#! /usr/bin/make -f FUSIONFORGE=FusionForge PKGNAME=gforge PKGLETTER=$(shell echo $(PKGNAME) | cut -c1) ORIGIN=debian.fusionforge.org BRANCH=$(shell [ "$(shell echo $(basename $(CURDIR)) | sed 's/.*runk/trunk/')" = "trunk" ] && echo svn || echo brc) BUILDPLACE=$(CURDIR)/builder/buildplace BUILDFILES=$(CURDIR)/builder/buildfiles BUILDRESULT=$(CURDIR)/result COWBUILDERBASE=$(CURDIR)/builder/cow PBUILDERTGZ=$(CURDIR)/builder/tgz TARBALLS=$(CURDIR)/tarballs APTCACHE=$(CURDIR)/builder/cache DISTRIB=$(shell echo $(XDISTRIB) | cut -c2-) LOCALREPODEB=/var/www/debian-fusionforge-$(BRANCH) LOCALREPOUBU=/var/www/ubuntu-fusionforge-$(BRANCH) DEBIANLIST=1lenny 2squeeze 3sid DEBIANLISTP=1etch DEBLIST=$(DEBIANLIST) $(DEBIANLISTP) UBUNTULIST=1hardy 1intrepid 1jaunty UBUNTULISTP=1gutsy UBULIST=$(UBUNTULIST) $(UBUNTULISTP) # Try if a local mirror is available UBUNTUOP=$(shell wget -q -S http://localhost/ubuntu -O /dev/null && echo "--mirror http://localhost/ubuntu" || echo "--mirror http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu") --debootstrap debootstrap gfversion=$(shell head -1 $(PKGNAME)/debian/changelog | sed 's/.*(\(.[^+-]*\).*).*/\1/') gfminor=$(shell head -1 $(PKGNAME)/debian/changelog | sed 's/.*(.[^+-]*[+-]\(.*\)).*/\1/') svnrev=$(shell LANG=C svn info | grep Revision | cut -d: -f2| sed 's/ //g') MINOR=-1 MINOR=-$(BRANCH)$(svnrev)+$(XDISTRIB) DEBUG=--debug DEBUG= DEBBUILDOPTS=--debbuildopts -sa UBUHOOK="--hookdir $(CURDIR)/hook/ubuntu" # Some doc found there http://wiki.debian.org/cowbuilder # Hook are not anymore necessary, but I keep as an example UBUHOOK="--components 'main universe' --debootstrapopts --exclude=udev,pcmciautils,initramfs-tools" UBUHOOK=--components "main universe" --hookdir $(CURDIR)/hook/ubuntu ORIGFILE=$(PKGNAME)_$(gfversion).orig.tar.gz DSCFILE=$(PKGNAME)_$(gfversion)$(MINOR).dsc PDSCFILE=$(PKGNAME)_$(gfversion)$(MINOR)+p.dsc CHANGEFILE=$(PKGNAME)_$(gfversion)$(MINOR)_i386.changes PCHANGEFILE=$(PKGNAME)_$(gfversion)$(MINOR)+p_i386.changes # Quite heavy version, but still requires to be root COWBUILDERCMD=cd $(BUILDPLACE) && dpkg-source -x $(BUILDFILES)/$(DSCFILE) ; cd $(BUILDPLACE)/$(PKGNAME)-$(gfversion) && pdebuild --pbuilder cowbuilder --buildresult $(BUILDRESULT) -- --basepath $(COWBUILDERBASE)/base-$(DISTRIB).cow --buildplace $(BUILDPLACE) --aptcache $(APTCACHE) ; rm -rf $(BUILDPLACE)/$(PKGNAME)-$(gfversion) # This one is with sudo and probably faster COWBUILDERCMD=sudo /usr/sbin/cowbuilder --build --basepath $(COWBUILDERBASE)/base-$(DISTRIB).cow --configfile $(COWBUILDERBASE)/config $(BUILDFILES)/$(DSCFILE) $(DEBBUILDOPTS) # This one is with pbuilder PBUILDERCMD=cd $(BUILDFILES) && sudo /usr/sbin/pbuilder --build --basetgz $(PBUILDERTGZ)/base-$(DISTRIB).tgz --configfile $(PBUILDERTGZ)/config $(BUILDFILES)/$(PDSCFILE) default: list #default: cowbuilddeb #make -f Makefile.debian cowbuilddist XDISTRIB=2squeeze LOCALREPO=$(LOCALREPODEB) list: @echo ====================================================================================== @echo '= Available target are listed below ($(BRANCH)) =' @echo ====================================================================================== @cat Makefile.debian | grep '^.*:.*#$$' | sed 's/FUSIONFORGE/$(FUSIONFORGE)/' | sed 's/^\(.*:\).*#\(.*\)#$$/\1 \2/' @echo ====================================================================================== # # Simple targets # lenny: # Simply build lenny packages # make cowbuilddeb DEBIANLIST=1lenny intrepid: # Simply build intrepid packages # make cowbuildubu UBUNTULIST=1intrepid documentor_path=/tmp documentor_vers=phpdocumentor-1.3.0rc3 # # FUSIONFORGE # orig: $(TARBALLS)/$(ORIGFILE) # Make FUSIONFORGE orig file # # # PHPDOCUMENTOR # phpdoc: phpdocumentor_get phpdocumentor_unpack $(documentor_path)/$(documentor_vers)/patched $(PKGNAME)/docs/phpdoc/docs # Get phpdocumentor, install phpdocumentor, build $(PKGNAME) phpdoc # phpdocumentor_get: [ ! -f $(documentor_path)/$(documentor_vers).tar.gz ] && cd $(documentor_path) && wget http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/phpdocu/$(documentor_vers).tar.gz || true phpdocumentor_unpack: [ ! -d $(documentor_path)/$(documentor_vers) ] && cd $(documentor_path) && tar xvzf $(documentor_vers).tar.gz || true $(documentor_path)/$(documentor_vers)/patched: cd $(documentor_path)/ && patch -p2 < $(CURDIR)/$(PKGNAME)/docs/phpdoc/manageclass.patch && touch $(documentor_path)/$(documentor_vers)/patched $(PKGNAME)/docs/phpdoc/docs: cd $(PKGNAME)/docs/phpdoc/ && ./makedoc.sh # # Build with cowbuilder or pbuilder # all: cowbuilddeb cowbuildubu # ***** Build all package for debian and ubuntu ***** # deploy: repodeb repoubu # ***** Deploy packages in Debian and Ubuntu repositories ***** # repodeb: cowbuilddeb @for dist in $(DEBIANLIST); do \ make -f Makefile.debian localrepo reprepro XDISTRIB=$$dist LOCALREPO=$(LOCALREPODEB) DISTRIBLIST="$(DEBLIST)" ; \ done repoubu: cowbuildubu @for dist in $(UBUNTULIST); do \ make -f Makefile.debian localrepo reprepro XDISTRIB=$$dist LOCALREPO=$(LOCALREPOUBU) DISTRIBLIST="$(UBULIST)" ; \ done cowbuildtest: @echo "Will build $(PKGNAME)_$(gfversion)$(MINOR)$(DISTRIB)" cowbuilddeb: # ***** This is the one to cowbuild debian packages ***** # @for dist in $(DEBIANLIST); do \ make -f Makefile.debian cowbuilddist XDISTRIB=$$dist DISTROOP="$(DEBIANOP)" ; \ done cowbuildubu: # ***** This is the one to cowbuild ubuntu packages ***** # @for dist in $(UBUNTULIST); do \ make -f Makefile.debian cowbuilddist XDISTRIB=$$dist DISTROOP="$(UBUNTUOP)" HOOK='$(UBUHOOK)' ; \ done pbuilddeb: # pbuild debian packages (less recommended) # @for dist in $(DEBIANLISTP); do \ make -f Makefile.debian pbuilddist XDISTRIB=$$dist DISTROOP="$(DEBIANOP)" LOCALREPO=$(LOCALREPODEB) ; \ done pbuildubu: # pbuild ubuntu packages (less recommended) # @for dist in $(UBUNTULISTP); do \ make -f Makefile.debian pbuilddist XDISTRIB=$$dist DISTROOP="$(UBUNTUOP)" LOCALREPO=$(LOCALREPOUBU) ; \ done cowbuilddist: cowbuilderenv $(BUILDFILES) $(BUILDRESULT)/$(CHANGEFILE) @echo "Building $(BUILDRESULT)/$(CHANGEFILE)" pbuilddist: pbuilderenv $(BUILDFILES) $(BUILDRESULT)/$(PCHANGEFILE) @echo "Building $(BUILDRESULT)/$(PCHANGEFILE)" $(BUILDRESULT)/$(CHANGEFILE): $(BUILDFILES)/$(DSCFILE) $(COWBUILDERCMD) $(BUILDRESULT)/$(PCHANGEFILE): $(BUILDFILES)/$(PDSCFILE) $(PBUILDERCMD) $(BUILDFILES)/$(DSCFILE): $(BUILDFILES)/$(ORIGFILE) cd $(PKGNAME) ; debclean find $(PKGNAME) -type f -or -type l | grep -v '/CVS/' | grep -v '/.svn/' | grep -v rpm-specific | grep -v docs/phpdoc/docs | grep -v ^./debian/ | cpio -pdumB $(BUILDFILES)/ # Set version for given distrib cd $(BUILDFILES)/$(PKGNAME); dch -b -v $(gfversion)$(MINOR) -D UNRELEASED "This is $(DISTRIB) autobuild" perl -pi -e "s/UNRELEASED/$(DISTRIB)/" $(BUILDFILES)/$(PKGNAME)/debian/changelog cd $(BUILDFILES) ; dpkg-source -b $(PKGNAME) rm -rf $(BUILDFILES)/$(PKGNAME) $(BUILDFILES)/$(PDSCFILE): $(BUILDFILES)/$(ORIGFILE) cd $(PKGNAME) ; debclean find $(PKGNAME) -type f -or -type l | grep -v '/CVS/' | grep -v '/.svn/' | grep -v rpm-specific | grep -v docs/phpdoc/docs | grep -v ^./debian/ | cpio -pdumB $(BUILDFILES)/ # Set version for given distrib cd $(BUILDFILES)/$(PKGNAME); dch -b -v $(gfversion)$(MINOR)+p -D UNRELEASED "This is $(DISTRIB) autobuild" perl -pi -e "s/UNRELEASED/$(DISTRIB)/" $(BUILDFILES)/$(PKGNAME)/debian/changelog cd $(BUILDFILES) ; dpkg-source -b $(PKGNAME) rm -rf $(BUILDFILES)/$(PKGNAME) $(BUILDFILES)/$(ORIGFILE): $(TARBALLS)/$(ORIGFILE) cp $(TARBALLS)/$(ORIGFILE) $(BUILDFILES) $(TARBALLS)/$(ORIGFILE): $(TARBALLS) cd $(PKGNAME) ; debclean find $(PKGNAME) -type f -or -type l | grep -v '/CVS/' | grep -v '/.svn/' | grep -v rpm-specific | grep -v docs/phpdoc/docs | grep -v ^./debian/ | cpio -o -H ustar | gzip > $(TARBALLS)/$(ORIGFILE) pbuilderenv: $(PBUILDERTGZ) $(PBUILDERTGZ)/base-$(DISTRIB).tgz @echo "Ready for $(DISTRIB)" cowbuilderenv: $(COWBUILDERBASE) $(COWBUILDERBASE)/base-$(DISTRIB).stamp @echo "Ready for $(DISTRIB)" $(PBUILDERTGZ)/base-$(DISTRIB).tgz: $(PBUILDERTGZ)/config sudo /usr/sbin/pbuilder --create --distribution $(DISTRIB) --basetgz $(PBUILDERTGZ)/base-$(DISTRIB).tgz --configfile $(PBUILDERTGZ)/config $(DISTROOP) $(COWBUILDERBASE)/base-$(DISTRIB).stamp: $(COWBUILDERBASE)/config sudo /usr/sbin/cowbuilder --create $(HOOK) --distribution $(DISTRIB) --basepath $(COWBUILDERBASE)/base-$(DISTRIB).cow --configfile $(COWBUILDERBASE)/config $(DISTROOP) touch $(COWBUILDERBASE)/base-$(DISTRIB).stamp $(PBUILDERTGZ)/config: /usr/sbin/pbuilder echo "APTCACHE=$(APTCACHE)" > $(PBUILDERTGZ)/config echo "BUILDPLACE=$(BUILDPLACE)" >> $(PBUILDERTGZ)/config echo "BUILDRESULT=$(BUILDRESULT)" >> $(PBUILDERTGZ)/config $(COWBUILDERBASE)/config: /usr/sbin/cowbuilder echo "APTCACHE=$(APTCACHE)" > $(COWBUILDERBASE)/config echo "BUILDPLACE=$(BUILDPLACE)" >> $(COWBUILDERBASE)/config echo "BUILDRESULT=$(BUILDRESULT)" >> $(COWBUILDERBASE)/config /usr/sbin/pbuilder: sudo apt-get install pbuilder ubukey: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B5 gpg --export --armor 40976EAF437D05B5 | sudo apt-key add - /usr/sbin/cowbuilder: sudo apt-get install cowdancer localrepo: $(LOCALREPO) $(LOCALREPO)/conf $(LOCALREPO)/conf/distributions reprepro: $(LOCALREPO)/pool/main/$(PKGLETTER)/$(PKGNAME)/$(DSCFILE) # Install in repository $(LOCALREPO)/pool/main/$(PKGLETTER)/$(PKGNAME)/$(DSCFILE): $(BUILDRESULT)/$(CHANGEFILE) cd $(BUILDRESULT); reprepro -Vb $(LOCALREPO) include $(DISTRIB) $(CHANGEFILE) $(LOCALREPO)/conf/distributions: for xdist in $(DISTRIBLIST) ; do \ dist=`echo $$xdist | cut -c2-` ; \ echo "Codename: $$dist" ; \ echo "Suite: $$dist" ; \ echo "Components: main" ; \ echo "UDebComponents: main" ; \ echo "Architectures: amd64 i386 source" ; \ echo "Origin: $(ORIGIN)" ; \ echo "Version: 4.7" ; \ echo "Description: My $(FUSIONFORGE) $$dist repository" ; \ echo "SignWith: yes" ; \ echo "" ; done >> $(LOCALREPO)/conf/distributions $(LOCALREPO)/conf: mkdir $(LOCALREPO)/conf $(TARBALLS): mkdir -p $(TARBALLS) $(BUILDFILES): mkdir -p $(BUILDFILES) $(COWBUILDERBASE): mkdir -p $(COWBUILDERBASE) $(PBUILDERTGZ): mkdir -p $(PBUILDERTGZ) $(LOCALREPO): sudo mkdir $(LOCALREPO) sudo chown `id -u`.`id -g` $(LOCALREPO)