2008-03-10 Christian Bayle * Removed as much php warning as possible * Migrate to util_make_url() and util_make_link() * - www/reporting/*,www/pm/*,www/softwaremap/* * - www/survey/*,www/stats/*,www/top/* * - www/export/*,www/developer/*,www/themes/* * - www/frs/*,www/activity/*,www/project/* * - www/news/*,www/pm/*,www/people/*,www/docman/* * - plugins/* * - www/snippet/*,www/include/*,www/admin/* * - www/my/*,www/tracker/*,www/search/* * introduced $sys_noforcetype to make possible to get rid of /projects and /users forcetype 2008-02-28 Roland Mas * plugins/*: Migrate to util_make_url() and util_make_link(). * www/forum/*: Ditto. 2008-02-27 Roland Mas * deb-specific/db-upgrade.pl: Fixed syntax for PostgreSQL 8.3's stricter checking. * deb-specific/sf-2.6-complete.sql: Fixed a foreign key constraint for compatibility with PostgreSQL 8.3. 2008-02-13 Roland Mas * common/include/Group.class.php: * www/admin/unsubscribe.php: Fixed yet another few undefined variable warnings. 2008-02-07 Roland Mas * www/account/*: Migrate to util_make_url() and util_make_link(). 2008-01-19 Roland Mas * cronjobs/massmail.php: Added missing i18n on the mass mail cron script. 2008-01-14 Roland Mas * www/export/rss20_news.php: Fixed typo that prevented the RSS feed from returning any results. 2008-01-13 Roland Mas * common/include/Plugin.class.php: Removed two unused functions. * common/include/utils.php: New functions util_make_url and util_make_link, whose goal is to provide a central place where URL scheme is implemented. * www/themes/gforge/Theme.class.php: Use these functions. * common/*: Ditto. * cronjobs/*: Ditto. * deb-specific/*: Ditto. * www/* (not recursive): Ditto. 2008-01-11 Roland Mas * www/export/*.php: The previous validation didn't work since we're no longer using register_globals=on. Fixed that. * www/export/*.php: Fixed a bunch of PHP warnings. 2008-01-09 Roland Mas * www/export/rss_sfprojects.php: Validate input to prevent an SQL injection. * www/export/forum.php: Ditto. * www/export/rss20_newreleases.php: Ditto. * www/export/rss20_news.php: Ditto. * www/export/rss20_projects.php: Ditto. * www/export/rss_sfnewreleases.php: Ditto. * www/export/rss_sfnews.php: Ditto. 2007-12-12 Roland Mas * www/tracker/taskmgr.php: Fetch project_task_id parameter from request. * deb-specific/db-upgrade.pl: Unregister obsolete themes, and register new ones. * setup: Look for CVS and Subversion repositories in /var/lib/gforge/chroot, if they're not found in the root directory. 2007-12-11 Roland Mas * common/include/Group.class.php: Include realname and username of the person who requests a project in the email sent to the admins. * www/admin/approve-pending.php: Ditto, in the list of pending projects. 2007-12-06 Roland Mas * plugins/scmsvn/cronjobs/snapshots.sh: Change interpreter to bash since the script uses behaviour not implemented by all /bin/sh variants. * plugins/scmcvs/cronjobs/snapshots.sh: Ditto. 2007-11-30 Roland Mas * www/admin/useredit.php: Removed undefined variable warning. * www/account/register.php: Fix a syntax error, use appropriate functions to get data from the server. * deb-specific/install-nsspgsql.sh: Adapted to new configuration syntax for libnss-pgsql2. 2007-11-28 Roland Mas * www/admin/index.php: Removed links to the language administration tools. * www/admin/languages/: Removed that directory, now unused. * deb-specific/db-upgrade.pl: Delete related tmp_lang if it exists. 2007-11-27 Roland Mas * common/include/gettext.php: Renamed from www/include/BaseLanguage.class.php. Almost entirely rewritten, to finish the gettext transition. * Lots of changes all over the place, accordingly. No more $Language, no more getText(), no more *.tab files. 2007-11-24 Roland Mas * www/news/submit.php: Removed undefined index warning. * etc/httpd.d/06maindirhttp: Setup alias directive for /fckeditor/ in case it's installed system-wide. * etc/httpd.d/07maindirhttp.ssl: Ditto. * plugins/fckeditor/common/fckeditorPlugin.class.php: Add run-time detection of an FCKeditor installed system-wide. Use it when present, otherwise keep using the local copy. * www/include/trove.php: Removed undefined index warnings, and made a few strings translatable. * common/include/Group.class.php: Removed undefined variable warnings. 2007-11-23 Roland Mas * www/project/admin/group_trove.php: Removed undefined variable warning. * www/snippet/submit.php: Removed undefined variable warning, and made a few strings translatable. * gforge/www/themes/gforge/images/icon.png: New file. 2007-11-21 Roland Mas * deb-specific/stats_projects_logparse.pl: Parse IPv6 addresses as well as IPv4. * common/include/session.php: Made session_check_ip() able to compare IPv6 addresses as well as IPv4 ones. * deb-specific/install-db.sh: Setup database for access through the Unix socket rather than TCP socket (in order to lighten the dependency on IP addresses). 2007-11-20 Roland Mas * common/include/cron_utils.php: Made the semaphore handling a bit more robust. 2007-11-09 Roland Mas * common/include/PluginManager.class.php: Fixed undefined variable bug detected by a PHP notice. * www/include/project_home.php: Ditto. * Replaced $sys_datefmt with a localised format (lots of changes). * Ditto with $sys_shortdatefmt. * Removed unused $sys_strftimefmt. 2007-11-07 Roland Mas * common/include/GroupJoinRequest.class.php: New send_accept_mail() function. * www/project/admin/index.php: Use it. 2007-11-06 Roland Mas * www/include/BaseLanguage.class.php: Added setup_gettext_from_browser() and setup_gettext_for_user(), to be able to temporarily override a locale. * www/include/pre.php: Adapt accordingly. * common/include/GroupJoinRequest.class.php: Switch to the email recipient's locale before sending email, then switch back to the current user's locale. * common/include/Group.class.php: Ditto for group approval/rejection messages. 2007-11-04 Roland Mas * Several fixes to remove vulnerabilities against symlink attacks in /tmp (CVE-2007-3921). * common/include/cron_utils.php: Use semaphore rather than insecure lock files. * cronjobs/massmail.php: Adapt to that semaphore change. * www/soap/index.php: Commented out debugging code that could be used to overwrite files. * cronjobs/mail/mailaliases.php and mailing_lists_create.php: Use /var/lib/gforge/dumps/mailman-aliases rather than /tmp/mailman-aliases. 2007-10-31 Roland Mas * www/include/project_home.php: updated "project_after_description" hook and added "project_before_description" and "project_public_area" hooks. Also, only show trove info if trove is enabled. Based on patch #1626 by Nicolas Quienot. * www/my/index.php: Display the user's role in the projects he belongs to on his personal page. * www/include/user_home.php: Ditto, on his public profile page. 2007-10-26 Roland Mas * www/tracker/admin/form-extrafieldcopy.php: Use the role_setting table instead of the artifact_perm view. * www/tracker/reporting/index.php: Ditto. 2007-10-25 Roland Mas * www/pm/msproject/msp.php: Use the role_setting table instead of the project_perm view. * www/tracker/mod.php: Ditto for artifact_perm. 2007-09-24 Roland Mas * common/include/Role.class.php: Removed code that made use of the forum_perm, project_perm and artifact_perm tables. * common/include/Group.class.php: Ditto. * common/include/User.class.php: Ditto. * common/forum/Forum.class.php: Use the permissions stored in the role for forums, rather than depending on a redundant table. * common/forum/ForumFactory.class.php: Ditto. * common/pm/ProjectGroup.class.php: Use the permissions stored in the role for subprojects, rather than depending on a redundant table. * common/pm/ProjectGroupFactory.class.php: Ditto. * common/tracker/ArtifactType.class.php: Use the permissions stored in the role for trackers, rather than depending on a redundant table. * common/tracker/ArtifactTypeFactory.class.php: Ditto. * db/20070924-forum-perm.sql: Removed the forum_perm table, replaced it with a view behaving similarly (for backwards compatibility) * db/20070924-project-perm.sql: Likewise, for project_perm. * db/20070924-artifact-perm.sql: Likewise, for artifact_perm. * deb-specific/db-upgrade.pl: Use these new files. 2007-07-06 Christian Bayle * Made cosmetic changes in sub sub menu to display Admin when possible (still need some work) * Removed various warning when error_reporting( E_ALL ); for unset variables 2007-06-24 Christian Bayle * Massive renaming of .class in .class.php * This will ease to develop with IDE like eclipse * It may be some side effect of automation I used to do this 2006-10-04 Christian Bayle * remove use of deprecated user_ismember function in layout.class * Allow opening of /etc/gforge/local.inc readonly in configman.php, remove some warning * Correct outertab hook and remove deprecated user_ismember function in Layout.class 2006-09-19 Reinhard Spisser * replacing dojo tabs with tabber 2006-07-21 Reinhard Spisser * I18n of activity tab * Fixed translation tool which did not work correctly 2006-06-01 Reinhard Spisser * committing first xhtml compliant theme (gforge-simple-theme) 2006-06-01 Reinhard Spisser * fix for bug [#2491] CSS Bug 2006-05-19 Reinhard Spisser * final commits for css-ification task 2006-05-15 Daniel Perez * Fixed a bug in the forum admin new moderated message notice, the link was wrong 2006-05-05 Reinhard Spisser * css-ification of www/pm, www/search, www/snippet, www/softwaremap www/stats, www/survey, www/tracker 2006-05-04 Reinhard Spisser * css-ification of common/, www/account, www/activity, www/developer www/forum, www/frs, www/my and www/include/languages 2006-04-30 Reinhard Spisser * added new css/gforge.css and reference this new css in Layout.class * added new osx/css/theme.css and and gforge/css/theme.css and reference this new css in Layout.class 2006-04-28 Daniel Perez * Applied patch : Fixing daily_task_email cronjob http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2307&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : Missing links back from various admin sub-tabs http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2266&group_id=1&atid=106 2006-04-26 Tim Perdue * fixed a bug in artifactfactory where arrays were being saved and creating an unsolvable problem and broken sql query. 2006-04-25 Reinhard Spisser * scmsvn: Added Italian.tab 2006-04-20 Daniel Perez * Applied patch : use a parameter instead of hardcoded admin address https://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2251&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : Add Time Entry to SOAP interface https://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2182&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : Correction for French.tab https://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2115&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : tracker.php lacks a "break" in downloadcsv clause https://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1873&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : Mails cannot be sent when using php safe_mode https://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1810&group_id=1&atid=106 2006-04-17 Daniel Perez * Applied patch : Many fixes for massmail.php http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2255&group_id=1&atid=106 2006-04-01 Tim Perdue * purging unused strings and unmaintained language files 2006-03-27 Daniel Perez * Fixed bug : Capital letters with "stress marks" are wrong in language/Spanish.tab http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2099&group_id=1&atid=105 2006-03-20 Daniel Perez * Applied patch : Fixes bug in tracker template upload http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2000&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : Plugin manager forgets to report problems, and should tell more about db init errors http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1964&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : updated italian.tab http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1921&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : updated chinese.tab http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1907&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : Artifact::create() looses sql error on insertion http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1909&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : Error message when validation of list name fails is not informative enoug http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1863&group_id=1&atid=106 2006-03-09 Daniel Perez * fixed bug in ProjectTask -> $send_task_email===false 2006-03-08 Tim Perdue * addslashes() needs to be applied to all incoming SOAP messages * suppressing sending of emails for msproject * document::sendNotice was never implemented 2006-02-22 Marcelo Mottall * Rewrote usergroup cronjob, it adds markers in /etc files now * Split usergroup cronjob in two: usergroup and homedirs.php 2006-02-17 Daniel Perez * Added activity rss feed * Modified gforgegroup and osx theme to support rss feeds in the header 2006-02-13 Daniel Perez * Changed boxGetAltRowStyle in Layout.class http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1830&group_id=1&atid=105 * Made links bigger * Fixed German language file which had issues because of extra tabs 2006-02-11 Tim Perdue * Added priority column to tracker and made its background the priority color. the rest of the row is now standard alternating color for accessibility reasons. 2006-02-09 Daniel Perez * User.class now deletes from filemodule_monitor, forum_monitored_forum, artifact_monitor, artifact_type_monitor when deleting user 2006-02-08 Daniel Perez * Applied patch : Patched DocsSearchQuery FTI SQL https://gforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1849&group_id=6&atid=222 * Applied patch : Patched ExportProjectSearch FTI query https://gforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1851&group_id=6&atid=222 * Applied patch : forums_search function ordering not results https://gforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1853&group_id=6&atid=222 * Applied patch : NewsSearchQuery not ordering results https://gforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1855&group_id=6&atid=222 * Applied patch : TasksSearchQuery.class and project_task_search() function problems https://gforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1858&group_id=6&atid=222 * Applied patch : skills_data_search(text) postgresql function not returning results ordered by rank value https://gforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1857&group_id=6&atid=222 * Applied patch : forum_search(text, integer) function not ordering results https://gforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1852&group_id=6&atid=222 2006-02-03 Daniel Perez * Applied patch : magic quotes and search terms http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1839&group_id=6&atid=222 * Fixed bug : FTI search with exact match doesn't work http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1844&group_id=6&atid=222 2006-02-01 Daniel Perez * Applied patch : Chinese language updated http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1755&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : Russian language updated http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1804&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : MailParser.class is too restrictive http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1819&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : cvs-2.12's commitid causes cvsweb to corrupt content behind "download" links http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1814&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : Patch to optionally disable user ratings on site http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1807&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : Allow /user/ pages to link to /admin/useredit.php?user_id= pages http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1820&group_id=1&atid=106 * placed patch in contrib http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1787&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : Fix awfull look of advanced search http://gforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1566&group_id=1&atid=106 * Applied patch : cvs history parse ignores exports http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1784&group_id=6&atid=222 * Fixed bug : Tracker Bugs: Failed edit should release form key, failed upload on submit should rollback http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1829&group_id=1&atid=105 * Fixed bug : alt row color doesn't render right in IE http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1830&group_id=1&atid=105 * Fixed bug in rss, where group_id wasnīt being properly set 2006-01-29 Tim Perdue * added google-style page counts at the bottom of the tracker browse page so you can easily jump to specific pages * Added multiple-file upload capability. * Fixed full-text indexing 2006-01-20 Daniel Perez * Added fckeditor support (html news documents) to display in front page 2006-01-13 Daniel Perez * Forums : removed all references to bbcode (not used anymore, replaced by fckeditor) update to be made : 1) run 20060113.sql 2006-01-06 Daniel Perez * Applied patch : When Anonymous posting is turned off, tell people to log in. http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1761&group_id=1&atid=106 2006-01-04 Daniel Perez * Docman : when editing files, the editor only shows up for TEXT files For html text files, the plugin editor shows up (fckeditor at this time) For other text files itīs a textarea to preserver the text format 2006-01-03 Ognyan Kulev * www/docman/index.php: '#' as JSCookTree folder href instead of ''. 2006-01-03 Daniel Perez * Applied patch : pm sort order http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1582&group_id=6&atid=222 * Applied patch : improve stats collection http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1638&group_id=6&atid=222 2005-12-27 Daniel Perez * Fixed bug : svn-stats.php bug http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1763&group_id=1&atid=105 2005-12-20 Daniel Perez * Fixed bug in docman treeview * Added popup window for editor in docman 2005-11-25 Tim Perdue * added new /scm/reporting/ page and graphs 2005-12-16 Daniel Perez * Fixed bug : svn-stats.php reports itself as history_parse.php http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1593&group_id=6&atid=222 Patchs applied : * Fixed bug -> bad link to private mailman archives http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1687&group_id=6&atid=222 2005-12-15 Marcelo Mottalli * Fixed bug [#1694]: SOAP method getArtifacts returns only 50 artifacts * SOAP call artifactGetChangeLog now returns strings instead of IDs 2005-12-14 Daniel Perez create_svn : post-commit was being overwritten every time on several repositories, now thereīs a check to see if the lines are already there for svncommitemail and svntracker and appended if theyīre not there, else the file is created (never overwritten) 2005-12-13 Daniel Perez Added configman.php, configuration files manager for admin interface 2005-12-05 Daniel Perez Patchs applied : * Fixed bug -> usergroup.php has multiple problems 'deleting' CVS repositories http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1681&group_id=6&atid=222 * Fixed bug -> query builder doesn't respect limit of 50 artifacts http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1682&group_id=6&atid=222 2005-12-02 Daniel Perez cvstracker plugin : changed the handle of the vars, to send only one 2005-12-01 Daniel Perez rss 2.0 feed patch added 2005-11-30 Daniel Perez svntracker plugin : changed the handle of the vars, to send only one post to newcommit.php (previously there were multiple HTTP POSTS) 2005-11-28 Daniel Perez www/admin/pluginman.php : added create/remove symlink to www and config dirs Fckeditor plugin : changed core files to www/ dir in fckeditor plugin instead of gforge include dir News : added fckeditor plugin integration Doc Manager : added fckeditor plugin integration. organized the logic (was too entangled) 2005-11-25 Tim Perdue * added some javascript libraries * modified docman index to use javascript tree - you can expand folders now without a round-trip back to the server 2005-11-25 Tim Perdue * added quick-jump navigation system * added back in the quick-browse for tracker, which was removed for power query * made cvssyncmail plugin so it can be unchecked * completely cleaned up cvs.php cronjob 2005-11-25 Daniel Perez Patchs applied : * Fixed bug -> history parse runs out of memory http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1585&group_id=6&atid=222 * Fixed bug -> Hide skills search if sys_use_people is false https://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1586&group_id=6&atid=222 2005-11-17 Ognyan Kulev * docs/docbook/docbook/installation_guide/installation_guide.xml: /etc/gforge/custom/index_std.php instead of www/index_std.php. Branch_4_5 instead of HEAD for checking out plugins. 2005-11-10 Daniel Perez Forum : Fixing bugs in display / emails Admin : added plugin manager -> to enable/disable in a site wide fashion the plugins 2005-11-10 Daniel Perez Fckeditor : changed configuration upgraded to 2.1.1 version to fix "spaces error" in Firefox 2005-11-10 Ognyan Kulev * docs/docbook/docbook/installation_guide/installation_guide.xml: Checking out and updating from Branch_4_5. Customizing front page. FTI and project webs moved to optional features. Removed the fix for CVSTracker schema. Q&A about and , by David Morsberger. Added recommendation that reporting tables are initialized early. Instructions for patching when CVS version is 1.12. 2005-11-09 Daniel Perez Tracker (fixed bug) [#1630] -> http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=222&aid=1630&group_id=6 2005-11-08 Daniel Perez Forums : Added more common htmlentities to convertExtendedCharsForEmail method 2005-11-07 Daniel Perez Forums : Attachmanager : Added more descriptive error messages Display : Fixed extra line break always displaying Fixed bug when creating forum with default email address 2005-11-04 Daniel Perez Patchs applied [#1546] -> http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1546&group_id=1&atid=106 [#1567] -> http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1567&group_id=1&atid=106 [#1609] -> http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1609&group_id=1&atid=106 Forums : added mail support when attachment is added changed some special html chars to show up when sending notice via email 2005-11-03 Daniel Perez Patchs applied [#1322] -> http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1322&group_id=1&atid=106 [#1396] -> http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1396&group_id=1&atid=106 [#1419] -> http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1419&group_id=1&atid=106 [#1430] -> http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1430&group_id=1&atid=106 [#1437] -> http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1437&group_id=1&atid=106 [#1450] -> http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1450&group_id=1&atid=106 [#1458] -> http://gforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1458&group_id=1&atid=106 2005-11-02 Daniel Perez forums : fixed attachment issue when generating new message common/include/textsanitizer.class : fixed regexp to only look for "script" tag, not the word itself 2005-11-01 Daniel Perez www/tracker/downloadcv.php : applied patch from ibm tracker to HEAD and Branch_4_5 forums : forum.php and message.php -> added fix to support old messages 2005-10-31 Daniel Perez svntracker : head -> * fixed links (now working) * fixed bugs * added debug functions to write to file 4.5 -> * fixed links (now working) * fixed bugs * added debug functions to write to file 2005-10-27 Daniel Perez Created branch_4_5 for svntracker 2005-10-27 Marcelo Mottalli * Fixed a bug in docman which prevented uploading files when $sys_use_ftpuploads was set to false * Added filesize attribute to documents FOLLOWING SCRIPTS MUST BE RUN: - db/20051027-1.sql - db/20051027-2.php 2005-10-26 Tim Perdue * moddaterange, opendaterange, closedaterange added to artifact query 2005-10-21 Daniel Perez * forum/ForumMessage.class : strip_tags to emails. This is for when fckeditor edited messages have permitted html * TextSanitizer : Fixed various bugs. tag not allowed * utils.php : added param to send_mail function, just to have it if itīs needed sometime * Applied patch -> http://gforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1590&group_id=1&atid=106 2005-10-18 Daniel Perez * TextSanitizer : added new function to make HTML output more readable and tidy (avoid empty attributes) added textarea,radio,checkbox,text support (form input types) added headings for text formatting (h1->h6) added
tag double quotes replaced (now allowed) * www/include/html.php : added html_build_rich_textarea function * Fckeditor made plugin. Merged plugin into forums. Defaults to old