* @homepage * @package ARC2 * @version 2010-07-06 */ ARC2::inc('Class'); class ARC2_Reader extends ARC2_Class { function __construct($a = '', &$caller) { parent::__construct($a, $caller); } function ARC2_Reader($a = '', &$caller) { $this->__construct($a, $caller); } function __init() {/* inc_path, proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_skip, http_accept_header, http_user_agent_header, max_redirects */ parent::__init(); $this->http_method = $this->v('http_method', 'GET', $this->a); $this->message_body = $this->v('message_body', '', $this->a);; $this->http_accept_header = $this->v('http_accept_header', 'Accept: application/rdf+xml; q=0.9, */*; q=0.1', $this->a); $this->http_user_agent_header = $this->v('http_user_agent_header', 'User-Agent: ARC Reader (http://arc.semsol.org/)', $this->a); $this->http_custom_headers = $this->v('http_custom_headers', '', $this->a); $this->max_redirects = $this->v('max_redirects', 3, $this->a); $this->format = $this->v('format', false, $this->a); $this->redirects = array(); $this->stream_id = ''; $this->timeout = $this->v('reader_timeout', 30, $this->a); $this->response_headers = array(); $this->digest_auth = 0; $this->auth_infos = $this->v('reader_auth_infos', array(), $this->a); } /* */ function setHTTPMethod($v) { $this->http_method = $v; } function setMessageBody($v) { $this->message_body = $v; } function setAcceptHeader($v) { $this->http_accept_header = $v; } function setCustomHeaders($v) { $this->http_custom_headers = $v; } function addCustomHeaders($v) { if ($this->http_custom_headers) $this->http_custom_headers .= "\r\n"; $this->http_custom_headers .= $v; } /* */ function activate($path, $data = '', $ping_only = 0, $timeout = 0) { $this->setCredentials($path); $this->ping_only = $ping_only; if ($timeout) $this->timeout = $timeout; $id = md5($path . ' ' . $data); if ($this->stream_id != $id) { $this->stream_id = $id; /* data uri? */ if (!$data && preg_match('/^data\:([^\,]+)\,(.*)$/', $path, $m)) { $path = ''; $data = preg_match('/base64/', $m[1]) ? base64_decode($m[2]) : rawurldecode($m[2]); } $this->base = $this->calcBase($path); $this->uri = $this->calcURI($path, $this->base); $this->stream = ($data) ? $this->getDataStream($data) : $this->getSocketStream($this->base, $ping_only); if ($this->stream && !$this->ping_only) { $this->getFormat(); } } } /* * HTTP Basic/Digest + Proxy authorization can be defined in the * arc_reader_credentials config setting: 'arc_reader_credentials' => array( 'http://basic.example.com/' => 'user:pass', // shortcut for type=basic 'http://digest.example.com/' => 'user::pass', // shortcut for type=digest 'http://proxy.example.com/' => array('type' => 'basic', 'proxy', 'user' => 'user', 'pass' => 'pass'), ), */ function setCredentials($url) { if (!$creds = $this->v('arc_reader_credentials', array(), $this->a)) return 0; foreach ($creds as $pattern => $creds) { /* digest shortcut (user::pass) */ if (!is_array($creds) && preg_match('/^(.+)\:\:(.+)$/', $creds, $m)) { $creds = array('type' => 'digest', 'user' => $m[1], 'pass' => $m[2]); } /* basic shortcut (user:pass) */ if (!is_array($creds) && preg_match('/^(.+)\:(.+)$/', $creds, $m)) { $creds = array('type' => 'basic', 'user' => $m[1], 'pass' => $m[2]); } if (!is_array($creds)) return 0; $regex = '/' . preg_replace('/([\:\/\.\?])/', '\\\\\1', $pattern) . '/'; if (!preg_match($regex, $url)) continue; $mthd = 'set' . $this->camelCase($creds['type']) . 'AuthCredentials'; if (method_exists($this, $mthd)) $this->$mthd($creds, $url); } } function setBasicAuthCredentials($creds) { $auth = 'Basic ' . base64_encode($creds['user'] . ':' . $creds['pass']); $h = in_array('proxy', $creds) ? 'Proxy-Authorization' : 'Authorization'; $this->addCustomHeaders($h . ': ' . $auth); //echo $h . ': ' . $auth . print_r($creds, 1); } function setDigestAuthCredentials($creds, $url) { $path = $this->v1('path', '/', parse_url($url)); $auth = ''; $hs = $this->getResponseHeaders(); /* initial 401 */ $h = $this->v('www-authenticate', '', $hs); if ($h && preg_match('/Digest/i', $h)) { $auth = 'Digest '; /* Digest realm="$realm", nonce="$nonce", qop="auth", opaque="$opaque" */ $ks = array('realm', 'nonce', 'opaque');/* skipping qop, assuming "auth" */ foreach ($ks as $i => $k) { $$k = preg_match('/' . $k . '=\"?([^\"]+)\"?/i', $h, $m) ? $m[1] : ''; $auth .= ($i ? ', ' : '') . $k . '="' . $$k . '"'; $this->auth_infos[$k] = $$k; } $this->auth_infos['auth'] = $auth; $this->auth_infos['request_count'] = 1; } /* initial 401 or repeated request */ if ($this->v('auth', 0, $this->auth_infos)) { $qop = 'auth'; $auth = $this->auth_infos['auth']; $rc = $this->auth_infos['request_count']; $realm = $this->auth_infos['realm']; $nonce = $this->auth_infos['nonce']; $ha1 = md5($creds['user'] . ':' . $realm . ':' . $creds['pass']); $ha2 = md5($this->http_method . ':' . $path); $nc = dechex($rc); $cnonce = dechex($rc * 2); $resp = md5($ha1 . ':' . $nonce . ':' . $nc . ':' . $cnonce . ':' . $qop . ':' . $ha2); $auth .= ', username="' . $creds['user'] . '"' . ', uri="' . $path . '"' . ', qop=' . $qop . '' . ', nc=' . $nc . ', cnonce="' . $cnonce . '"' . ', uri="' . $path . '"' . ', response="' . $resp . '"' . ''; $this->auth_infos['request_count'] = $rc + 1; } if (!$auth) return 0; $h = in_array('proxy', $creds) ? 'Proxy-Authorization' : 'Authorization'; $this->addCustomHeaders($h . ': ' . $auth); } /* */ function useProxy($url) { if (!$this->v1('proxy_host', 0, $this->a)) { return false; } $skips = $this->v1('proxy_skip', array(), $this->a); foreach ($skips as $skip) { if (strpos($url, $skip) !== false) { return false; } } return true; } /* */ function createStream($path, $data = '') { $this->base = $this->calcBase($path); $this->stream = ($data) ? $this->getDataStream($data) : $this->getSocketStream($this->base); } function getDataStream($data) { return array('type' => 'data', 'pos' => 0, 'headers' => array(), 'size' => strlen($data), 'data' => $data, 'buffer' => ''); } function getSocketStream($url) { if ($url == 'file://') { return $this->addError('Error: file does not exists or is not accessible'); } $parts = parse_url($url); $mappings = array('file' => 'File', 'http' => 'HTTP', 'https' => 'HTTP'); if ($scheme = $this->v(strtolower($parts['scheme']), '', $mappings)) { return $this->m('get' . $scheme . 'Socket', $url, $this->getDataStream('')); } } function getFileSocket($url) { $parts = parse_url($url); $s = file_exists($parts['path']) ? @fopen($parts['path'], 'rb') : false; if (!$s) { return $this->addError('Socket error: Could not open "' . $parts['path'] . '"'); } return array('type' => 'socket', 'socket' =>& $s, 'headers' => array(), 'pos' => 0, 'size' => filesize($parts['path']), 'buffer' => ''); } function getHTTPSocket($url, $redirs = 0, $prev_parts = '') { $parts = parse_url($url); /* relative redirect */ if (!isset($parts['scheme']) && $prev_parts) $parts['scheme'] = $prev_parts['scheme']; if (!isset($parts['host']) && $prev_parts) $parts['host'] = $prev_parts['host']; /* no scheme */ if (!$this->v('scheme', '', $parts)) return $this->addError('Socket error: Missing URI scheme.'); /* port tweaks */ $parts['port'] = ($parts['scheme'] == 'https') ? $this->v1('port', 443, $parts) : $this->v1('port', 80, $parts); $nl = "\r\n"; $http_mthd = strtoupper($this->http_method); if ($this->v1('user', 0, $parts) || $this->useProxy($url)) { $h_code = $http_mthd . ' ' . $url; } else { $h_code = $http_mthd . ' ' . $this->v1('path', '/', $parts) . (($v = $this->v1('query', 0, $parts)) ? '?' . $v : '') . (($v = $this->v1('fragment', 0, $parts)) ? '#' . $v : ''); } $port_code = ($parts['port'] != 80) ? ':' . $parts['port'] : ''; $h_code .= ' HTTP/1.0' . $nl. 'Host: ' . $parts['host'] . $port_code . $nl . (($v = $this->http_accept_header) ? $v . $nl : '') . (($v = $this->http_user_agent_header) && !preg_match('/User\-Agent\:/', $this->http_custom_headers) ? $v . $nl : '') . (($http_mthd == 'POST') ? 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($this->message_body) . $nl : '') . ($this->http_custom_headers ? trim($this->http_custom_headers) . $nl : '') . $nl . ''; /* post body */ if ($http_mthd == 'POST') { $h_code .= $this->message_body . $nl; } /* connect */ if ($this->useProxy($url)) { $s = @fsockopen($this->a['proxy_host'], $this->a['proxy_port'], $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout); } elseif (($parts['scheme'] == 'https') && function_exists('stream_socket_client')) { // SSL options via config array, code by Hannes Muehleisen (muehleis@informatik.hu-berlin.de) $context = stream_context_create(); foreach ($this->a as $k => $v) { if (preg_match('/^arc_reader_ssl_(.+)$/', $k, $m)) { stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', $m[1], $v); } } $s = stream_socket_client('ssl://' . $parts['host'] . $port_code, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context); } elseif ($parts['scheme'] == 'https') { $s = @fsockopen('ssl://' . $parts['host'], $parts['port'], $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout); } elseif ($parts['scheme'] == 'http') { $s = @fsockopen($parts['host'], $parts['port'], $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout); } if (!$s) { return $this->addError('Socket error: Could not connect to "' . $url . '" (proxy: ' . ($this->useProxy($url) ? '1' : '0') . '): ' . $errstr); } /* request */ fwrite($s, $h_code); /* timeout */ if ($this->timeout) { //stream_set_blocking($s, false); stream_set_timeout($s, $this->timeout); } /* response headers */ $h = array(); $this->response_headers = $h; if (!$this->ping_only) { do { $line = trim(fgets($s, 4096)); $info = stream_get_meta_data($s); if (preg_match("/^HTTP[^\s]+\s+([0-9]{1})([0-9]{2})(.*)$/i", $line, $m)) {/* response code */ $error = in_array($m[1], array('4', '5')) ? $m[1] . $m[2] . ' ' . $m[3] : ''; $error = ($m[1].$m[2] == '304') ? '304 '.$m[3] : $error; $h['response-code'] = $m[1] . $m[2]; $h['error'] = $error; $h['redirect'] = ($m[1] == '3') ? true : false; } elseif (preg_match('/^([^\:]+)\:\s*(.*)$/', $line, $m)) {/* header */ $h_name = strtolower($m[1]); if (!isset($h[$h_name])) {/* 1st value */ $h[$h_name] = trim($m[2]); } elseif (!is_array($h[$h_name])) {/* 2nd value */ $h[$h_name] = array($h[$h_name], trim($m[2])); } else {/* more values */ $h[$h_name][] = trim($m[2]); } } } while(!$info['timed_out'] && !feof($s) && $line); $h['format'] = strtolower(preg_replace('/^([^\s]+).*$/', '\\1', $this->v('content-type', '', $h))); $h['encoding'] = preg_match('/(utf\-8|iso\-8859\-1|us\-ascii)/', $this->v('content-type', '', $h), $m) ? strtoupper($m[1]) : ''; $h['encoding'] = preg_match('/charset=\s*([^\s]+)/si', $this->v('content-type', '', $h), $m) ? strtoupper($m[1]) : $h['encoding']; $this->response_headers = $h; /* result */ if ($info['timed_out']) { return $this->addError('Connection timed out after ' . $this->timeout . ' seconds'); } /* error */ if ($v = $this->v('error', 0, $h)) { /* digest auth */ /* 401 received */ if (preg_match('/Digest/i', $this->v('www-authenticate', '', $h)) && !$this->digest_auth) { $this->setCredentials($url); $this->digest_auth = 1; return $this->getHTTPSocket($url); } return $this->addError($error . ' "' . (!feof($s) ? trim(strip_tags(fread($s, 128))) . '..."' : '')); } /* redirect */ if ($this->v('redirect', 0, $h) && ($new_url = $this->v1('location', 0, $h))) { fclose($s); $this->redirects[$url] = $new_url; $this->base = $new_url; if ($redirs > $this->max_redirects) { return $this->addError('Max numbers of redirects exceeded.'); } return $this->getHTTPSocket($new_url, $redirs+1, $parts); } } if ($this->timeout) { stream_set_blocking($s, true); } return array('type' => 'socket', 'url' => $url, 'socket' =>& $s, 'headers' => $h, 'pos' => 0, 'size' => $this->v('content-length', 0, $h), 'buffer' => ''); } function readStream($buffer_xml = true, $d_size = 1024) { //if (!$s = $this->v('stream')) return ''; if (!$s = $this->v('stream')) return $this->addError('missing stream in "readStream" ' . $this->uri); $s_type = $this->v('type', '', $s); $r = $s['buffer']; $s['buffer'] = ''; if ($s['size']) $d_size = min($d_size, $s['size'] - $s['pos']); /* data */ if ($s_type == 'data') { $d = ($d_size > 0) ? substr($s['data'], $s['pos'], $d_size) : ''; } /* socket */ elseif ($s_type == 'socket') { $d = ($d_size > 0) && !feof($s['socket']) ? fread($s['socket'], $d_size) : ''; } $eof = $d ? false : true; /* chunked despite HTTP 1.0 request */ if (isset($s['headers']) && isset($s['headers']['transfer-encoding']) && ($s['headers']['transfer-encoding'] == 'chunked')) { $d = preg_replace('/(^|[\r\n]+)[0-9a-f]{1,4}[\r\n]+/', '', $d); } $s['pos'] += strlen($d); if ($buffer_xml) {/* stop after last closing xml tag (if available) */ if (preg_match('/^(.*\>)([^\>]*)$/s', $d, $m)) { $d = $m[1]; $s['buffer'] = $m[2]; } elseif (!$eof) { $s['buffer'] = $r . $d; $this->stream = $s; return $this->readStream(true, $d_size); } } $this->stream = $s; return $r . $d; } function closeStream() { if (isset($this->stream)) { if ($this->v('type', 0, $this->stream) == 'socket') { @fclose($this->stream['socket']); } unset($this->stream); } } /* */ function getFormat() { if (!$this->format) { if (!$this->v('stream')) { return $this->addError('missing stream in "getFormat"'); } $v = $this->readStream(false); $mtype = $this->v('format', '', $this->stream['headers']); $this->stream['buffer'] = $v . $this->stream['buffer']; $ext = preg_match('/\.([^\.]+)$/', $this->uri, $m) ? $m[1] : ''; $this->format = ARC2::getFormat($v, $mtype, $ext); } return $this->format; } /* */ function getResponseHeaders() { if (isset($this->stream) && isset($this->stream['headers'])) { return $this->stream['headers']; } return $this->response_headers; } function getEncoding($default = 'UTF-8') { return $this->v1('encoding', $default, $this->stream['headers']); } function getRedirects() { return $this->redirects; } function getAuthInfos() { return $this->auth_infos; } /* */ }