): (my_bookmark_edit:failed_to_update_bookmark): new entries. * www/survey/admin/add_question.php: add missing "". * common/include/utils.php(show_priority_colors_key): valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/include/vote_function.php(show_survey): valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/include/languages/Base.tab(my:no_monitored_filemodules, my:no_monitored_forums): valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/my/index.php: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. 2003-02-28 Reinhard Spisser * www/help/* submitting Reiner Jung's i18n of /help/ * www/snippet/* submitting Reiner Jung's i18n of snippet * www/include/snippet_caching.php: i18n * www/include/languages/Italian.tab: translations of /snippet 2003-02-23 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/mail/admin/index.php: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. ($change_status): order lists alphabetically. * www/mail/mail_utils.php: fix errors when no group id specified. Better error checking. * www/mail/index.php: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/include/languages/Base.tab(mail:provided_by): XHTML-ise. 2003-02-23 Reinhard Spisser * www/account/change_email.php, www/account/change_email-complete.php, www/account/change_pw.php, www/account/first.php, www/account/lostpw.php, www/account/index.php: finished i18n * www/include/languages/Base.tab: added missing strings for /account/ * www/include/languages/Italian.tab: translation of new strings for /account/ 2003-02-22 Reinhard Spisser * www/new/index.php, www/include/languages/Base.tab: Committing Reiner Jung's i18n of /new/ * www/include/languages/Italian.tab: l10n of new strings for /new/ 2003-02-21 Reinhard Spisser * www/include/vote_function.php: i18n of survey * www/survey/*: committing Reiner Jung's i18n of survey some modifications added * www/include/languages/Base.tab, www/include/languages/Italian.tab: converted spaces to tabs * www/survey/admin/survey_utils.php: added new file 2003-02-20 Ryan T. Sammartino Bug #230. * www/include/BaseLanguage.class(loadLanguage): use $sys_urlroot to get absolute path to theme specific .tab files. 2003-02-20 Robert B. Hawkins. * www/include/languages/Japanese.tab: New Japanese translations. 2003-02-17 Reinhard Spisser * www/people: committing Philippe Kiener's i18n of people * www/project/admin/*.php, www/project/stats/*.php: i18n * www/stats/index.php, www/stats/graphs.php, www/stats/i18n.php, I18n of missing strings * www/include/languages/Base.tab: added new strings * www/include/languages/Italian.tab: l10n 2003-02-15 Graham Batter Patch #220 * common/include/database.php(pg_connectstring): new function. (db_connect): use pg_connectstring(). 2003-02-15 Ryan T. Sammartino * etc/local.inc: Mention that sys_dbhost can be empty to use Unix sockets (see patch #220). * www/include/Layout.class(projectTabs): cvs --> scm_index for toptab parameter. * www/themes/kde/Theme.class(projectTabs): ditto. * common/include/utils.php(ShowResultSet): lowercase f in "Functional"; valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/forum/admin/index.php: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/forum/message.php: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/forum/forum.php: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/forum/index.php: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/themes/kde/Theme.class(listTableTop): remove reference to unneeded clear.png. (makeProjectIcon): centre the icons. (searchBox): Fix XHTML for searching "This Forum". * INSTALL: mention AcceptPathInfo on if using Apache 2. 2003-02-13 Roland Mas * deb-specific/install-exim.sh, utils/ldap/sql2ldif.pl, deb-specific/gforge.schema and a few other files: adapted to Mailman 2.1. 2003-02-13 Reinhard Spisser * www/tracker/browse.php: i18n of some missing strings, added category_any, status_any and group_any strings * www/tracker/add.php, www/tracker/detail.php, www/tracker/admin.php, www/pm/add_task.php, www/pm/browse_task.php, www/pm/ganttpage.php, www/include/languages/Base.tab: i18n of some missing strings * www/include/languages/Italian.tab: l10n of new strings 2003-02-12 Reinhard Spisser * common/forum/Forum.class: removed localization of Welcome message * www/forum/index.php, www/forum/message.php, www/forum/include/ForumHTML.class: Moved arguments to messages in the getText() function call * www/forum/forum.php, common/forum/ForumMessageFactory.class: Removed useless localization of some error messages * www/docman/view.php, www/docman/include/doc_utils.php, www/common/docman/DocumentGroup.class, www/common/docman/Document.class, www/include/languages/Base.tab: i18n of some missing strings * www/include/languages/Base.tab, www/include/languages/Italian.tab: moving exit function choose_group_text to choose_group_title * www/docman/admin/index.php, www/include/languages/Base.tab: Moving docman_admin_groupedit strings to docman_admin_editgroups, i18n * www/account/index.php, www/include/languages/Base.tab: i18n account information box * www/include/languages/Italian.tab: l10n of new strings 2003-02-12 Tom Copeland * www/soap/*: Updated SOAP API to allow fetching a list of open bug ids and fetching an individual bug. Added a "complex type" that encapsulates a bug. 2003-02-09 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/docman/index.php: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/docman/new.php: ditto. * www/docman/admin/index.php: ditto. * www/docman/include/doc_utils.php(docman_header): valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. (doc_droplist_count): ditto. * www/include/languages/Base.tab: developer_monitor:monitor_using_expl: add missing

. * www/developer/diary.php: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/themes/kde/Theme.class(boxTop, boxBottom): clean up. * db/20030209.sql: New file. Reimplements functionality of 20030109.sql in a way that works for all pgsql > 7.0. * www/themes/kde/Theme.class(projectTabs): do not display tracker icon, FRS icon if the project is not using them. 2003-02-09 Reinhard Spisser * www/admin/*, www/include/languages/Base.tab, www/include/languages/Italian.tab: Submitting Reiner Jung's localization of admin * www/include/User.class: Fixing bug #212: get error on update adding jabber address 2003-02-08 Reinhard Spisser * www/scm/index.php, www/include/languages/Base.tab: Submitting Reiner Jung's localization of scm Moved cvs strings to scm_index Added strings to localize developername and modulename * www/include/languages/Italian.tab: Translation of scm_index strings 2003-02-07 Reinhard Spisser * www/softwaremap/trove_list.php, www/include/languages/Base.tab, www/include/languages/Italian.tab: Localization of softwaremap * www/top/*, www/include/languages/Base.tab, www/include/languages/French.tab: Submitting Philippe Kiener's patch for localization of top/ * www/include/languages/Italian.tab: adding new strings for localization of top 2003-02-06 Reinhard Spisser * www/include/project_home.php, www/include/languages/Base.tab, Localizing some strings * www/stats/* www/include/language/Base.tab: Committing Reiner Jungs' localization of stats * www/include/languages/Italian.tab: Translation in italian of new strings 2003-02-05 Roland Mas * www/include/languages/French.tab: some more translations, trying to keep up with Reinhard's work... 2003-02-04 Reinhard Spisser * common/tracker/*, www/tracker/index.php, Localization of the tracker 2003-02-03 Reinhard Spisser * www/include/vote_function.php: to for xhtml compliance * common/pm/ProjectTask.class: removing localized and buggy version of the notify message * www/include/languages/Base.class inserted missing strings for registration 2003-02-03 Reinhard Spisser * www/tracker/reporting/index.php, www/include/languages/Base.tab, www/include/languages/Italian.tab, www/include/tool_reports.php, www/include/html.class: Localization of the tracker 2003-02-02 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/include/languages/Spanish.tab: many new translations. * www/tracker/index.php: remove extra word. * www/include/languages/Base.tab: tracker_artifacttype:nobody New string. tracker:resolution Add missing string. tracker:date Fix spelling. * www/tracker/include/ArtifactTypeHtml.class: none -> nobody for technician. * www/include/exit.php(exit_assert_object): declare $Language as a global. (exit_error): use lower-case global. * www/themes/osx/Theme.class(listTableTop): no height attribute for tr tag in XHTML. * www/themes/kde/Theme.class(listTableTop): ditto plus remove erroneous tag. * www/admin/index.php: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/admin/search.php: ditto. * www/admin/trove/trove_cat_edit.php: ditto. * www/admin/massmail.php: ditto. * www/admin/admin_table.php: ditto. * www/admin/admintabfiles.php: ditto. * www/admin/database.php: ditto. * www/news/admin/index.php: ditto. 2003-02-02 Reinhard Spisser * www/tracker/browse.php, www/tracker/add.php, www/tracker/index.php, www/tracker/detail.php, www/tracker/taskmgr.php, www/tracker/mod.php, www/tracker/include/ArtifactHtml.class, www/tracker/include/ArtifactTypeHtml.class www/tracker/admin/index.php, www/include/languages/Base.tab, www/include/languages/Italian.tab Localization of the tracker 2003-02-01 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/project/admin/editgroupinfo.php: limit "Descriptive Group Name" to 40 characters (as it is limited in the database). 2003-01-30 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/themes/kde/Theme.class: Localise toolbar; change search button into image; minor other cleanups. * www/include/Layout.class: XHTML-ise search options. * www/themes/kde/Theme.class: new KDE-ish theme. * www/my/index.php: use $HTML->imgroot to get current theme's icons. 2003-01-29 Ryan T. Sammartino * common/docman/DocumentFactory.class: fix syntax error. 2003-01-28 Reinhard Spisser * www/register/projectinfo.php, www/include/languages/Base.tab, www/include/languages/Italian.tab: Localization 2003-01-28 Tom Copeland * www/soap/*: Added new operations to support authentication and adding/updated bugs * common/tracker/ArtifactTypeFactory.class: Added some new DAOish functions. 2003-01-26 Ryan T. Sammartino * common/include/utils.php(util_send_message): remove duplicated code. (util_handle_message): do not send messages to "Nobody". 2003-01-25 Ryan T. Sammartino * cronjobs/mail/mailing_lists_create.php: lowercase all list names, do not call "add_alias.php". * www/snippet/browse.php: remove extra line feed at top of file, fix bug #185. 2003-01-25 Reinhard Spisser * www/pm/reporting/index.php, www/include/tool_reports.php, www/pm/admin/index.php, common/pm/*, www/include/html.php, www/include/Layout.class, www/include/html.php, www/source.php Localization 2003-01-24 Reinhard Spisser * www/404.php, www/sendmessage.php, www/users, www/include/user_home,php, www/include/exit.php, common/docman/Document.class, common/docman/DocumentGroup.class, common/frs/FRSFile.class, common/frs/FRSRelease.class common/frs/FRSPackage.class, www/project/filemodule_monitor.php, www/project/memberlist.php Localization * www/pm/index.php, www/pm/browse_task.php, www/pm/add_task.php, www/pm/mod_task.php, www/include/ProjectGroupHTML.class, www/pm/include/ProjectTaskHTML.class, www/pm/task.php, www/pm/ganttpage.php: Localization * www/project/showfiles.php: removed unused code, Localization * common/include/Error.class: new setMissingParamsError() 2003-01-24 Michael Jennings * gforge.spec: New spec file for GForge. This is, of course, still very much beta. 2003-01-22 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/include/languages/Spanish.tab: more translations, sorted the file to more easily find strings, spell check again. * www/project/admin/editrelease.php: what happens when no file is uploaded seems to be browser specific (?)... catch more cases. 2003-01-21 Ryan T. Sammartino Kenia L. Sammartino * www/include/languages/Spanish.tab: thorough review of all strings; tu --> usted, many spelling mistakes fixed, proper XHTML tags. 2003-01-21 Reinhard Spisser * www/include/project_home.php: removed obsolete foundry stuff Localization * common/include/utils.php: Localization * www/include/languages/Base.tab, www/include/languages/Italian.tab: Added strings for localization of project homepage and my/ * www/include/exit.php, www/include/features_box.php, www/include/project_summary.php, www/my/bookmark_add.php, www/my/bookmark_delete.php, www/my/bookmark_edit.php, www/my/rmproject.php, www/my/diary.php, www/developer/diary.php, www/developer/diary.php: Localization * www/developer/monitor.php: correctly escaped strings, localization 2003-01-20 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/include/languages/Spanish.tab: change all HTML entities into proper accented characters; fix some XHTML issues. 2003-01-19 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/account/unsubscribe.php: fix syntax error. * www/account/editsshkeys.php: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/account/login.php: ditto. * www/account/lostlogin.php: ditto. * www/account/lostpw.php: ditto. * www/account/verify.php: ditto. * www/include/languages/Base.tab: XHTML-ise account/ strings. * www/include/languages/Spanish.tab: ditto. * INSTALL: it is possible to install gforge without having to edit /etc/php.ini: add instructions for people who do not like to edit their php.ini file. Also reformat paragraphs so that they wrap at column 79. Also mention the "createlang" step. Remove recommendation about ob_gzhandler, since following that advice causes PHP to spew warnings at the bottom of each page (we already load ob_gzhandler dynamically in pre.php). 2003-01-18 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/include/languages/Spanish.tab: bunch o' translations. * utils/missing_L10n.pl: new file. * www/404.php: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/sendmessage.php: ditto. * www/account/index.php: ditto. * www/include/html.php: ditto. * www/include/languages/Base.tab: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional for several strings. * www/people/editjob.php: Audit: escape special characters from user input before submitting to database. * common/frs/FRSPackage.class: ditto. * common/docman/DocumentGroup.class: ditto. * common/tracker/ArtifactType.class: ditto. * common/tracker/ArtifactGroup.class: ditto. * common/tracker/ArtifactCategory.class: ditto. * common/include/User.class: ditto. * common/include/Group.class: ditto. * common/frs/FRSRelease.class: ditto, plus re-fetch data on update. * www/project/admin/editrelease.php: ditto, plus fix bogus warning about "file upload attack". 2003-01-17 Reinhard Spisser * www/forum/*: there were still a lot of unlocalized strings. Now there should be no more hardcoded strings. The forum localization should be now complete. * www/include/languages/Base.tab: Added labels for forums and general error messages * www/include/languages/Italian.tab: Added translations for italian * common/include/Error.class: added new localized Error functions setPermissionDeniedError(),setInvalidEmailError(),setOnUpdateError(), setGroupIdError(). These functions can be used by all classes that subclass Error.class, and instead of setting $this->setError("Permission Denied"), they should call $this->setPermissionDeniedError() * common/forum/*: localized Forum classes All hardcoded strings are replaced with calls to getText() * common/docman/*: added calls to new localized Error functions 2003-01-17 Tom Copeland * www/scm/index.php, etc/local.inc: Added new sys_cvs_single_host system variable that gives all projects the same CVS hostname. Set it up as being on - i.e., everyone gets the same hostname - by default. 2003-01-16 Roland Mas * www/include/languages/*.tab: Recoded everything to UTF-8. 2003-01-15 Reinhard Spisser * www/include/languages/Base.tab: added forum labels * www/forum/*: localized forum * www/include/languages/Italian.tab: translations of new forum strings 2003-01-15 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/include/languages/Spanish.tab: translations for Reinhard's new strings. 2003-01-15 ***** PRE9 2003-01-15 Roland Mas * common/include/Plugin.class: PHPdoc. * common/include/PluginManager.class: ditto. Also, moved code to pre.php. * www/include/pre.php: Added code from PluginManager.class. * db/20021214.sql: Added plugin subsystem tables and sequences. 2003-01-14 Roland Mas * www/include/Layout.class: Split subMenu() into BeginSubMenu(), PrintSubMenu() and EndSubMenu(). subMenu() still exists, and calls these three methods in a row, giving the same net result. * www/include/html.php: Replaced the call to subMenu() in site_user_header by successive calls to the three aforementioned methods, with a plugin hook in-between. * deb-specific/install-postfix.sh: Applied patch #102 by Julien Goodwin. Should have a better chance of a working gforge-mta-postfix now. Thanks, Julien. 2003-01-13 Reinhard Spisser (reinhard@spisser.it) * www/docman/*: fully localized * www/include/languages/Base.tab: added missing strings * www/include/language/Italian.tab: Italian Docman Localization 2003-01-13 Tom Copeland * www/survey/admin/add_survey.php: Survey title is now a required field. * www/project/admin/qrs.php: File name/type/release name/processor type are now required fields. 2003-01-13 Tim Perdue (tim@gforge.org) * more simplication of db_stats_agg.php by creating views 2003-01-13 Scott Armstrong (scottbird7) * Fixed/completed /cronjobs/mail/* mailing list and alias creation scripts. 2003-01-12 Ryan T. Sammartino * README.Custom: update theme info add add info about "include". * www/include/languages/Latin.tab: new file. * db/20030112.sql: add Latin as a supported language. 2003-01-11 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/account/index.php: Display new language immediately. * www/include/languages/PortugueseBrazilian.tab: use new include functionality to get default strings from Portuguese. * www/include/languages/Portuguese.tab: add missing newline. * www/include/languages/Base.tab: move Savannah-specific strings into their own .tab files. * www/include/languages/Spanish.tab: ditto. * www/themes/savannah_*/{Base,Spanish}.tab: new files with Savannah-specific strings. * www/include/BaseLanguage.class(loadLanguage): allow customisations of strings on a per-theme basis. (loadLanguageFile): implement "include" functionality. * www/survey/survey_resp.php: Audit: escape special characters from user input before submitting to database. * www/survey/admin/edit_survey.php: ditto. * www/survey/admin/add_survey.php: ditto. * www/survey/admin/add_survey.php: add missing <, don't display empty table if there are no existing surveys. * www/new/index.php: use new frs_dlstats_grouptotal_vw * www/include/features_boxes.php(show_top_downloads): use new frs_dlstats_grouptotal_vw. * cronjobs/db_stats_agg.php: remove file download stat calculations. * db/20030112.sql: new file. * common/frs/FRSRelease.class(create): yet another pg_atoi fix. 2003-01-10 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/themes/osx/Theme.class: valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/news/news_utils.php: make project summary valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/include/trove.php: ditto. * www/include/Layout.class: ditto. * www/include/project_home.php: ditto. * www/include/html.php: make / valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. * www/include/Layout.class: ditto. * www/include/languages/Base.tab: ditto. * common/include/utils.php: ditto. * www/index_std.php: ditto. * www/news/news_utils.php: ditto. * www/my/diary.php: bug 158: pg_atoi when inserting diary entry. * common/include/utils.php(util_make_links): exclude <> from URL regexp to avoid sucking in the
tag. * www/include/html.php(html_image): XHTML compliance: tag fixup * www/forum/include/ForumHTML.class: revert nl2br changes. 2003-01-10 Edward Ritter * Gargantuan patch to lower-case and bring our entire HTML within the realm of being XHTML-compliant. Significant refinement is still necessary to be 100% compliant. 2003-01-10 Tom Copeland * www/account/register.php, www/tracker/add.php, common/include/utils.php www/forum/include/ForumHTML.class: Began work on task #63 - adding a red * to all required fields. 2003-01-09 Ryan T. Sammartino * common/include/session.php(session_issecure, session_redirect): use $HTTP_SERVER_VARS instead of $_SERVER. * db/20030109.sql: new file. * www/include/project_summary.php: use project_sums_agg table for fora and forum message count. * www/news/news_utils.php: use forum_group_list_vw to get number of comments. 2003-01-9 Jim Nutt * www/scm/index.php Cleanup/set to use Group object. 2003-01-08 Ryan T. Sammartino * common/include/utils.php(util_make_links): Change e-mail regular expression so that e-mails must either start a line or be preceeded by whitespace. This prevents URLs that contain e-mail addresses from getting messed up (e.g. http://mailman/user=foo@bar.com). * www/forum/include/ForumHTML.class: first call util_make_links, then do nl2br. This prevents
from becoming part of a URL that is at the end of a line. * www/admin/trove/trove_cat_edit.php, www/admin/trove/trove_cat_add.php, common/pm/ProjectCategory.class, www/include/bookmarks.php: Audit: escape special characters from user input before submitting to database. 2003-01-07 Tom Copeland * Added "submitted by" info to the task detail view. Modified project_task_vw to include user name and realname from user table. [tom] DB changes are in 20030107.sql. 2003-01-06 Richard Offer * www/include/Layout.class, www/project/showfiles.php: patch #134: fix bug #131 - fix bad quotes and missing close bracket. 2003-01-06 Tom Copeland * Modified tracker monitor buttons so they show current monitoring status. 2003-01-05 Richard Offer * Contributed OSX theme. [tom] DB changes (along with some other misc changes) are in 20030105.sql. 2003-01-05 Roland Mas <99.roland.mas@aist.enst.fr> * Removed uuencoded image files. They are not needed anymore after a new upstream release. 2003-01-04 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/pm/calendar.php: show tasks in calendar. * www/pm/{add_task,mod_task}.php: update link to View Calendar. * www/include/languages/{Base,Spanish}.tab: new entries for calendar tasks. * www/include/languages/Base.tab: Bug 123: tabify "conf" entries. * www/my/index.php: Bug 120: fix link to unmonitor file * www/pm/task.php www/forum/save.php www/forum/new.php www/forum/monitor.php www/project/filemodule_monitor.php docs/xdocs/xdocs/contributions/templating.xml: fix typo: exit_missing_params --> exit_missing_param 2003-01-02 Tim Perdue * Added interface to tracker so you can build relationships w/Task manager. [tom] DB changes are in 20030102.sql and 20030102-drops.sql. 2003-01-02 Tim Perdue * Complete rewrite of doc mgr in GForge coding guidelines. 2003-01-02 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/survey/adminedit_survey.php: sanity checks when posting changes. * www/themes/savannah/SavannahTheme.class: missing close quotes. 2003-01-01 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/themes/savannah/menu.php: new file. * www/themes/savannah/SavannahTheme.class: new file. * www/themes/savannah_*/Theme.class: make these derived classes of SavannahTheme. 2002-12-31 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/include/Layout.class: optionally add "Show Source" link to bottom of each page. * www/source.php: new file. * etc/local.inc: add $sys_show_source option. * db/20021223.sql: Patch 97: drop project_task_vw before create. * www/pm/calendar.php: change output to valid XHTML 1.0 with HTML 4.0 compatability. 2002-12-30 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/pm/index.php, www/pm/admin/index.php: Bug 96: fix spuriours errors when no subprojects are defined. * common/include/User.class: Fix pg_atoi problem. 2002-12-29 Ryan T. Sammartino * www/pm/calendar.php: rewrite. * www/include/languages/Base.tab: add translations for calendar. * www/include/languages/Spanish.tab: ditto. * www/include/languages/Italian.tab: ditto. * www/include/languages/Japense.tab: ditto. * common/forum/Forum.class: patch 69: Allow non-site-wide admins to post news * cronjobs/{check_stale_tracker_items.php, db_project_sums.php, massmail.php,project_weekly_metric-backfill.php, stats_projects-backfill.php}: Commonise magic headers to '#! /usr/bin/php4 -f' 2002-12-24 Tim Perdue * Gantt charting added and more debugging of new Project Manager. 2002-12-23 Tim Perdue * Committing first working version of new Project Manager. Still needs more testing and coding. 2002-12-14 Tim Perdue * Complete rewrite of FRS using OO style and coding guidelines. Same form and design as tracker. 2002-12-13 Tim Perdue * Quick changes to doc manager to protect binary safe uploads / downloads. Must run a PHP script to migrate your data from pre6 to pre7. The script is in db/doc_data-migrate.php 2002-12-12 Tim Perdue * Added skills/profile system patch submitted by John Maguire 2002-12-09 Tim Perdue * Complete forum rewrite using OO style and coding guidlines. Same form and design as Tracker system. 2002-12-07 Tim Perdue * Moved html_build_list_table_top() into Layout.class, and created listTableBottom(), so they can be easily themed. 2002-12-06 Tim Perdue * Jabber Support working. Tracker updates and Forum Posts are now set to use the jabber system. Much more integration needs to be done. 2002-11-28 Tim Perdue * Cleaned up and simplied File Release System. Still needs serious OO rewrite, however it is no longer dependent on setuid "fileforge" and "tempfileforge". 2002-11-25 Tim Perdue * Removed hacky "theming" system and rewrote Layout.class with new sitewide theme. New theming system can be based on extending Layout.class as they did before. Renamed several function calls in Layout.class. * Foundries and all related code removed 2001-07-13 Paul Sokolovsky * www/include/logger.php: We should allow to access groups with 'Holding' status. * www/search/index.php: Ditto. 2001-07-09 Paul Sokolovsky * common/include/utils.php(util_check_fileupload): New function, checks that file is in fact was uploaded by user and may be safely used without compromising system. * www/docman/new.php, www/project/admin/editimages.php, www/project/admin/editreleases.php, www/project/admin/qrs.php, www/tracker/include/ArtifactFileHtml.class: Use that function. 2001-07-08 Tim Perdue * Quick patch of massive gaping security hole where uploaded files were not verified before being read in. 2001-07-01 Paul Sokolovsky * TARBALL: Cleaned up somewhat, made leave /tmp/scratch in place of manual cleanup. 2001-06-29 Paul Sokolovsky * www/project/stats/stats_graph.png: Use proper units names. 2001-06-29 Paul Sokolovsky * www/project/stats/stats_graph.png: Use proper units names. 2001-06-28 Paul Sokolovsky * www/include/html.php(html_dbimage): Allow to pass in additional attributes, like to html_image(). 2001-06-26 Paul Sokolovsky * www/account/{change_email.php,change_email-complete.php}: Check exit status. * www/admin/useredit.pgp: Ditto. * www/project/admin/userpermedit.php: Provide more obvious error message. 2001-06-26 James Byers * new optionally encrypted cookie with username set on login * login redirection system allows non-local URLs * addition of jobs.osdn.com links, front page text 2001-06-22 Paul Sokolovsky * common/include/User.class(setShell): Validate argument. * common/include/User.class: Add SQL error message for DB-related errors. 2001-06-22 Tim Perdue * Fixed subtle bug in tracker where you could get an artifact to display right and update 1/2 right, but not completely right, if you mangled the URL. Also added Site Admin debug code so logged in admins can see query strings at the bottom of the page. 2001-06-19 Paul Sokolovsky * common/include/User.class(setPasswd): Validate argument. * www/admin/useredit.php: Show current value of the confirm hash. 2001-06-19 James Byers * updated administrative files, db/ files with header comment * added generic terms, privacy statement 2001-06-18 Paul Sokolovsky * common/include/User.class(setStatus): Validate argument. 2001-06-14 Paul Sokolovsky * common/include/utils.php(util_make_links): Do not include <> delimiters in URL. 2001-06-12 Paul Sokolovsky * www/project/admin/qrs.php: Allow release technicians to access this page. * www/search/index.php: Within artifact search SQL, order WHERE conditions properly. 2001-06-12 Paul Sokolovsky * www/include/BaseLanguage.class(loadLanguage): Add support for comments in message catalogs ('#' as the first char of line). * www/sendmessage.php: Provide proper substs for headers. 2001-06-11 Paul Sokolovsky * www/tracker/mod.php: Pass group name as arg to header. 2001-06-09 Paul Sokolovsky * www/partners.php, www/include/languages/Base.tab: Fix last place where raw PHP code was stuffed in msgcat. 2001-06-08 James Byers * Changed export/rss_foundry_news.php to include group and user information * Created TARBALL process document 2001-06-08 Darrell Brogdon * (including 6/6 commits) ... 2001-06-07 Tim Perdue * (including 6/6 commits) ... 2001-06-01 Darrell Brogdon * ... 2001-05-31 Tim Perdue * cronjobs/project_weekly_metric.php - fixed replication issue that interfered with including download counts in activity metric. 2001-05-30 Darrell Brogdon * ... 2001-05-30 Paul Sokolovsky * www/account/lostlogin.php: Typo fix. * www/account/lostlogin.php: Invalidate confirm hash on successful operations. * www/include/BaseLanguage.class(loadLanguage): Remove trailing newline from strings to be returned by getText(). * common/include/User.class(setNewEmailAndHash): Add convenient feature: if hash value is 0, then generate it randomly inline. * www/account/lostpw.php, www/include/languages/Base.tab: Add code to unquote/perform substitutions on mail message from message catalog. 2001-05-25 Paul Sokolovsky * common/include/account.php (account_salt): Move local functions out - PHP re-defines local function each time enclosing function is evaluated, so it cannot be called more than once. * www/users: Do not allow to access page for non-active users. * www/include/user_home.php: Fix phpfault when accessing while not logged in. 2001-05-24 Darrell Brogdon * Added rss_osdnnews.php 2001-05-23 James Byers * tagged at SF_2_6_0 * rotated ChangeLog 2001-03-25 Adrian Aichner * many files: Typo fixes. 2000-12-06 Paul Sokolovsky * bugs/bug_data.php,index.php: Fix bug when any bug update by bug admin resulted in two mail notifications: once for properties change and once for comment. * search/index.php: Added parameter aliases and defaults. Finished RSS exports. 2000-12-05 Paul Sokolovsky * account/index.php: Add "remember me" checkbox. * account/updateprefs.php: Depending on its value, either set 'sf_user_hash' cookie or clear it. * my/index.php: if sf_user_hash cookie set with correct hash, allow user to view the page. * include/User.class: Added getMD5Passwd() method. 2000-11-27 Paul Sokolovsky * include/Group.php, project/admin/userperms.php: Member role selection based on help wanted categories. 2000-11-22 Paul Sokolovsky * project/admin/editpackages.php,editreleases.php,index.php, newrelease.php, project_admin_utils.php: Functionality of the file release privilege: 1. Allow any project member to access admin page, but allow only admin to perfom tasks; 2. Allow user with file release privilege access Add/Edit Release page, but allow only to modify releases, not packages. * include/html.php: fix obscure bug when static error message was shoen instead of real one. 2000-11-21 Paul Sokolovsky * include/Group.php, project/admin/userperms.php: File release privilege storing and UI. 2000-11-13 Paul Sokolovsky * include/HTML_Graphs.php: horizontal_multisection_graph(): render horizontal graph consisting of multiple colored sections. graph_calculate_scale(): calculate scale for such graphs. * project/stats/project_stats_utils.php: period2seconds(), period2sql(): functions to deal with time periods. * include/tool_reports.php: library for tool reporting. 2000-11-09 Paul Sokolovsky * include/utils.php: util_result_columns_to_assoc(): converts db result set into associative array. 2000-10-27 Paul Sokolovsky * project/admin/index.php: make fact that admins cannot be deleted explicitly visible by showing crossed trash icon. 2000-10-20 Paul Sokolovsky * include/User.class: getUnixStatus() added. * admin/approve_pending.php: Added LDAP support. For this, update each group individually instead of in mass. Also, some UI tweaks: now it's possible to approve projects individually, fields are shown somewhat cleaner. Since data now doubled between SQL and LDAP, steps to detect inconsistencies are performed with (hopefully) proper diagnostics (including preserving LDAP error descriptions in status_comment of group) and rudimentary auto-repair. * include/Error.class: Allow error messages to accumulate. * include/Group.class: addUser() and removeUser() LDAPized. * admin/groupedit.php: LDAPized. 2000-10-19 Geoffrey Herteg * pm/pm_util.php: added mail_followup() to mail followups to task owner and assigned developers... * pm/pm_data.php: modified pm_data_create_task() and pm_data_update_task() to call mail_followup() if create/update successful. 2000-10-19 Paul Sokolovsky * include/ldap.php: module for LDAP support. * DB: groups: new column 'status_comment', should provide some explaination (for human) while group in given status. 2000-10-18 Paul Sokolovsky * include/User.class: user_get_object() can take either $user_id or $res. 2000-10-17 Paul Sokolovsky * DB: user_group: add 'cvs_flags' column to hold CVS permissions. * project/admin/userperms.php: Add CVS access selector for read, write, admin permissions (accumulated). Reformat and add more roles descriptions. * include/Group.class: make updateUser() method take additional argument - cvs permissions (0,1,2 for read, write, admin). 2000-10-15 Paul Sokolovsky * include/menu.php: Make docs link bold. * account/first.php: Make docs link bold. 2000-10-14 Paul Sokolovsky * pre.php: If run without supported_languages table, mod_php died on including the directory instead of language class. Bad behaviour, almost as segfault of C app. Fixed. 2000-10-11 Paul Sokolovsky * Russian.class: File submitted by me was magically converted to windows-1251 encoding. Turn back to iso-8859-5.