# # This Makefile may be used to create packages for distributions # DISTDEBIAN=$(shell [ -f /etc/debian_version ] && echo debian) DISTREDHAT=$(shell grep -qi 'Red Hat' /etc/issue && echo rh) DISTSUSE=$(shell grep -qi 'SuSE' /etc/issue && echo rh) DIST=$(DISTDEBIAN)$(DISTREDHAT)$(DISTSUSE) ARCHIVE=$(CURDIR)/depot #ifeq ($(BUILDDIR),) # BUILDDIR=builddir #endif BUILDRESULT=$(CURDIR)/result DOXYGEN=doxygen VER=$(shell LANG=C grep '>software_version' src/common/include/FusionForge.class.php | cut -d\' -f2) in_svn_repo:= $(wildcard .svn/) ifeq ($(strip $(in_svn_repo)),) ID=unknown URL=unknown TAG=unknown else ID=$(shell LANG=C svnversion) URL=$(shell LANG=C svn info | grep 'Root:' | awk '{print $$3}') TAG=$(shell LANG=C svn log $(URL) -r $(ID) -l 1 2>/dev/null | awk '{ if ($$1=="Tag-Release") print $$1}') endif ifeq ($(TAG),) VERSION_ID=$(VER)-$(ID) VERSION=fusionforge-$(VER)-$(ID) else VERSION_ID=$(VER) VERSION=fusionforge-$(VER) endif switch: @echo "==========================================================================" @echo "We have detected that your are running a '$(DIST)' distribution." @echo "Use one of the following targets with " @echo "$$ make -f Makefile.$(DIST) " @echo "==========================================================================" @$(MAKE) -f Makefile.$(DIST) check: ## To run test in verbose mode : #cd tests ; phpunit --verbose unit; phpunit --verbose code; cd tests ; php AllTests.php | perl -p -e '$$e=1 if /FAILURE/ ; END { exit 1 if $$e }' checkfull: ## To run test in verbose mode : #cd tests ; phpunit --verbose unit; phpunit --verbose code; phpunit --verbose build cd tests ; php AllFullTests.php checkdebtools: sudo apt-get install php5-cli phpunit php-htmlpurifier pcregrep moreutils createrepo xalan #ubuntu-keyring buildtar: $(BUILDRESULT) rm -fr /tmp/$(VERSION) cd src; find . -type f -or -type l | grep -v '/.svn/' | grep -v '^./debian' | grep -v '^./deb-specific' | grep -v '^./rpm-specific' | grep -v '^./contrib' | grep -v '^./fusionforge.spec' | cpio -pdumB --quiet /tmp/$(VERSION) cd /tmp/$(VERSION); utils/manage-translations.sh build cd /tmp/; tar jcf $(BUILDRESULT)/$(VERSION).tar.bz2 $(VERSION) rm -fr /tmp/$(VERSION) $(BUILDRESULT): mkdir $(BUILDRESULT) build-unit-tests: mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)/reports/coverage cd tests; phpunit --log-junit $(BUILDDIR)/reports/phpunit.xml --coverage-clover $(BUILDDIR)/reports/coverage/clover.xml --coverage-html $(BUILDDIR)/reports/coverage/ AllTests.php cp $(BUILDDIR)/reports/phpunit.xml $(BUILDDIR)/reports/phpunit.xml.org; xalan -in $(BUILDDIR)/reports/phpunit.xml.org -xsl fix_phpunit.xslt -out $(BUILDDIR)/reports/phpunit.xml build-doc: $(DOXYGEN) src/docs/fusionforge.doxygen $(DOXYGEN) src/plugins/wiki/www/doc/phpwiki.doxygen build-full-tests: mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)/build/packages $(BUILDDIR)/reports/coverage find $(BUILDDIR)/build/packages -type f -exec rm -f {} \; -phpcs --tab-width=4 --standard=PEAR --report=checkstyle src/common > $(BUILDDIR)/reports/checkstyle.xml cd tests; phpunit --log-junit $(BUILDDIR)/reports/phpunit.xml --coverage-clover $(BUILDDIR)/reports/coverage/clover.xml --coverage-html $(BUILDDIR)/reports/coverage/ AllFullTests.php cp $(BUILDDIR)/reports/phpunit.xml $(BUILDDIR)/reports/phpunit.xml.org; xalan -in $(BUILDDIR)/reports/phpunit.xml.org -xsl fix_phpunit.xslt -out $(BUILDDIR)/reports/phpunit.xml cd tests; phpunit --log-junit $(BUILDDIR)/reports/phpunit-selenium.xml TarCentos52Tests.php cp $(BUILDDIR)/reports/phpunit-selenium.xml $(BUILDDIR)/reports/phpunit-selenium.xml.org; xalan -in $(BUILDDIR)/reports/phpunit-selenium.xml.org -xsl fix_phpunit.xslt -out $(BUILDDIR)/reports/phpunit-selenium.xml src/plugins/mediawiki/mediawiki-skin/FusionForge.php: $(MAKE) -C src/plugins/mediawiki/mediawiki-skin %: src/plugins/mediawiki/mediawiki-skin/FusionForge.php $(MAKE) -f Makefile.$(DIST) $@